Paying for college is rarely easy. Ideally, it's a longterm process of building and using a collection of savings, institutional aid, free money, and—if necessary—loans. But with so many avenues for financing your education, it's often difficult to sort out what might work best for you, given your situation and time frame. Whether you'll be moving into your dorm room in two months or you're starting to save now for your toddler's college education, here are four often-overlooked considerations that may lessen your financial burden:
Exhaust your federal options: Because federal loans (Stafford and Perkins) are cheaper and have more flexible repayment options, students with financial need should always exhaust their federal options before looking to private loans, says Kevin Walker, cofounder and CEO of SimpleTuition.com. It's an often overlooked route, he adds, because some families mistakenly assume it's a complicated process for a loan they may be too well off to qualify for anyway.
Consider 529 plans: If you have some time before college, a 529 savings plan may be an attractive route for you. Named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code under which it was created, a 529 plan allows users to select from a variety of funds in which to invest, including real estate and money market accounts. In 34 states and the District of Columbia, parents with a 529 plan qualify for an income tax deduction or credit on contributions.
Regiment yourself: No matter how far away college is for you or your child, it's crucial to start adhering to a savings plan now. Though it might feel painful at first, research shows that students and parents who stow away set levels of college cash at specific intervals are more inclined to feel confident about their ability to pay for college.
Explore last-minute options: If you are beginning college this fall, don't assume it's too late to find scholarships, SimpleTuition's Walker says. Use these next few weeks to scour the Internet, community listings, and your high school's counseling office for any last-minute sources of aid or scholarship money that went unused in the traditional school year award period. Other scholarships have deadlines throughout the calendar year. In an online scholarship search, specify what state you live in to help you find local results, Walker recommends.