布里斯托大学是英国一所顶尖的公立大学,也是“罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)”的创始成员,目前在QS世界大学排名中位居世界第44位。下面请看留学群为大家翻译的布里斯托大学基本概况。
Bristol consistently ranks in the world's top 100 and UK's top ten universities in league tables that draw on information about both research and teaching excellence.
We are one of the most popular UK universities, attracting on average eight top quality graduates for every place, and our graduates are among the most sought after by employers across the globe.
Over 40 per cent of our teaching programmes are accredited by professional bodies, who consistently acknowledge the excellence of our research-rich curriculum, our learning environment and our learning outcomes.
The review processes undertaken by these bodies are extremely detailed and are conducted by leading academics and practitioners.
History of the University
Before the University of Bristol, there was University College, Bristol
University College, Bristol existed from 1876 to 1909 and was the precursor to the University of Bristol.
Its history can be traced back to the efforts of John Percival, headmaster of Clifton College, to press for the establishment of such an institution. In 1872, Percival wrote to the Oxford colleges observing that the provinces lacked a university culture. The following year he produced a pamphlet called 'The Connection of the Universities and the Great Towns', which was well received by Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford. Jowett was to become a significant figure, both philosophically and financially, in the establishment of University College, Bristol.
In June 1874, a meeting took place at Bristol's Victoria Rooms 'to promote a School of Science and Literature for the West of England'. Percival and Jowett spoke at the meeting, and won the support of Albert Fry and Lewis Fry, members of an influential and affluent local family.
University College, Bristol finally opened its doors at 9 am on Tuesday 10 October 1876 in rented premises at 32 Park Row. Initially there were two professors and five lecturers offering courses in 15 subjects. The College was open to men and women on the same basis (except in medicine). During the first session, 99 day students registered (30 men and 69 women) and 238 evening ones (143 men and 95 women).
Alfred Marshall, a groundbreaking economist, served as Principal of the College until 1881. He taught evening classes while his wife, Mary Paley, the first woman lecturer, taught during the day. Her fee was deducted from her husband's salary. The second Principal was William Ramsay, discoverer of the so-called noble gases. He left in 1887 (and received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1904), but remained influential in the College's efforts to become a university with its own Royal Charter. His successor was Conwy Lloyd Morgan, a geologist and zoologist who also became a pioneering experimental psychologist. He, too, was closely involved in the campaign for full university status, and would eventually become the University of Bristol's first Vice-Chancellor.
1874年6月。一次会议在布里斯托大学的Victoria Rooms 召开,旨在“提升西英格兰科学与文学学院”。珀西瓦尔和乔伊特在会议上讲话,并赢得了当地名门富家子弟阿尔伯特弗赖伊和里维斯弗赖伊的支持。
For University College, Bristol, life was a financial struggle, although in 1890 it received a £2,000 boost from the local Technical Instruction Committee. There was more good news in 1893 when the Bristol Medical School, which had been created in 1833, was formally incorporated into the College. Further encouragement came in 1896, when Commissioners from the Treasury reported that 'there is evidently vigorous life in the place, and the work done is of the University type'. The foundation of the University College Colston Society in 1899 was another highly significant development, drawing a broad spectrum of influential figures into supporting the College.
The campaign for a Charter gained momentum in 1904 with the appointment of Morris Travers as Professor of Chemistry. Travers, who had been recommended for the job by former Principal, William Ramsay, was an energetic and decisive man who set about gaining financial and political support for Bristol's plans. He was backed by some powerful individuals, including Lewis Fry, Chairman of the College Council, R B (later Lord) Haldane and members of the Wills family.
By 1906, Lewis Fry felt ready to put the plan to promote a university for Bristol on a formal footing, and an executive committee was formed. However, problems continued - Travers left to direct a research institute in India that year, and it proved very difficult to lift the College's endowment above the total of £30,000 that had been donated by members of the Wills and Fry families.
Everything changed on 14 January 1908, when H O Wills promised to donate £100,000 - a massive sum - provided that a Charter was granted within two years. The Wills gift set off a chain reaction, and more money was raised within 24 hours than had been attracted during the previous three decades.
Now things really started to move. After years of discussion, it was agreed that the Merchant Venturers' College and elements of the University College - formerly rivals - would merge to form a new Faculty of Engineering. Furthermore, the City Council offered the proceeds of a penny rate (some £7,000 a year), subject to a Charter being obtained. Best of all, when a petition for a Charter was submitted to the Privy Council, it met with royal favour.
On 24 May 1909, 33 years after University College opened, the Charter, approved by King Edward VII, came into effect. It was a day of celebration across Bristol and the beginning of the story told in our University timeline.
