英 语 试 题
本试卷分第I 卷( 选择题) 和第II 卷( 非选择题) 两部分,考生作答时, 将答案答在答题卡
上( 答题注意事项见答题卡) ,在本试题卷上做答无效。考试结束后, 将本试题卷和答题卡一并交
第一部分 听力( 共两节, 满分30 分)
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答
第一节( 共5 小题; 每小题1 .5 分,满分7 .5 分)
听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,
并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1 .here does the conversation m ost likely take place ?
A.At the airport . B.At the ra il way station . C.In the post offi ce .
2 .hat does the man need ?
A.A rest . B.A bigger room. C.More cool a ir .
3 .hat ti m e is it no w?
A.5∶ 00 . B.4∶ 15 . C.4∶ 45 .
4 .hat is the most probable resu lt of the conversation ?
A.The woman decides to buy one coat .
B.The wom an hasn’ t decided yet .
C.The wom an agrees to buy the other coat .
5 .hat is the man ma ili ng ?
A.Som e photos . B.A textbook . C.A parcel .
第二节( 共15 小题;每小题1 .5 分, 满分22 .5 分)
听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中
选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒
钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第6 段材料,回答第6 至第8 题。
6 .hat is the man comp la in ing abou t ?
A.The entrance charge for the n ightcl ub is too h igh .
B.He is not allowedi n to the n ightclub free .
C.He does not like Sammy Davis Jun ior .
7 .hen does the d ialogue take p lace ?
A.In the m orn ing . B.In the afternoon . C.In the even ing .
8 .hat does the man fina lly decide to do ?
A.T o en terta in h i m se lf .
B.T o go to the n igh tclub .
C.T o go ou t for a w a lk.
听第7 段材料,回答第9 和11 题。
9 .ow d id Mr Woods sudden ly becom e ri ch ?
A.He won 12 ,000 pounds on the f ootba ll pools last Sunday .
B.He won 120 ,000 pounds on the football pools last Sunday .
C.He rece ived a 120 ,000 pound note fromthe bank last Sunday .
10 .hen is he go ing to fin ish work ing at h is present j ob ?
A.The end o f th is w eek . B.E arly next w eek. C.The end of n ext w eek.
11 .hat is h is w ife going to do ?
A .She is go ing to buy her own car .
B.She is go ing to take driv ing lessons .
C.She is go i ng to sell her old Ford .
听第8 段材料,回答第12 和13 题。
12 .hen does the conversation p robably take p lace ?
A .On Monday . B.On Wednesday . C.On Friday .
13 .here can Mr Crumble find the man today ?
A.At th e m an’ s hou se . B.Inthe m an’ s o ffice . C.Inthe m eet ing room.
听第9 段材料,回答第14 至16 题。
14 .hat is Pau l do ing ?
A .Read ing a book . B.W riting a report . C.Cook ing a supper .
15 .here does the wom an come from?
A .Am eri ca . B.Italy . C.Canada .
16 .hat is John’ s plan f or the f u ture ?
A.T o tou r B rita in . B.T o op en a shoe shop. C.T o ge t a job abroad.
听第10 段材料, 回答第17 至20 题。
17 .hy do peop le hard ly ever m eet their pen - friends ?
A.Pen - friends usually live a long way fromeach other .
B.Pen - friends use d ifferen t languages .
C.Pen-friends are not really friends at all .
18.hat k inds of th ings do pen - friends usually w rite abou t ?
A.The ir to wns , schools and in terests .
B.The ir favourite m agaz ines .
C.Stamps , coins and p icture postcards .
19 .here is the best place to find a pen - friend ?
A .In m agaz ines . B.In English countries . C.On postcards .
20 .hat is John Sm ith in terested in ?
A .Collecting stamps . B.Geography . C.D ancing .
第二部分 阅读理解( 共两节, 满分40 分)
第一节( 共15 小题;每小题2 分, 满分30 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上
Gett ing to work by bi cycle has never been more popu lar .Governm ents and nationsare transf orm
ing the ir cities and h ighways to meet the needs of th is new generation ofcycling en thusiasts , andin a
worl d where green choices are the new must-have , averagecit izens are eagerly se iz ing the ir chan ce to
he lp m ak e the ir bod ies cleaner than ever be fore .
Becom e an EBTC Member .
