International Students
1. Qualifications
A. Degree: All candidates, regardless of citizenship, must be graduates of a bachelor's degree program at a recognized college or university in Korea or abroad.
B. Citizenship: 1) or 2) may apply for GSIS as an International Student.
1) Foreign applicants whose parents are not citizens of Korea (applicant and both of his/her parents should not hold Korean citizenship)
2) Applicants of Korean heritage who have completed all sixteen years of education (elementary, middle school, high school, and undergraduate education) outside of Korea. Proof of foreign education must be made by submitting original transcripts for all sixteen years of education, starting with primary/elementary school.
* Korean citizens or applicants who hold dual citizenship with Korea are not regarded as foreigners. They are not eligible to apply as an international student unless they have completed all sixteen years of education outside of Korea.
* Applicants who do not hold Korean citizenship but have parents who do hold Korean citizenship cannot apply as international students UNLESS the applicant has completed all 16 years of education outside of Korea.
C. Educational Background: Master's program applicants are not required to have any specific undergraduate degree nor are there any specific prerequisites. The educational backgrounds of admitted students are often diverse in nature. Incoming students may have degrees in engineering, computer science and business, as-well-as agriculture, human resources, music, physics, psychology and many other fields.
A.学位: 所有的候选人,不论其国籍,必须在认可的学院或大学拥有学士学位的毕业生,不管是在韩国本土还是国外。
B.公民身份: 1) 或 2) 可申请 GSIS 9(授课研究生课程)作为一名国际学生
1) 外国申请人的父母不能是韩国公民 (申请人和他/她的父母都应该不持有韩国国籍)
2) 拥有韩国继承权的申请者在韩国以外的国家已完成所有十六年的教育 (小学、 初中、 高中和本科教育) 。十六年国外教育证明须以提交从小学开始的原始成绩单。
* 持有带韩国国籍的双重国籍的韩国公民或申请者不被视为外国人。他们不能申请作为一名国际学生,除非他们在韩国以外的国家已完成所有十六年的教育。
* 申请者不持有韩国公民身份,但是其父母持有韩国公民身份,也不能申请作为国际学生,除非申请人在韩国以外的国家已完成所有十六年的教育。
C.教育背景: 硕士项目不要求申请人具有任何特定的本科学位,同时也没有任何特定的前提条件。被录取的学生的教育背景往往是不同性质的。来就读的学生可能会有在工程、 计算机科学和商科, 或农业、 人力资源、 音乐、 物理、 心理学和许多其他领域的学位。
2. Application Deadline
A. Spring semester: first business day of September ~ last business day of November
B. Fall semester: first business day of March ~ last business day of May
A.春季学期: 9 月的第一个工作日 ~ 11 月最后一个工作日
B.秋季学期: 3 月的第一个共走日 ~ 5 月最后一个工作日
3. Apply Online (http://gsis.yonsei.ac.kr/application/application.asp)
A. Those who fall under the quota-system (usually Korean students) can only apply online during a designated period in May and November.
B. You must send in all supplementary documents by mail before the designated deadline. Please note that we will not review your application until we receive the COMPLETE application packet including mailed hard copy documents.
A.那些属于指标生 (通常为韩国学生) 只能在 5 月和11 月间的指定期间在线申请。
4. Application Process
A. Complete application package received (online application and required documents)
B. Document screening (4~5 weeks)
C. Interview (phone or in person): You may or may not receive an interview. You will be notified if an interview is requested by a member of the admissions board.
D. Final results (e-mail notification): 1 ~ 2 weeks after the interview.
Fall applicants are notified of results by mid May to early June.
Spring applicants are notified of results by mid December.
E. If admitted
1) Chinese: Certificate for Recognition of VISA Issuance Application by GSIS
2) Other nationalities: VISA (D-2) application with an issued Certificate of Admissions for the Korean embassy
A.完整的申请文件收到 (在线申请和所需的文件)
B.文档筛选 (4 ~ 5 周)
C.面试 (电话或本人): 你可能会或可能不会收到面试。如果面试招生委员会成员要求您面试,我们将通知您。
D.最后结果 (电子邮件通知): 面试后1 ~ 2 周。
1) 中国人: GSIS会发放签证申请的相关文件
2) 其他国籍: 韩国大使馆颁发签证(D-2)的申请文件