When you enter a school in Korea, the dormitory is the most convenient place to live in. However, for doctors and people who have favorable circumstances, there are several types of accommodation to select. Universities provide help to students in finding a place to stay and in understanding the contract conditions. Students have to decide where to stay in Korea before leaving their countries. After staying in a place temporarily, you could find a place to stay permanently without restrictions.
Residential Types
Most universities in Korea manage apartments on campus, dormitories, and various residences of this type. There are various types of dormitories: dormitories that only provide rooms; dormitories where you can cook, and dormitories that provide room and food. Among these types you can choose a room for 2 people or for 4 people. There are dormitories that provide food, but there are also dormitories that don't do so. Usually dormitories provide sports facilities, meeting lounges, study rooms, library and computer facilities. The dormitory expenditures differ in regions, types of rooms and the number of persons. Generally, it costs around $100-$200 without food costs.
Boarding House
For people who would like to live in a boarding house, a boarding house provides room and food and receives payment. Most of the boarding houses manage a small scale boarding house. Many students use this type of residence. Usually, students pay monthly, however each boarding house rent differs slightly. Boarding houses provide food, so it can help students to learn the types of food in Korea. The boarding house is popular for young students and short term researchers because it is the best way to familiarize oneself with Korean lifestyle naturally. However, it is hard to keep your privacy in a boarding house, because it is a communal type of residence. There are many boarding houses around the university. You can find information about them on bulletin boards and in advertisements. When you find a room, you can call the landlord first and then visit the house. Before applying for a contract, examine the room first, and ask the owner precise information such as when you can move or if there aren't any special procedures included in the contract.
One Room
Residence culture is changing in Korea. A common type of residence is one room designed for single people. One room includes facilities such as eating, sleeping and cooking facilities. There are two types of payments for one room, one is the lease of a room on a deposit basis and the other is monthly rental plus deposit.
Officetel and Apartment, Accommodation Unit
There are different places to rent while staying in Korea. These include Officetel, apartment, and a house good for one person only. You can rent a house with one room which is good for one person or a house with several rooms which are good for several people. In Korea, there are no special restrictions or conditions in renting a room or a house. However, because of the deposit that should be returned to you after your contract has expired, you should go to a district office to register for protection in relation to the contract lease or rental. You should wait for the approval of the contract because it would serve as your protection when legal problems arise.
Kinds of Lease
A large deposit (“chonse”) is given to a house owner once except for tax. The general condition for a 2-year contract is, after the expiration of the contract, a lessee can receive his/her deposit.
Monthly rental
This is a type of payment where a deposit is given to the house owner as well as payment for the room or house rental every month. Usually this type of payment is suitable for one room, room good for one person only and for people who move frequently.
Ways to Find a House
Place Confirmation
After deciding the type of place in which you want to live, you have to find necessary information from real estate offices, house advertisements in newspapers and other advertisements. Authorized real estate offices and agencies help make a contract for house purchase and house rental with a few charges. Next, find out information about distance and price, structure of the house (bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, veranda) with a friend or agent. You have to check how to keep the house warm because it is cold in Korea in winter. If you use gas to warm your house, it is cheaper and more convenient.
After finding a suitable house, make a contract. You have to make a contract at the authorized real estate office. This contract can protect you from bad circumstances. When you make a contract, you usually give the house owner 10% of the rental fee. You give the remaining fee after moving into the house. When you make a contract at the real estate office, you have to pay the real estate personnel some amount of money.
Receiving a date of approval
After moving, go to a district office and report the moving and receive a stamp of the date of approval on your contract. This method is implemented by the Korean government, so that if bad circumstances arise, we can first get your rental fee back.
Important Notice
The period of contract for lease is usually two years. The period of contract for monthly rental plus deposit is usually several months or two years. The period of contract should be discussed with the owner. The house payment is usually paid in advance. When you make a contract for lease, you have to check the registration record copy of the contractor and owner to see if they are identical, as well as whether or not the building and land are under mortgage.
当你决定了你想租的房子的类型以及租房的地点之后,你必须从房地产公司的办公室、报纸上的租房广告以及其他的广告中找到必要的信息。你可以授权的房地产公司和中介帮助你制定购房和租房的合同,他们仅仅收取少量的服务费。接下来,你可以跟你的朋友或者中介一起搞清楚房子的距离、价格、房屋结构(卫生间、厨房、卧室、阳台) 等相关信息。你还必须要检查房子的制暖效果如何,因为韩国的冬天真的很冷。如果你使用天然气来在房间里制暖会更便宜也更加方便。
“Why go to graduate school?” is a question many students ask after completing their undergraduate degree, unsure of whether grad school is really the best way to help them achieve their career goals. Both the cost in tuition fees and the extra length of time out of employment can mean that applying to graduate school is a decision not to be made lightly.
For this reason, it is essential that your overriding reasons to go to grad school are firmly founded. Below is a list of 10 of the most common reasons to go to grad school, which, depending on your field and mindset, should help you decide whether applying to graduate school is the best next step for you.
1. Invest in your future
Although it’s not strictly necessary to have a firm view of your future career before applying to graduate school, it certainly helps. This is because grad school often acts as the academic version of professional training, enabling students to graduate with all the right knowledge in all the right places, ready to jump straight into their desired careers.