The Edmon ton B i cycle and Touring C l ub ( EBTC) is a recreationa l not - for- profit
volunteer-run group devoted to promoting its m embers to cooperative ly run bicycling
trips during the spring , summ er and fall , cross-country skiing trips in the w inter , and
socia l events all the year round .We we l come both road bike and mountain bike riders !
Ben e fits o f Jo in in g EBTC:
pportun ity to create the kinds of events you like : enjoy dozens of even ts all yearround , organ ized by
members like you !
Participation in the local cycling commun ity .
Use of cl ub bicycle tools on tour and library materia ls .
D iscoun ts at various bicycle shops .
Wh y Cy c le w ith a Group?
It’ s m ore FUN!
I t en cou rages you to com e ou t often and ge t hea lthy exercise w ithou t go ing to a gym.
Deve lop skills and ga in through the experience of others .
Meet new and interesting people w ith a common in terest in cycling .
eet a f un -lov ing , energetic and d ifferen t group of ind ividuals who en joy ahealthy lifestyle .
En j oy the outdoor experience w ith the compan ionsh ip and security of a group .
Fo r m o re in form a tion on th e EBTC:
Phone the C lub Hotline at 780-424- 2453
E - m a il : jp ri neau@ed rnonton bicycle .com
Ma il us at :
Edmonton B i cycle &Tou ri ng C l ub
P .O.Box 52017
Garneau Postal Stn .
Edmonton , AB T6G 2T5 Canada
21 .hat’ s the advantage of cycli ng w ith a group ?
A .Meeting m ore new peop le . B.Participating in whatever events .
C.Having bicycles free of charge . D.En j oying d iscoun ts in a gym.
22 .e can in fer fromthe passage that the a i mof EBTCis .
A .to call for governments to produce more bi cycles
B.to m ake m oney by organ iz i ng bi cycling trips
C.to popu larize cycling by attracting more members
D.to look f or young volunteers for sporting even ts
23 .ow m any w ays can peop le ga in m ore in form at ion fromEBTC accord ing to the passage ?
A .Two . B.Three . C.Four . D.F ive .
When I was a h igh school student , m athem atics lookedlike a big hurd le ( 障碍) form e and
severa l of my classm ates .When we reached the n inth class , we got Mr .Iyer , astrict maths teacher
who was also our class teacher .He always stuck to h is d iscip line .We had to arrive on t i me , pay und
iv ided atten tion to h is lectures , and dared not neglect any of h is homework .
Even so , as our class teacher , we got to know hi m better .Noticing som e of us idgeting ne day as the m id -termexam s approached , he stopped solving a m athem atical problemto ask us why .“ There’ s too much to do ,”we sighed .“W e’ re afraid we’ ll never m anage to fin ish our revision be f ore the
exams .”
“ Noth ing is i mpossible ,”Mr .Iyer told us .“ Th is classroomis on the second floor .Do you have a problemreach i ng here ?”
We reacted w ith blank stares .
“ No , you don’ t !”he sa id , answering h is own question .“ You have a staircase to help you cli mb up to th is leve l .No one expects you to make it in two g iant leaps .You si mp ly take one step at a ti m e .Any task can be solved if you f ocus on the i mm ed iate act ion to be taken .The rest w ill take care of itself , if you keep at it .One step at a ti m e .That’ s the secret .”
Then he w ro te down an o ld m otto on the blackboard —the longest j ou rn ey starts w ith a sing le step.Hav ing heard h is sta ircase ana logy( 比拟) , w e und erstood why he asked us the quest ion and w e saw h i min a newl ight .
Most of m y classm ates scored d ist inctions in m aths .And I went on to become an English teacher .To th is day , whenever I pass on Mr .Iyer’ s invaluable adv i ce to my own students , they brighten up at the prospect of a lighter academ i c burden .
24 .hat can we learn fromthe first paragraph ?
A .Maths was d iffi cu lt f or most of the author’ s classm ates .
B.The students thought Mr .Iyer was not a good teacher .
C.Mr .Iyer would pun ish the studen ts neglecting h is d iscip li ne .
D.The students sho wed great fear to Mr .Iyer .
25 .he underlined word “ fidget ing”in Paragraph 2 probably m eans “ ”.
A .excited B.nervous C.hardwork ing D.ca l m
26 .hy d id the author and h is classm ates react w ith blank stares ?
A .Because they were too tired to understand what Mr .Iyer sa id .
