下面86留学网小编为您解读波士顿大学本科申请条件?希望对准备去美国留学的同学们有所帮助! 本科申请条件 1、年龄:16-25岁; 2、学历:高中或同等学历以上 3、IELTS:7.0 4、TOEFL(IBT)单科最低要求: College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College: Writing: 22 Speaking: 23 Reading: 21 Listening: 18 College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management: Writing: 22 Speaking: 23 Reading: 25 Listening: 21;或PBT成绩600分以上 5、GPA平均:3.0分以上 5、sat Rea... [ 查看全文 ]美国波士顿大学本科留学的申请条件的相关文章