Either way, students applying to graduate school should do so with their eyes on the future, seeing further study as an investment in their own potential and not simply as a way to postpone the end of student life.
2. Get noticed in today’s job market
More people than ever are attending graduate school today, and because of this an undergraduate degree alone can sometimes fail to get you noticed alongside equally or more highly qualified candidates. With university education in contemporary society increasingly viewed as more of a rite of passage than a luxury, and 11% of the workforce (in the UK) now holding a graduate degree, bachelor degree holders are struggling to appeal to employers even at entry level in certain industries – especially when up against candidates with PhDs.
3. Get more than a qualification
Whereas much of the worth of an undergraduate degree is in the qualification itself, the most important reasons to go to grad school may be more for the professional skills you’ll gain, the personal development you’ll undergo and the valuable connections you’ll make with fellow graduate students, academics and industry experts.
It’s frequently said that grad school is about much more than obtaining a few letters behind your name and a fancy piece of paper; it’s about developing yourself professionally so that you’re ready to enter the world of work. If you act smart in grad school, by the time you graduate you’ll have built yourself a professional landing mat of contacts and relationships, which will serve to keep you in the field and, ultimately, employed.
4. Pursue your interests in more depth
Although most undergraduate degrees allow students the opportunity to study modules and classes of personal interest, a graduate degree does this to a much greater extent. In order to get the most out of your graduate degree, you will be expected to conduct personal research alongside set study topics, in order to develop your thoughts and ideas regarding something that deeply interests you.
Attending extracurricular activities and meetings, hearing from guest speakers and lecturers as well as full-time faculty members you find interesting, is what makes grad school so diverse and multidisciplinary. For students with passionate academic interests then, the answer to the question “why go to graduate school?” is obvious!
5. Contribute to the world’s knowledge
If you’re someone who wants to contribute to the world within any field, professionally or academically, you’re going to have to know your subject inside-out. For STEM subjects or other highly specialized fields, grad school helps to make that happen. Kylie Rochford, a graduate student at Case Western Reserve University, explains that this was one of her main reasons to go to grad school: “Undergraduate study gave me the opportunity to understand existing knowledge in my field. Graduate school gives me the opportunity to contribute to that knowledge.”
如果你是一个想要在任何领域,不管是专业领域还是学术领域,对世界作出贡献的人,你就必须彻底地了解你的专业。对于STEM专业(即科学Science、技术Technology、工程Engineering、数学Mathematics这四个专业的首字母)或其他高度专业化的领域,研究生院能够帮助你实现这个想法。Kylie Rochford是一名凯斯西储大学的研究生,她说,这就是她去研究生院就读的主要原因之一:“本科阶段的学习给了我机会去了解我专业领域里现有的知识。研究生院给了我机会去为这种知识作出贡献。”
6. Make connections
Grad school is different to undergraduate studies in a number of ways. One difference is that while undergraduate level student life is widely associated with socializing, sleeping late and cramming alone in the library, grad school is much more about connecting with people professionally – not just fellow graduate students but faculty members too.
So while you may have locked yourself away in the darkest corner of the campus library during your years as an undergraduate, as a graduate degree student you’ll need to learn how to network like a pro by honing your ‘people skills’. If that sounds scary, remember that networking doesn’t have to be a dirty word; networking is your friend! In the professional world, networking is something many of us must do to get our feet in the door, and simply means you’ll be connecting with like-minded people within a professional context in order to collaborate, discuss and further your own knowledge, skills and professional circle.
Not only will you be making professional connections, as a graduate student you’ll be making good friendships as well. The very nature of graduate school makes finding friends who are motivated, focused and mature just that little bit easier; your grad school friends could be the ones you end up sticking to for longest.
7. Increase your financial prospects
Bettered financial prospects is a popular answer to the question “Why go to graduate school?” – though it may not necessarily be the most important factor. Even so, a graduate degree has been found to improve the financial prospects of UK workers by over UK£5,000 (US$8,200) more each year, compared to someone holding just a bachelor’s degree. Although this may not seem like a life-changing amount, the additional money accumulated in a working lifetime works out at around UK£200,000 (US$328,700). And that’s just the extra!
8. Get academic recognition
Grad school provides a stable forum to research and explore theories and ideas. If during your degree you conduct any research that is particularly exceptional, the chances are you’ll be recognized for that achievement by the academic community – perhaps by being invited to present your paper at a conference, contribute to a research project, and even receive accreditation in a piece of work published in a journal. International recognition is also a prospect for those who continue their research after graduation, and one day, who knows, you may well become a prominent expert in your field.
9. Work with the best
At grad school you’ll be surrounded by leading thinkers in your field – including both the faculty members and guest experts at the front of the lecture hall, and the fellow graduate students around you. When working with people we’re inspired by and look up to, staying motivated and working hard is much, much easier.
In addition to all these talented people, you should also have access to excellent material resources, potentially including the latest technologies and high-end equipment being used within your field, such as spectral imaging scanners or nanotechnology systems.
10. Gain an internationally recognizable qualification
Although last in this list of reasons to go to grad school, gaining a qualification which is recognized by employers around the world is incredibly important to many prospective graduate students. This is particularly the case for international students and students wishing to work abroad.