B.Because they fe lt surprised at such an unbe lievable problem.
C.Because they had no interest in any subjects that were no good for the ir exam s .
D.B ecause they first though t reach ing the secondfloor had no connect ion w ith the worry .
27 .he staircase analogy i mp lies that .
A .goals can be reached step by step
B.one can reach h is/ her goals i n a giant leap
C.tasks can be solved under the gu ide of the teacher
D.there is on ly one step bet ween success and failure
Som e problem s are d if ficu lt to solve .But there are a lot of number expressions that can he lp .For example , if we put two and two together , we m ight com e up w ith the righ t answer .We know that t wo heads are better than one .It is al ways better to work w ith another person to solve a problem.Som e problem s have on ly one solution .You cannot be of two m inds over th is .Bu t w ith any luck , we can solve the problemin t wo shakes of a lamb’ s ta il .In other words , we cou ld have ou r answers qu i ck ly and easily .
Som eti m es we can k ill t wo birds w ith one stone .That is , we can comp lete t wo goals w ith on ly one effort or action .But we must remember that two w rongs don’ t m ake a right .If someone does som eth ing bad to you , you shou ld not do the sam e to h i m.
If you are going ou t w ith your girlfriend , or boyfriend , but you don’ t want another friend to go a long on your date , you canjust say to your friend : two’ s company , three’ s a crowd .
When I was a young ch ild in school , I had to learn the three R’ s .These i mportant sk ills are read ing , writing and arithm etic .These three words do not all start w ith the letter “ R”.But they have the sound of “ R”.My teacher used to give three cheers when I d id well in m aths .They gave praise and approval for a j ob well done .
Som e of my friends were conf used and d id not understand their school work .They were at sixes and sevens .In fact , they d id not care if they fin ished h igh school .But they were happy when they completed the ir stud ies and graduated from h igh school . They were in seventh heaven .They were on cloud n ine .N i ne t i mes out of ten students who do we ll in school find good jobs .Some work in an office doing the sam e things every day at n ine-to-five j obs .You do not have to dress to the n i nes , or wear your best clothes , for this k ind of work .
28 .f you solve a problem w ithout any d iffi cu lty , you can a lso say that you can do it .
A .in seven th heaven B.on cloud n ine
C.at sixes and sevens D.in two shakes of a lamb’ s tail
29 .hen Tom w ins first p lace i n the gam e , we can congratu late h i mby using “ ”accor ding to the passage .
A.dress up to the n ines B.give three cheers
C.k ill t wo birds w ith one stone D.put t wo and two together
30 .h ich of the follow ing has the si m ilar m ean ing to “ in all probability”?
A .Two w rongs don’ t m ake a right . B.Two’ s company , three’ s a crowd .
C.N ine t i mes out of ten . D.Two heads are better than one .
31 .hat is the best title of the passage ?
A .Interest ing Number Expressions B.The I mportance of Numbers
C.Number Stories D.Use Numbers
Read ing is the key to success .Apparently every successful person deve lops a passion f or read ing .Th is is because read ing is a key element to obtain the inform at ion requ ired to understand someth i ng .For instance , lawyers have to study and learn every established law on the ir specific branches .Som eti m es the law changes accord ing to peop le’ s needs .A good lawyer has to be in f orm ed abou t the latest news in the court .A doctor has to be i n form ed of the latest advances in m ed i cine .
Read ing is very i mportant for all m ank ind .Everyth ing is relat ive in th is world , especially read ing .Read ing can open m any doors and it can lead you into a path of success .Stud ies have con firm ed that read ing to your unborn ch ild is very good .Th is way your child w ill develop a passion for read ing .
How do you deve lop a passion f or read ing ? There is only one way you can boost your passion f or read ing .Let m e exp la in this to you .If you want to learn howto ride a bike , you have to get on the bike as m any t i mes as possible unt il you have learned .It works the sam e way w ith read ing .If you want to boost your read ing , take a book and read it all the way through .When you fin ish read i ng your first book , take another book and do the same .Try to read as much as you can .If you are going out , grab a m agaz ine , a book , an art i cle or someth i ng to read .
There is a very i mportan t factor beh ind the read i ng —read ing com prehension .It’ s what m akes you understand the m ean i ng beh ind the text .Let’ s assum e that you read a docum ent and you are supposed to exp la i n the mean ing of the docum en t .How would you exp lain the docum en t if you couldn’ t cap ture the m essage of the au thor ?
