

雅思考试阅读机经真题及解析-Thomas Young


  在雅思考试中很多同学会做不完阅读题目,因为种种原因长期在六分上下徘徊。留学群雅思栏目为大家带来雅思考试阅读机经真题及解析-Thomas Young,希望能帮到大家!

  Thomas Young

  The Last True Know-It-All

  A Thomas Young (1773-1829) contributed 63 articles to the Encyclopedia Britannica, including 46 biographical entries (mostly on scientists and classicists) and substantial essays on "Bridge,” "Chromatics," "Egypt," "Languages" and "Tides". Was someone who could write authoritatively about so many subjects a polymath, a genius or a dilettante? In an ambitious new biography, Andrew Robinson argues that Young is a good contender for the epitaph "the last man who knew everything." Young has competition, however: The phrase, which Robinson takes for his title, also serves as the subtitle of two other recent biographies: Leonard Warren's 1998 life of paleontologist Joseph Leidy (1823-1891) and Paula Findlen's 2004 book on Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), another polymath.

  B Young, of course, did more than write encyclopedia entries. He presented his first paper to the Royal Society of London at the age of 20 and was elected a Fellow a week after his 21st birthday. In the paper, Young explained the process of accommodation in the human eye on how the eye focuses properly on objects at varying distances. Young hypothesized that this was achieved by changes in the shape of the lens. Young also theorized that light tr...







  1. 首先是快速提分,真题能帮助大家提前了解题目内容,提高解题正确率,用好真题往往能帮助考生大幅度提高成绩,特别是在一些本来比较薄弱的环节上可以很大程度上弥补不足。

  2. 其次是节省考试时间,看过真题,有些题目大家就可以不用仔细地再整个读一遍了,直接根据真题内容选答案,审题和思考解题的时间都可以缩短许多。

  3. 最后是增强自信,哪怕没有命中真题,但看过真题心理总会觉得踏实不少,考试自信也更足,容易发挥出更好的状态。GRE备考应养成写日记好习惯



  1. 首先是使用时机,真题最好在接近考试日的时候再看,一方面机经整理地更为完整,看后的记忆也会更牢更有价值。

  2. 其次是真题权威性,真题毕竟是根据考生考后的记忆整理而成的,可能会有各种疏漏错误,大家对于其权威性要做到心里有数,不要盲目依赖真题。

  3. 最后是真题答案,对于这些真题答案同样不能死记硬背,GRE考试中选项顺序变动提问方式改变的变化形式很多,随时都有可能出现,死背答案反而会弄巧成拙。



  1. GRE填空等价


  2. GRE阅读逻辑











  Recruitment: Insects release signals to inform other insects to come and cooperate. For example, there is a type of ant called the fire ant that live in nests in South America. Some ants have a special job which is to leave the nests to find food. When one ant finds a piece of fruit too big for it to carry back, it will walk back to recruit more ants while releasing a chemical that forms a trail on the way. When it arrives, other ants can then follow the trail and find the fruit and then carry it back together.


  Definition: Environment impact assessment, ""The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the environmental impacts when deciding whether or not to proceed with a project.”

  Example: The professor gives an example of a construction company. The company was going to build a shopping center on a large land. Before the construction, they did a study and found the land was wetland. Their original plan was to fill solid soil into this land. But the environment impact assessment said that the wetland was very important for the environment. It could prevent flooding because it could hold water. So they decided not to fill the land and cancel this plan. Alternatively, they moved to another piece of lan...

雅思机经:2012.2.4 雅思听力机经-真题


标签: 雅思



  Section One:


  01. Current address: 32 Acacia Avenue

  02. Postcode: RA67UB

  03. Current Course of the Degree / Major: Photography


  04. First job: (where) a flower shop

  05. Second job: (position) a nursery supervisor

  06. Third job: (position) waitress


  A: definitely available B: possible C: definitely unavailable

  07. weekend: A

  08. after 7pm: C

  09. holidays: A

  10. lunch time: B

  Section Two:


