﹝四川省﹞ 石柱有“出端午佬”的习俗。由四人以两根竹竿抬起一张铺有红毯的大方桌。毯上用竹篾编一个骑虎的道士。敲锣打鼓,街游行。旧时,川西还有端午“打字子”的习俗。是日,成都人皆买李子,于城东南角城楼下,上下对掷,聚观者数万。光绪二一年(一八九五年)因掷李与外国传教士发生衡突,此俗因而停止。乐山、新津等地端午赛龙舟时,还举行盛大商品交易会。
Tong Lu, Zhejiang Sook of county and township school, the Dragon Boat Festival a ceremony at the division, known as "silk clothing." Doctors at noon herbs, traditionally the stars overhead medicine days.
﹝浙江省﹞ 桐卢县乡塾之学童,端午节具礼于师长,称之“衣丝”。医家则于午时采药,相传此日天医星临空。
Jiangxi Jianchang House prudence afternoon Baicao water bath to prevent scabies, XINCHANG to realgar, cinnabar drink of the wine, called "eyes."
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