32 .he first two paragraphs m a i n ly talk about .
A .the key to success B.the i mportance of read ing
C.what read i ng comprehension is D.how to develop a passion for read ing
33 .e can define read ing comprehension as .
A .a strong passion for read ing
B.the latest in f ormat ion in read ing
C.a very i mportan t factor beh ind the read ing
D.som eth ing that m akes peop le understand what they read
34 .he author develops the passage m ain ly by .
A .follow ing the natural ti m e order
B.presen ting op i n ions and giv i ng examp les
C.comparing the op in ions of d ifferen t peop le
D.present ing a cause and analyz ing its effects
35 .hat do you suppose the f ollow ing paragraph w ill talk abou t ?
A .Popu lar read i ng websites .
B.Famous peop le who love read ing .
C.The i mportance of read ing at school .
D.W ays to i mprove read ing comprehension .
第二节( 共5 小题; 每小题2 分,满分10 分)
In the w inter months , most ch ildren spend the ir ti m e on video gam es .Spend ing the ir ti me on video gam es for a long ti m e is harm f u l to them.How you cantry your best to get themact ive and keep their m inds and bod ies healthy is very necessary and i mportant .36 ere are some ideas :
◆Take ou t som e o ld gam e s
After hours of be ing i ndoors , k ids w ill qu ickly get tired of the ir own gam es and toys .Take th is opportun ity to teach themthe old gam es fromyour childhood .Make up new ru les to re fresh the gam es and m ake themoriginal to your fam ily .37
◆ Cook to ge th e r
Cook ing is a great activity because the whole fam ily can get involved .38 ids can even practice the ir read ing sk ills by read ing the recipe a loudfroma cookbook .Cooking w ith ch ildren also encourages themto try new foods because they’ ve had a hand in making the fin ished product .
◆ Make us e o f th a t b ig pro je c t
You m ay have sp ri ng clean ing p lans , but get a head start on that big clean – out pro j ect th is w in ter .39 et your k ids involvedin clean ing the garage or paint ing the guest room.Once the project is comp le te , all of you w ill feel satisfied to work together .
◆ Go on anindoor adv en ture
Staying at hom e day after day is really dull and you m ay take part i n other activ ities w ith your k ids .40 ake a trip to an indoor ice skating or roller skating rink .You can also start a bow ling tournam en t w ith other fam ilies fromschool and the ne ighborhood .
A.Encourage your k ids to join in the project .
B.Set aside m ore hours f or your work .
C.Assign everyone a j ob , like m ixing or fry ing .
D.Most k ids en j oy ou tdoor activities in w inter .
E.Go to a sw i mm ing pool in a loca l gym.
F .Record the game ideas to p i ck ou t a f un activ ity later .
G.W ith a little creativ ity , you can prevent the w inter blues .
第三部分 英语知识运用( 共两节, 满分45 分)
第一节 完形填空( 共20 小题;每小题1 .5 分, 满分30 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处
It is hard to decide wh i ch food to buy in an Am eri can grocery store these days .The in f orm ation
on m any products m akes 41 la i ms .The label “ organ ic ( 有机的)” 42 hat the Un ited States
Depart m en t of Agricu lrecogn izes the product is grown under specia l cond it ions .If the f ood is grown
43 , it shows the words “USDA organ ic”on it .Th is is an official labe l .
The f ood is grown w ithout chem i cal treat m en t against insects or 44 It isgro wn w ithout chem i
cal fertilizers .Bef ore a product is labe led “ organ ic ,”a( n) 45 v isits the farm where the f ood is
produced to m ake su re the farm 46 SDA standards .Organ i c m eat , eggs and da iry products com e
from 47 hat are given noan tibiotics ( 抗生素) , must be fed organ ic food and have 48 o the ou
tdoors .
No concl usive 49 hows that organ ic f ood is more nutritious than trad itionally gro wn food .And the USDA —even if it proves organ ic food —doesn’ t 50 eclare that these products are safer or more nu trit ious .Organ ic f oods meet the same 51 and safety standards as trad it ional f oods .The d ifference 52 o w the f ood is produced , processed and hand led.Som e peop le buy organ i c food for 53 easons .Organ ic food is produced by 54 ho emphasize the use of renewable resources .The prices between most organ i c f ood and 55 ood products vary .Higher prices are due to m ore expensive farm 56 A lot of work must be done every day .
