英语听力:美语听力与发音技巧 第18期
listen 18 发布时间:2005-08-19 美语听力与发音技巧 第18期(数字的发音) Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on how to distinguish the numbers 13, 30, 15, 50, 14, 40 and so on.There’s often a lot of confusion when people use these words. People often have to ask, “Did you say 16 or 60?” If you look at the sounds used in this pairs of words, you will notice that the only difference is in the final “n” sound “n” in the “-teen” words. Do people listen for this sound to tell them which word has been said? Do people say this sound loudly and clearly ... [ 查看全文 ]英语听力:美语听力与发音技巧 第18期的相关文章
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