2013中考是选拔性考试,也是极有竞争性的考试,为了给童靴们复习,巩固各科知识。在中考中取得最好的成果,我们积极帮助各位备战中考,提供大量的考试复习试题资料。祝大家取得大圆满。 July 25, 2005 Shadow I went back home this weekend. I have stay at home for almost a month since the summer break began, I never thought stay at home was great when I was at home, but when I came back to home is the best place for me in the world. The strong wind was gone, I feel so sad. The weather become hotter and hotter. I can’t bear the sun anymore. As far as I know the swimming pool in this university hasn’t done yet, that is so... [ 查看全文 ]2013中考英语模拟冲刺作文(日记一)的相关文章