考文垂大学(Coventry University)成立于1843年,是英国的一所有老牌名校。考文垂大学在2016卫报英国大学排名中位居英国第15名 ,具有十分强劲的竞争力。100多年来,大学取得了巨大的进步。大学最突出的专业是汽车工程和汽车设计专业,高居全英第一、全球第三的顶尖水平。考文垂大学今年都有哪些奖学金可以申请呢?和留学群来看看吧。
About our scholarships
We’ve set up a £1.5 million scholarship fund because we believe that talented students should be given every opportunity to fulfil their potential. For the September 2017 intake we have a wide range of scholarships available, worth up to £5,000 each!
Our scholarships include Enterprise awards, High Achievers programmes, and our renowned Future Global Leaders scholarship. No matter which country you’re from, which course you’re studying, or if you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate - there’s bound to be a Coventry University scholarship that you can apply for.
考文垂大学已经设立了150万英镑的奖学金基金,因为学校相信有才能的学生应该有机会实现他们的潜力。从2017年9月开始,学校提供众多奖学金,每项奖学金的数额高达5,000 英镑。
International Undergraduate Scholarships
1.Coventry Academic Performance Scholarship
About the Award
The Coventry Academic Performance Scholarship (CAPS) (formerly the Merit Scholarship Scheme) has been successfully awarded to thousands of students in the past.
The CAPS Scholarship is available to all international students applying for full-time undergraduate programmes who have submitted an application for study 30th June 2017. You do not need to fill out a separate application form for this award.
The Scholarships are allocated to applicants on the basis of their academic merit. Allocation will be decided on assessment of the following;
Hold at least two of three A-levels (or their equivalent in your country) at grade A.
Understanding of the course and motivation to study at Coventry
Extra-curricular or work experience
Further Information
Please note that this scholarship cannot be combined with any other Coventry University scholarship. In cases where an applicant is awarded more than one Coventry University award, the award which provides the greatest benefit to the student will apply.
The decision to award a student this scholarship is at the sole discretion of Coventry University. Coventry University reserves the right to determine the number of scholarships to award from this category.
This award is for international fee payers only.
Application Deadlines
September 2017 entry: 30th June 2017
2.Future Global Leaders Scholarship
About the Award
Chosen by our Deputy Vice Chancellor (International Development), Professor David Pilsbury, the successful recipients of the Global Leaders Scholarship will be awarded to three aspirational international students who can demonstrate their drive and ambition to become international global leaders of the future.
Before you apply for this scholarship you must have completed an application for a September 2017 course. The scholarship application form will require you to provide your Application ID.
In order to be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must:
Be an international fee paying and self-funded student
Have been offered a place to study at one of Coventry University’s full-time undergraduate courses
Hold at least two of three A-levels (or their equivalent in your country) at grade A.
Submit a scholarship application including a statement of support which should not exceed 500 words prior to the application deadline of 30th June 2017 (for September entry).
Your statement of support should state succinctly the outstanding leadership skills that you have demonstrated prior to study in addition to how you will use the knowledge gained from your chosen degree programme to become a future global leader.
Members of the International Office will consider each application on its merits to create a shortlist. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by Deputy Vice Chancellor International, Professor David Pilsbury. If shortlisted, be available for a telephone or Skype interview.
The successful recipients of the awards should be prepared to represent Coventry University as a student advocate alongside their studies. They will be required to work with the International Office to provide information which can be included for promotional purposes, including, but not limited to, the regular contribution of material for a blog.
Further Information
Please note that this scholarship cannot be combined with any other Coventry University scholarship or discount. In cases where an applicant is awarded more than one Coventry University award, the award which provides the highest value to the student will apply
Continuing funding over years 2 and 3 is subject to students passing each year with a minimum average grade of 55% and the attendance legally required to satisfy visa requirements
Application Deadlines
September 2017 entry: 30th June 2017
未来全球领导人奖学金有三个名额,由副校长David Pilsbury教授选定,颁发给能够证明具备成为国际未来领导人所需的动力和抱负的有追求的国际生。
(3)持有至少两科 A-level考试成绩,成绩达到A,或者持有自己国家同等考试成绩;
(6)国际办公室的工作人员将根据学术表现,对每一份申请进行考量,进而得出候选人名单。入围的申请人由副校长David Pilsbury教授对其面试。面试可通过电话或 Skype 进行。
3.International Dean's Excellence in Academia Scholarship (IDEAS)
About the Award
The International Dean’s Excellence in Academia Scholarships (IDEAS) are awarded to the students who can demonstrate academic excellence in addition to how they aspire to use the knowledge from their chosen programme of study in their future career.
The panel consisting of faculty deans, along with members of the International Office will consider each application on its merits. Only applications made through the application process detailed below will be considered.
Before you apply for this scholarship you must have completed an application for a September 2017 course. The scholarship application form will require you to provide your Application ID.
In order to be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must:
Be an international fee paying and self-funded student
Have been offered a place to study at one of Coventry University’s Faculty of Business and Law full-time undergraduate courses.
Hold at least two of three A-levels (or their equivalent in your country) at grade A. Contact us so that we can let you know exactly what these equivalents are in your country
Complete a scholarship application form including a statement of support which should not exceed 500 words prior to the application deadline of 30th June 2017.
