Adelaide Graduate Research Scholarships (AGRS)
The University of Adelaide offers a number of Adelaide Graduate Research Scholarships exclusively to its recent graduates to continue their education via a Masters or Doctorate degree by research.
These scholarships were created specifically for outstanding recent graduates whose recent graduate status means they are not competitive for scholarships in the general scholarship rounds (IPRS, ASI). In the general scholarship rounds they would have to compete against the best scholarship applicants worldwide who have generally had many more years to gain valuable research experience and demonstrate academic excellence. For this reason recent eligible University of Adelaide graduates are only ranked in this (AGRS) scholarship cohort where they have a significantly higher chance of winning a scholarship to further their studies.
这些奖学金是专门为那些刚入学的在其他常见类型奖学金(如:IPRS, ASI)申请中没有竞争优势的优秀研究生设立的。在常规类的奖学金申请中,他们要与那些有着多年研究资历并已经获得很好的研究结果的来个世界各地的申请者竞争。因此,仅有刚入学的有申请资格的研究生才被归入到这一类奖学金申请中,这样,他们有更大的机会获得资助以继续他们的学习。
All applications are ranked in a competitive application process. The selection and ranking of applicants within the University of Adelaide is undertaken by the Graduate Scholarships Committee, using the sole criteria of academic performance.
The Undergraduate Score and the Postgraduate Score are used to formulate the ranking of each application in the round. The Undergraduate Score is derived from the academic results from the applicant's undergraduate degree.
The Postgraduate Score is derived on the basis of honours results or the academic results from the applicant's postgraduate degree (whichever qualification is higher).
The AGRS provides:
§ Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only), and
§ An annual living allowance ($25,392 in 2014) for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only).
§ No other allowances will be paid.
Note. The scholarship does not provide an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) allowance.
§ 课程费。研究型硕士为期2年,博士研究学位为期3年(仅博士生以考虑延长资助时间)
§ 每年生活津贴(2014年为$25,392)。研究型硕士为期2年,博士研究学位为期3年(仅博士生以考虑延长资助时间)
§ 此外不再提供其他形式的津贴。
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible for consideration a student must:
§ complete their four year undergraduate degree including first class honours in a research based honours program at the University of Adelaide* in that semester OR have completed the above that year or in the previous year; or *This will be deemed to cover students who have completed all of their education at Adelaide and where the committee considers it appropriate students who have completed a lesser period of time but including the honours year.
§ 申请时所就读的学期,已经在阿德莱德大学*完成四年本科生教育,包括基于研究的荣誉项目中一等荣誉,或者在提交申请的当年或前一年完成了上述学业。*这意味着所有在阿德莱德大学完成他们的学业的学生都有资格申请;那些尚未完成所有学业,但是已经在读荣誉学年的学生,如果委员会认为他们符合申请标准,也是可以申请的。
§ be completing their masters degree** with a sufficient research component to be approved by the Research Education Development Committee as a degree acceptable for entry to the PhD (refer to the Academic Program Rules) at the University of Adelaide in that semester OR have completed the above that year or in the previous year; ** Students undertaking a coursework masters degree will be required to obtain an overall grade of Distinction with not less than a High Distinction in their research component(s) to be eligible for scholarships.
§ 在申请时所就读的学期,已经在阿德莱德大学完成含有足够研究工作的的硕士学位课程,且经过研究教育发展委员会评定达到博士入学标准(以学术项目规则为评定标准)**,或者在提交申请的当年或前一年完成了上述学业。**课程型硕士生需要在他们的研究型项目中获得高级荣誉称号及以上的成绩才有资格申请该奖学金。
§ be eligible to enrol as a commencing student in a full-time postgraduate research program at the University of Adelaide in the following semester;
§ be an international student; and
§ not be currently enrolled in the higher degree by research program at the University of Adelaide for which the student is applying for a scholarship.
§ Note. Currently enrolled PhD students are not eligible to apply.
§ Note. Applicants who were considered in a previous round are not eligible for reconsideration.
§ The offer of a scholarship is contingent upon a student not being offered another award by the Commonwealth of Australia, The University of Adelaide, or an overseas sponsor. The University reserves the right to withdraw an offer of a scholarship at any time prior to enrolment if it is advised that an awardee has been offered a scholarship equal to or in excess of the financial value of the award offered by the University.
§ 可以在下个学期注册成为全日制研究生研究项目的起始学生。
§ 是国际学生
§ 当前没有在阿德莱德大学注册已被申请者用来申请奖学金的更高级别的研究项目。
§ 注:在读博士生没有资格申请
§ 注:在上一个申请回合中已递交过申请的学生不再予以考虑。
§ 该奖学金的授予处决于申请者是否已获得了由澳大利亚联邦,阿德莱德大学或海外赞助者提供的其他资助。如果一个获奖者已经得到一份资助金额等于或超过大学提供的数额的奖学金,那么大学可以在该生注册前的任何时候撤销该奖学金。
Closing Date for semester 1 intake: 31 October of the year prior.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their scholarship application by mid December. Recipients MUST commence their research program by 30 July.
Closing Date for semester 2 intake: 30 April of that year.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their scholarship application by the end of July. Recipients MUST commence their research program by 30 November.