﹝江西省﹞ 建昌府午节用百草水洗浴,以防止疥疮,新昌县以雄黄、丹砂酒中饮之,称之“开眼”。
Huanggang City of Hubei Province greet Dragon Boat Festival held in the Palestinian town, and a crown tattoo,鸣金by Phytophthora. Yichang County Dragon Boat Festival races, but in May 13, 14, Sheng十五三日special. May 15, also known as "Big Dragon Boat Festival", eat rice dumplings, Po drink wine, for example, with the Dragon Boat Festival.
﹝湖北省﹞ 黄冈市端午节巴河镇迎傩人,花冠文身,鸣金逐疫。宜昌县端午竞渡,但以五月十三、十四、十五三日特盛。五月十五又称“大端阳”,食粽、饮蒲酒,例同端午。
Youxian Hunan Dragon Boat Festival, pregnant women who used to spend Andrew currency, the poor preparation of the chicken liquor to Penny folder Broussonetia money, for the dragon in the dragon boat to pray before the first production-an. Yue state races that Ruang disaster to disease. Also for pan of water, referred to as the "send pestilence."
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