

2018US News日本大学临床医学专业排名


  在2018US News 世界大学临床医学专业排名中,日本表现突出,共有52所大学进入排名。留学群在本文向大家介绍日本大学在本次排名的具体情况,供大家参考。

  The best universities for clinical medicine have shown strength in producing research related to a variety of medical and biomedical topics. These include anesthesia, cardiology, general and internal medicine, gastroenterology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, radiology and surgery. These are the top universities in Japan for clinical medicine, based on their reputation and research in the field.


Best universities in Japan for clinical medicine

Based on USNEWS Best Global Universities by Subject 2018

World rankNational rankUniversitySubject score
851University of Tokyo68.8
1362Kyoto University63.7
1873Osaka University59.6
196=4Tokyo Medical and Dental University58
198=5Tohoku University57.9