宪章运动在1904年获得了动力,当时,摩斯·特拉维斯被任命为化学教授。在此之前,特拉维斯曾受到了前任校长威廉·拉姆齐的推荐。而特拉维斯自己则一个充满活力、有决断力的人。是他让布里斯托大学的计划得到了财务和政治上的支持。摩斯·特拉维斯还有一些有权势的人物做后盾,包括学院委员会主席里维斯弗赖伊、后来成为伯爵的R B霍尔丹和威尔斯家族的成员。
1908年1月14日,一切都有了改变。其时,H O威尔斯答应捐赠10万英镑,只要学院能在两年内拿到宪章。威尔斯的捐赠引起了连锁反应:仅在24个小时内,筹集到的资金就超过了过去三十年里的资金。
现在,事情真的开始有了运转。在经过几年的商讨之后,人们达成协议,同意将“商人冒险者学院”( Merchant Venturers' College )同大学学院合并,形成新的工程学院。(在此之前,后者是前者的竞争对手。)不仅如此,市议会在学院获得宪章的基础上同一每年提供7千英镑。最好的还在这里:当宪章请求被递交个枢密院的时候,得到了皇家的支持。
Schools and faculties
----Academic schools and research centres by faculty
School of Arts
Anthropology and Archaeology;Film and Television;Music;Philosophy;Theatre.
School of Humanities
Classics and Ancient History;English;History (Historical Studies);History of Art (Historical Studies);Religion and Theology.
School of Modern Languages
French;German;Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies;Italian;Russian.
Bristol Institute for Research in the Humanities and Arts
Centre for English Language and Foundation Studies
Centre for Innovation
Biomedical Sciences
School of Biochemistry;
School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine;
School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience;
Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research.
School of Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Engineering Mathematics
Computer Science;Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Engineering Mathematics.
School of Civil, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering;Civil Engineering;Mechanical Engineering.
Health Sciences
Bristol Dental School;Bristol Medical School;Population Health Sciences;Translational Health Sciences;Bristol Veterinary School;Centre for Health Sciences Education;Centre for Applied Anatomy;Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals
School of Biological Sciences;School of Chemistry;School of Earth Sciences;School of Experimental Psychology;School of Geographical Sciences;School of Mathematics;School of Physics;Interface Analysis Centre;Centre for Nanoscience & Quantum Information.
Social Sciences and Law
School of Education;School for Policy Studies;School of Economics, Finance and Management;(Accounting and Finance,Centre for Market and Public Organisation,Economics,Management)School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies;University of Bristol Law School.
Nobel Laureates
Sir William Ramsay (1852–1916)
Principal and Professor of Chemistry at University College, Bristol (later the University of Bristol) from 1880 to 1887. The Nobel Prize 1904 ‘in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system’.
Paul Dirac (1902–84)
Graduated from Bristol with a BSc (Engineering) in 1921, then studied mathematics at Bristol for a further two years.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933 (1/2 share) ‘for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory’.
Cecil Frank Powell (1903–69)
At Bristol from 1927, first as Research Assistant to A M Tyndall, then appointed lecturer and, in 1948, established as Melville Wills Professor of Physics.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1950 ‘for his development of the photographic method of studying nuclear processes and his discoveries regarding mesons made with this method’.
Sir Winston Churchill (1874–1965)
Chancellor of the University of Bristol from 1929 until 1965.
The Nobel Prize for Literature 1953 was awarded to Sir Winston Churchill, 'for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values'.
Dorothy Hodgkin (1910–94)
Chancellor of the University of Bristol from 1970 until 1988.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1964 was awarded to Dorothy Hodgkin, 'for her determinations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances'.
Hans Albrecht Bethe (1906–2005)
Held a fellowship at the University of Bristol in 1934.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1967 ‘for his contribution to the theory of nuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars’.
Max Delbrück (1906-81)
Research worker at the University in 1930-32.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1969 (1/3 share) for discoveries concerning 'the replication mechanism and genetic structure of viruses'.
Gerhard Herzberg (1904-99)
Carried out postdoctoral work at the University in 1929-30.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1971 'for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals'.
Sir Nevill Francis Mott (1905–96)
Chair in theoretical physics at Bristol from 1933, then, after a period of military research in London during the war, head of the Bristol physics department.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1977 (1/3 share) for 'fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems’.
威廉·拉姆赛 (1852–1916)
保罗·狄拉克 (1902–84)
Cecil Frank Powell (1903–69)
1927年进入布里斯托大学,起初是A M Tyndall研究助理,随后被任命为讲师。在1948年成为物理学教授。1950年诺贝尔物理学奖得主。
Dorothy Hodgkin (1910–94)
Hans Albrecht Bethe (1906–2005)
Max Delbrück (1906-81)
Gerhard Herzberg (1904-99)
Sir Nevill Francis Mott (1905–96)