The new USDA’ s nationa l organ ic programm e f or labeling is 57 t enabling consumers to make a( n) 58 ho i ce am ong the foods they buy and have the 59 fthe safeguard of be ing cheated .People who sell or labe l a product “ organ ic”when they knowit does not m eet USDA standards can be 60 p to 11 ,000 .
41 .A .unbe lievable B.false C.d ifferen t D .flexible
42 .A .pred icts B.p roves C.proposes D.doubts
43 .A .on the contrary B.in any case C.in turn D.in th is way
44 .A .d iseases B.operations C.activ ities D.services
45 .A .protector B.rem inder C.inspector D.vol un teer
46 .A .presents B.opposes C.protects D.m eets
47 .A .plan ts B.villages C.an i m als D.farm s
48 .A .solu tion B.access C.entrance D.d irect ion
49 .A .agreement B.concep t C.expectation D.ev idence
50 .A .publicly B.soon C.secretly D.anxiously
51 .A .shape B.fash ion C.quality D.size
52 .A .lies in B.consists of C.kno ws bout D.puzzles out
53 .A .fi nancial B.social C.cu ltural D.env ironm en tal
54 .A .sellers B.farm ers C.drivers D.buyers
55 .A .fresh B.de li cious C.trad itiona l D.new
56 .A .practices B.tools C.chem i cals D.m ach ines
57 .A .surprised B.laughed C.a i m ed D.delighted
58 .A .active B.potential C.w rong D.sensible
59 .A .dream B.right C.op in ion D.adventure
60 .A .awarded B.g iven C.fi ned D.spared
第三部分 英语知识运用( 共两节, 满分45 分)
第二节( 共10 小题;每小题1 .5 分, 满分15 分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容( 不多于3 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
Hum ans like to live and workin groups .Language is the “ cem en t”( 胶合剂) 61 holds these groups toge the r .L anguage is part of cu lture .Cu ltu re , in th is sense , 62 ( m ean ) a ll those custom s , sk ills , and attitudes that are part of the behavior of a 63 ( part i cu larly) group .What you th ink 64 hat you want i n life are all affected bythe cu lture of the group in wh ich you 65 raise) .Groups of peop le live i n d ifferent ways .They may have d if feren t sk ills , organ izations , and art f orm s .The ir fam ily life may be comp le te ly d ifferent fromyours .
Hum an be ings are inventive an i m als .They can decide to change their cultures in order to m eet various 66 situation) .O f all living th ings , human beings are the 67 ( clever) .They can choose 68 live) in m any env ironm en ts andi n a w ide variety of ways .On ly hum an be ings can choose where and how they wan t to live and then i mprove the physical env ironm en t to help 69 they) rea lize these cho ices .Acqu iring the w isdomto m ake w ise choices 70 be) the last i ng challenge of be ing human .
第四部分 写作( 共两节, 满分35 分)
第一节 短文改错( 共10 小题;每小题1 分, 满分10 分)
下面是一段短文,请你对其进行修改。文中共有10 处错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个
单词的增加、 删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号( ∧) , 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。
删除:把多余的词用斜线( \) 划掉。
修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2 .只允许修改10 处,多者( 从第11 处起) 不计分。
HowI becam e a good badm inton player is fresh ly in my m ind .The first day I go to school , I f ound some of my classmates p lay i ng badm inton .Am az ing at how sk ilf u l they were , I m ade up my m ind to be good at it .Late on , I often watched him caref u lly to learn their techn iques .I kep t pract i cing after I fe lt con fident enough to cha llenge the good p layers in my class .In m idd le of the term, I became one of the best player in my school .
I take great pride of this experience because it not on ly he lps m e realize that I can ach ieve my potential through hard work , bu t m akes m e to knowthe proverb “ P ractice m akes perfect”.
第二节 书面表达( 满分25 分)
假如你是李华,你在美国的笔友 Henry 在互联网上偶然读到了有关2014 年开封菊花花会的帖
子,对此很感兴趣。他来信询问有关菊花花会的相关情况。请你根据下表提示的内容给 Henry 回一
1 .词数100 左右;
2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3 .信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
4 .参考词汇:菊花花会 — Chrysanthemum Festival 。
D ea r H en ry,
I amlook in g fo rwa rd to you r v is it n e xt y ea r .
Li Hua
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