  11. There are two key: the flat key (the smaller one) and XXX key

  12. You should not forget nring key with you because the door is self-locking

  13. There are two bathroom in the flat but only one has the shower

  14. Music is not allowed before 7 am and after 9 pm

  15. You can have you own food (meal) in the kitchen

  16. You can do laundry at the basement

  17. you can find fire blanket on the roof

  18. Fire alarm is on the wall

  19. You can find cleaning materias in the XXX

  20. You do not hav...

雅思机经真题:2011.7.30 雅思口语PART2新增考题【新东方】





  Part 2 注意一些较新考题。如:

  part of your personality or character which you think is good

  a road or street in your home town

  a kind of food you like which is from a foreign country

  l what would you do when you have a day off



  part of your personality or character which you think is good

  a teacher from your childhood who you would like to meet again

  a friend who you have known for a long time

  One of your friend who is a good leader

  a person you want to travel with/ travelling companion

  an old person you know/child

  a neighbor who you know well

  a person whom you think is successful

  someone in the recent news who you would like to meet

  an adventurous person



  your favorite room when you were a child

  a peaceful place that you like to go to.

  a beautiful park or garden that you visited.

  a leisure centre in your local area.

  a place where you often take a walk.

  an interesting historic building

  a place near water/with a lot of water


雅思机经真题:2011.7.30 雅思口语PART2&3 回忆【新东方】





  Describe something expensive you bought.

  1. What do young people usually buy in your country?

  2. Why are electronic products so popular among young people?

  3. Do you think people will buy more electronic products in the future?

  4. Do you think it is easy to save money?

  5. Do you think children should learn to save money?

  6. How do you think shopping will change in the future?

  7. Why do some people buy things they don’t need?

  Describe the kind of clothes you like.

  1. Is it a good idea to let student design their own school uniform?

  2. Why doesn’t someone like to buy clothes?

  3. How does fashion industry affect people’s life?

  4. How do think about young girls becoming thinner because of fashion models?

  5. Can you see from what people wear their personality?

  6. How do you think about some people being discriminated because of what they wear?

  Describe a successful small company in your hometown.

  1. What kinds of companies are there where you live?

  2. Are most successful companies in your hometown small or big?

  3. What makes a small company ...

雅思机经真题:2011.7.30 雅思口语PART1回忆【新东方】





  1. Television

  Do you like watching TV?

  What is your favorite TV show?

  Did you enjoy the same kind of TV show when you were a child?

  Do you prefer to watch TV alone or with others?

  Do you think people watch too much TV nowadays?

  2. Happiness

  What do you think is happiness?

  What do you think makes you happy?

  Do you think happiness is important?

  Do you think money is important for people to be happy?

  What do you usually to make yourself happy?

  3. Weather/Season

  What’s the weather like in your hometown?

  Which is your favorite season?

  What do you do in different seasons?

  Has the weather in your hometown changed in the past few years?

  4. Dancing

  Do you know how to dance?

  When was the last time you danced / watched other people dancing?

  How do you feel when people dance?

  Why do people dance?

  Do you think it is important to learn how to dance?

  Do you want to learn how to dance in the future?

  5. Birds

  Do you like birds?

  Are there many birds around where yo...

雅思机经真题:2011.7.30 雅思写作回忆【新东方】






  Task 1

The bar chart below shows the number of undergraduates studying in UK in 1980, 1990 and 2005 in terms of male-fulltime, male part-time, female full-time and female part-time(The bar chart is essentially a graph with four lines, which illustrate the changes of different types of students in the three years .)

  Task 2

  Some people think government should ban dangerous sports while others think it's our freedom to choose whatever activities we want. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


  Task 1


  Task 2




雅思机经真题:2011.7.30 雅思阅读回忆【新东方】




  Reading Passage 1


  大致内容:两种类型的人 完美主义者和satisfier (好像这样拼的...) 完美主义者选择更多可能更失落,另外一个类型选择不多却快乐一点.

  问题类型:hing题(我认为) T/F/NG 和选择题

  Reading Passage 2

  文章题目:Tulip Mania


  问题类型:Matching T/F/NG 和填空题三道

  Reading Passage 3


  大致内容:葡萄柚的苦味有什么好处, 怎么试验的怎么发现的怎么减轻苦味的,怎么应用的等等.

  问题类型:句子配段落 但是有NB 填空题 和最后两个选择题.



雅思机经真题:2011.7.30 雅思听力回忆【新东方】




Section 1一个男的咨询女的关于一个Interserve Exhibit,全部是填空
1. Date for private visitors: 25th June 26th is just for business
Content of the Exhibition
2. Demonstrations of special computers 因为前后项的都大写,所以这个也大写了
3. Opportunities for people to use the products
Clinics for those who need expert advice
