A Good Lesson
I am always careless with what I am doing. My mother warns me of dangers, but I turn a deafear to her words. However, a fire once gave me a good lesson and made me correct myshortcomings of carelessness.
One day my parents were out so I decided to prepare lunch for myself. As I was cooking in thekitchen, the telephone rang. I went to answer the call immediately. It was my close friend,Linda. We were talking and talking on the phone when the fire alarm sounded. I ran back to thekitchen, finding the room was full of smoke and the food was badly burnt. I quickly turned offthe gas, opened all the windows, and then went out of the house. To my surprise, two fireengines were outside my house. One of my neighbors called the fire brigade. I told the firemenit was my careless cooking that caused the heavy smoke. I was quite a shamed of myself andmade up my mind to be careful with whatever I do from then on.
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