● 《亚洲周刊》于1998、1999及2000年连续三年奖科廷大学评为澳大利亚名列第一的科技大学,它同时也被澳大利亚高等教育质量认证委员会评为澳大利亚一流大学之列。科廷图书馆及信息服务中心通过不断创新完善自身系统为学生提供最新信息,学生可24小时使用其提供的超过200个电子数据库及3000册电子期刊和杂志。
As Curtin's Vice-Chancellor, I am pleased to welcome you to Western Australia's largest and most multi-cultural university. We have a strong commitment to international engagement with Australia's third largest international student population. We maintain campuses in Malaysia and Singapore while also conducting face-to-face teaching in a number of countries. This cultural diversity adds a rich and valuable dimension to our campus atmosphere and also prepares our graduates to live and work in an increasingly global environment.
We have a long standing commitment to indigenous education and culture and have the highest enrolment of Indigenous Australians of any university in the country. Our Centre for Aboriginal Studies is recognised as a national leader in its field and we were the first university in Australia to sign a Statement of Reconciliation.
Curtin is also fundamentally committed to providing regional education within Western Australia through campuses and education centres spread across the state including Esperance, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Margaret River, Northam, Port Hedland and Albany. We also have a campus in Sydney.
We are widely recognised for the practical and applied nature of our courses, which equip graduates with essential skills through exposure to industry and business, and our research, which focuses on solving real world problems. This combination enables our graduates to be effective in the workplace immediately upon graduation.
As part of this approach, Curtin has always fostered successful partnerships with industry, business and government to enhance the quality of our scholarship, teaching and research. We will continue to develop existing partnerships and to establish new ones in areas relevant to our research and teaching.
Curtin is a vibrant international institution with an exciting future and I invite you to join with us as we move forward.
Jeanette Hacket