The successful recipients of the awards should be prepared to represent Coventry University as a student advocate alongside their studies. They will be required to work with the International Office to provide information which can be included for promotional purposes, including, but not limited to, the regular contribution of material for a blog.
Further Information
Please note that this scholarship cannot be combined with any other Coventry University scholarship or discount. In cases where an applicant is awarded more than one Coventry University award, the award which provides the greatest benefit to the student will apply.
Continuing funding over years 2 and 3 is subject to students passing each year with a minimum average grade of 55% and the attendance legally required to satisfy visa requirements.
Application Deadlines
September 2017 entry: 30th June 2017
(3)持有至少两科 A-level考试成绩,成绩达到A,或者持有自己国家同等考试成绩;
4.China High Achievers Scholarship
About the Award
We have 2 awards of £2000 towards tuition fees available for the best and brightest undergraduate students from China.
The China High Achievers Scholarship is available to all Chinese students applying for full-time undergraduate programmes who have submitted an application for study before 30th June 2017. You do not need to fill out a separate application form for this award.
The Scholarships are allocated to applicants on the basis of their academic merit. Allocation will be decided on assessment of the following;
Completion of 3 Years Senior High School with 90% and above OR
Completion of First Year of 4-Year University Degree with average 80% and above OR
Completion of First Year of 3-Year CUC Diploma with average 80% and above OR
Completion of China International Foundation Program with Distinction or 85% and above
English Language ability, IELTS 8.0
Understanding of the course and motivation to study at Coventry
Extra-curricular or work experience
Further Information
Please note that this scholarship cannot be combined with any other Coventry University scholarship. In cases where an applicant is awarded more than one Coventry University award, the award which provides the greatest benefit to the student will apply.
The decision to award a student this scholarship is at the sole discretion of Coventry University. Coventry University reserves the right to award less than 2 scholarships from this category.
This award is for international fee payers only.
Application Deadlines
September 2017 entry: 30th June 2017
International Postgraduate Scholarships
1.Partnership Scholarship
About the Award
25 scholarships of £2,000 are available;
Only one scholarship may be awarded per person;
The scholarship will be off-set against the last instalment of tuition fees payable by the scholarship recipient to Coventry University or to Coventry University London Campus (as the case may be).
Scholarship recipients must:
Be starting the first year of a full-time postgraduate masters course in April, May or July 2017 at Coventry University or at Coventry University London Campus;
Apply for their postgraduate masters course through the Academic Partnership Unit of Coventry University.
Have successfully completed an undergraduate degree at one of Coventry University’s international partner universities situated outside of the EU.
Have achieved at least a 2.1 (or recognised equivalent) on their undergraduate degree.
The 25 scholarships shall be awarded on a first come first served basis, determined by reference to the time of payment of the deposit required in order for Coventry University to release a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).
Recipients of this scholarship may combine the scholarship award with the tuition fee discount (if any) applied to them by virtue of their status as a graduate from an international partner of Coventry University with whom an alumni discount has been agreed. In these circumstances the maximum combined discount applied to Coventry University tuition fees shall be £3,000.
This scholarship may not be combined with any early payment discount or with any other discount which would otherwise apply to the Coventry University tuition fees payable. In the event that a scholarship recipient is awarded more than one Coventry University award or discount on fees, the award or discount which provides the greatest benefit to the recipient will apply, to the exclusion of the other award(s) and/or discount(s).
Application Deadline
May 2017 entry: 28th April 2017
2.Chevening Scholarship
About the award
This is an opportunity to obtain a full fee scholarship jointly funded by Coventry University and Chevening.
Chevening was established by the UK Government in 1983 with the goal of developing global leaders from around the world.
The programme is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). Scholars are personally selected by British Embassies and High Commissions throughout the world. Chevening offers a unique opportunity for talented students who have the potential to be future leaders, influencers and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.
The Chevening awards are an important element in Britain’s public diplomacy efforts, bringing professionals, who have already displayed outstanding leadership talents, to study in the UK and build strong academic, professional and personal links.
Applicants from eligible Chevening countries are invited to choose Coventry University as a destination of choice via the Chevening application process to be considered. The UK FCO typically makes a Chevening Award to full-time Masters students who start their one-year course in the Autumn.
3.Coventry Academic Performance Scholarship (CAPS)
About the Award
The Coventry Academic Performance Scholarship (CAPS) (formerly the Merit Scholarship Scheme) has been successfully awarded to thousands of students in the past. This year we are pleased to be increasing the award to £2,000 for one year of study.
The CAPS Scholarship is available to all international students applying for full-time postgraduate programmes who have submitted an application for study before 30th June 2017. You do not need to fill out a separate application form for this award.
The Scholarships are allocated to applicants on the basis of their academic merit. Allocation will be decided on assessment of the following;
Academic qualifications (at least a 2:1 or equivalent qualifications)
Understanding of the course and motivation to study at Coventry
Extra-curricular or work experience
Further Information
Please note that this scholarship cannot be combined with any other Coventry University scholarship. In cases where an applicant is awarded more than one Coventry University award, the award which provides the greatest benefit to the student will apply.
The decision to award a student this scholarship is at the sole discretion of Coventry University. Coventry University reserves the right to determine the number of scholarships to award from this category.
This award is for international fee payers only.
Application Deadlines
September 2017 entry: 30th June 2017