留学奖学金 埃因霍温理工大学奖学金发放情况介绍
The TU/e offers scholarships for top students
Are you a talented international Master’s student and interested in a
scholarship to fund your TU/e Master’s program?
The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven offers 50 talented international
students a full-cost scholarship to participate in a Master’s program at the
TU/e. The scholarships will be available for courses starting in September
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven:Study in the technological heart of
The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Eindhoven University of Technology,
TU/e) is an international university operating at the highest level in the
international academic and scientific world. The TU/e’s international excellence
is confirmed by its high ranking in citation impact scores: it is ranked third
in Europe.
The TU/e is one of Europe’s leading technological knowledge centers. It is
located in the southeast of the Netherlands, one of Europe’s leading regions in
the field of technology.
This international research-intensive region, also known as ‘Brainport
Eindhoven’, accommodates over 350 international companies, including Philips,
which recently built a new research campus for about 8,000 researchers. Students
benefit from the presence of many international companies on the TU/e
At the TU/e, education and research are closely interrelated in the
Master’s programs. A wide range of programs are available in the field of
Engineering Science and Technology.
All Master’s programs are offered in English.
The programs last two years and offer a variety of specializations.
For a complete overview of the TU/e’s Master’s programs, see:
Scholarship programs
In the 2006/2007 academic year, the TU/e will grant scholarships to around
fifty of the most talented applicants to TU/e Master’s programs. The
scholarships cover most of students’study and living costs for two years. There
are various scholarships,funded by the TU/e, the Shell Centenary Scholarship
Fund and the Dutch Ministry of Education.
Application procedure
If you apply for a Master’s program at the TU/e before 1 March
2006 and are subsequently admitted, you will automatically enter the
selection procedure for one of the scholarships mentioned above.The different
scholarships have different criteria for eligibility.To read the descriptions of
the scholarships and the eligibility
criteria, go to www.tue.nl/masterprograms and click ‘scholarships’.
If you fulfill the eligibility criteria, a selection committee will assess
the information on your previous education and skills on your application for
the TU/e Master’s program. You will hear if you are one of the successful
candidates in May/June 2006.
More information
For more information about the Master’s programs, the admission
procedure and scholarship eligibility criteria, please see:
Or contact: International Relations Office
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
PO Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
tel: 0031 40 247 4747
fax: 0031 40 244 1692
美国教育考试服务中心(以下简称ETS)近日宣布,2013年托福奖学金项目启动,将有46位优秀中国学生获得总额13.8万美元的奖学金,奖金数额比去年增加了66%。该奖学金用于帮助学生进行2013学年在海外的本科或研究生阶段的学习。奖学金申请要在4月30日前在线提交。ETS将在5月通知申请人获奖情况,8 月发放给获得者所就读的院校。奖金只可用于学业开支,且将只在学生抵达校园后支付。
法国大使馆今年再次推出France Excellence奖学金项目,针对赴法就读硕士项目的学生开设,包括每月750欧元的补贴和大学生社会保险。获得者在抵法第一时间即有权享有个性化的接待和租房服务,同时可以参与文化和社交活动。该项奖学金项目由法国驻华大使馆文化教育合作处和科技处设立,旨在协助中国优秀学子实现留学计划。本年度申请于4月5日16时截止。