MBLE 的面试官是一个叫做Kristen 的小秘,据面试过的同学称,是个很nice的人,声音也很好听,很耐心,对面试同学也不时加以鼓励和肯定,各位童鞋们根据自己的实际情况加以针对性的准备,争取早日拿到心仪的AD或offer!!
Future plan and goals
1. Personal goal and career goal?
2. how to balance career goal and personal happiness?
3. How do you plan to accomplish your goals?
4. Your plan of the next five year?
5. Do you prefer to stay working in the United States or go back to your country? Why?
OSU MBLE program
6. Why OSU? Why MBLE?
7. How will you use your skills to develop MBLE diverse
8. Expect from education, what do you want most from the program?
9. What and who influence you to make such a decision?
Leadership and team work
10. How do you get balance being a leader and being a member?
11. Have you ever participated in a team? What will you suppose to do for being a leader?
12. What do you think of the relationship between a manager and the people who report to him/her?
13. What do you think of your leadership style?
14. How to get teammate being responsible or involved in the team tasks?
15. How to make your teammate trust each other?
16. What will you do if there is some untrue information or gossip in your team?
17. What if someone criticizes your work or something else? How will you improve it ?
18. What will do you if your members can't reach your team goals?
19. Teamwork or individual?
20. Why supply chain management?
21. What quality do you think a leader must have?
22. How to deal with conflict between team member
23. What would you do to make sure a diversified team most efficient?
24. What do you think is the key factor for a team?
About yourself
25. Hobbies. And do you want to learn that?
26. describe a challenge and how to solve it and how to achieve to your goal
27. Describe some experience which you think will help with your future career.
28. Volunteer work.
29. How to manage your time?
30. Describe a challenge you have ever met.
31. What do you think about the short term profit and long term profit?