随着社会文化水平不断提高,我们要用到证明材料的情况还是蛮多的。证明材料需要通过材料来证实真实性的文书。你是否对如何写证明材料感到棘手?以下是栏目小编为大家收集的“工作证明模板英文”欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢! 工作证明模板英文【篇1】 TO:xx-x (某国家大使馆或领事馆): This is the certification that XXX(姓名),his(her) passport number is xx-xxx-xxx-x(护照号码),is employer of our company.We hereby confirm he(she) is going to xx-x(国家) on travel.From XXX to XXX(时间). We Further guarantee he(she) will comply with local law and regulation during his(her) in Thailand and will also be back on time.Meanwhile,we are willing to retain his position until they come back. This certificate i... [ 查看全文 ][推荐]工作证明模板英文的相关文章