本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《9.14广州口语》。 发贴:swing_chan 今天的考官是个比较型仔的鬼佬,个头gel到好yeah,哈哈 不过比较cool咯,冇乜笑容的 part1考了 What's your full name? Are you working or studying? What do you think of your future job? Where are you from? Do you like shopping? Why? 还有男人和女人对shopping的态度有什么不同 Do people now pay more attention to the healthy food? What can be regarded as healthy food? What are the differences between the people's food habit in modern time and that in the past? Is it possible to change your eating habit? part2和3考了描述一间自己读过的学校,讲明是什么类型,有多大,觉得 他是不是一间好学校之类的 还有讨... [ 查看全文 ]雅思考生口语话题:9.14广州口语的相关文章