As you consider financing your medical education, below you will find the Pritzker School of Medicine 2014-2015 standard student budget. This budget is a good benchmark for calculating the cost of medical education. It is also used by the financial office when calculating aid. If an individual is receiving financial assistance, that assistance cannot exceed the estimated costs provided below.
Remember, the actual charge for tuition and fees is subject to change without notice. To project expenses for all four years of medical school, you will want to use an approximate 3%-5% increase per year in tuition and other categories.
第一年 (10个月) |
第二年 (9个月) |
第三年 (12个月) |
第四年 (12个月) |
学费 |
$47,673 |
$47,373 |
$62,556 |
$62,556 |
学生生活费 |
$1,041 |
$1,041 |
$1,313 |
$1,313 |
一次性的成绩单费用 |
$60 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
残疾保险 |
$321 |
$348 |
$364 |
$364 |
书本及生活用品费用 |
$1,200 |
$1,200 |
$1,800 |
$852 |
实验及仪器显微镜租赁费 |
$650 |
$35 |
$0 |
$0 |
食宿费 |
$16,800 |
$14,400 |
$19,200 |
$19,200 |
个人其他费用 |
$3,413 |
$2,925 |
$3,900 |
$3,900 |
居旅费 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$3,500 |
美国行医执照费 |
$0 |
$580 |
$1,810 |
$0 |
交通费 |
$2,226 |
$1,908 |
$2,544 |
$2,544 |
总计 |
$73,384 |
$69,810 |
$93,487 |
$94,229 |
贷款费 |
$255 |
$256 |
$256 |
$256 |
健康保险费 |
$3,417 |
$3,162 |
$3,162 |
$3,162 |
总计财产健康保险费 |
$77,056 |
$73,228 |
$96,905 |
$97,647 |