Scholarships to Study in Germany
Not only is Germany one of the cheapest study destinations in Europe, the nation also has an impeccable international reputation. Playing host to many esteemed universities within the latest QS World University Rankings®, Germany offers both German-language programs and an increasing number of English-taught programs, particularly at postgraduate level.
Below is a selection of scholarships for international students of all degree levels wishing tostudy in Germany.
德国不仅是欧洲最便宜的留学目的地之一,德国也有完美的国际声誉。在最新 QS 世界大学排名中,德国也占据了很多席,德国提供德语课程和越来越多的英语课程,特别是研究生级别的课程。
Government-funded scholarships to study in Germany
DAAD Scholarships – DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, offers many scholarships for international students to study in Germany at various degree levels. Click the link to view the DAAD scholarships database.
Erasmus-Mundus – The largest provider of scholarships for study in the EU, Erasmus-Mundus is a program led by the European Commission, funding international students to study in Europe. (Soon to named Erasmus+).、
DAAD 奖学金 — — 德国学术交流中心为来德国留学的各种等级的留学生提供的多种奖学金。
欧盟伊拉斯谟— — 在欧盟留学最大的奖学金提供者,欧盟伊拉斯谟是一个由欧洲委员会领导的项目,资助来欧洲留学的国际学生。(很快会命名为伊拉斯谟)。
Non-government scholarships to study in Germany
Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship – fellowship sponsored by the Einstein Foundation for postdoctoral research at selected German universities.
Heinrich Böll Scholarships for International Students – scholarships for international students at master’s or PhD level wishing to study in Germany at an accredited institution.
Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers – post-doctorate scholarships for scientists and scholars of any subject and nationality.
Kurt Hansen Science Scholarships – science scholarships to study in Germany, funded by the Bayer Foundation. Available to undergraduate students pursuing careers in teaching and science. For students proficient in German only.
Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) for Developing Countries – postdoctoral research scholarships for international students wishing to study in Germany. Funded by the European Commission.
Mawista Scholarship – scholarships for those studying abroad while taking care of a child, including those pursuing study in Germany.
爱因斯坦国际博士后奖学金 — — 由爱因斯坦基金会赞助的,提供给选定的德国大学博士后研究工作的研究金。
国际留学生海因里希·伯尔奖学金 — — 为国际留学生硕士或博士学位,希望在官方认可的机构留学德国的奖学金。
德国洪堡博士后研究奖学金 — — 任何学科和国籍的科学家和学者的博士后奖学金。
库尔特·汉森科学奖学金 — — 留学德国的科学奖学金,由拜耳基金会资助。提供给追求教学和科学的职业生涯的本科学生。只提供给精通德语的学生。
发展中国家玛丽·居里国际奖学金 (IIF) — — 国际学生希望留学德国的博士后奖学金。由欧洲委员会资助。
Mawista奖学金 — — 对于那些留学海外同时还需要照顾儿童的人的奖学金,包括那些追求在德国留学的人。
University-specific scholarships to study in Germany
Aachen University scholarships – internal and external funding opportunities for international and home students at Aachen University.
DRD Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africans – merit-based scholarships for students from developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa pursuing a master’s degree in development management at Ruhr-University Bochum. Program twinned with UWC in South Africa.
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Doctoral Tuition Waivers – 10 tuition waiver scholarships for doctoral students studying an English-language program at Frankfurt within finance, accounting, mathematics and business administration.
FRIAS Cofund Fellowship Programme for International Researchers – German scholarships for international students to study at Universität Freiburg on a research-level program.
GeT MA Scholarships for International Students – Scholarships for non-German students to study at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on the German-Turkish master’s program in social sciences.
Hessnatur Scholarship – German scholarships for international students interested in studying sustainability in fashion at master’s level at ESMOD in Berlin.
HHL International MSc Scholarship for Effective and Responsible Leadership – scholarship opportunities to study management at master’s level at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
Humboldt University International Research Fellowships – research fellowship opportunities for international students pursuing research in history, anthropology, law, sociology, political science, geography, economics or area studies at Humboldt University.
International Doctoral Positions at Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies– scholarships to study at graduate level within Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich or Universität Regensburg as a research fellow of East and Southeast European Studies.
International PhD Fellowships at Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging and Structural Dynamics – scholarships for international students at PhD level to study at Universität Hamburg within the fields of physics or chemistry.
KAAD Scholarships for Developing Countries – offering scholarships for international students from developing countries (Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America) to study at a German university at master’s or PhD level. Candidates must possess German-language skills and be of Catholic-Christian denomination.
Kiel University Doctoral Positions and Scholarships – postgraduate funding opportunities at the Graduate School of Human Development in Landscapes at Kiel University in Germany.
Kofi Annan MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Students – scholarships for international students from developing countries to study a full-time, one-year MBA at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin.
The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) – opportunities for pre-doctoral, PhD and post-doctoral students to study in Germany at the University of Bremen.
Ulm University Scholarships for International Students – need-based scholarships for international students nearing graduation at Ulm University. Funding offered for one semester only.
Freie Universität Berlin Doctoral Scholarships – scholarships for doctoral students of any nationality conducting research in fields of chemistry, biology, materials science, physics and mathematics at Freie Universität Berlin.
亚琛大学奖学金 — — 亚琛大学的国际、 国内学生的内部和外部筹资机会。
撒哈拉以南非洲DRD奖学金 —— 任人唯贤奖学金,提供给来自撒哈拉以南非洲发展中国家,在波鸿鲁尔大学攻读发展管理硕士学位的学生。项目与南非 UWC为姊妹项目。
法兰克福金融管理学院博士学费减免 — — 在法兰克福学习金融、 会计、 数学、 工商管理等英语课程的博士研究生,10 学费减免奖学金。
弗莱堡大学高等研究院国际研究人员奖学金项目 — — 为国际学生在弗莱堡大学进行研究级项目的德国奖学金。
国际学生MA奖学金 — 非德国学生在柏林洪堡大学学习德语-土耳其语社会科学硕士的奖学金。
Hessnatur奖学金 — — 国际学生有兴趣在柏林法国高级时装学院持续学习时尚的硕士学位的德国奖学金。
有效和负责任的领导的HHL 国际硕士奖学金 — — 奖学金有机会在莱比锡管理学院学习管理硕士课程。
洪堡大学国际研究奖学金 — — 为在洪堡大学历史、 人类学、 法律、 社会学、 政治科学、 地理学、 经济学或区域研究有追求研究的国际学生提供的研究奖学金机会。
东欧和南欧研究的国际博士职位 — — 在慕尼黑大学或雷根斯堡大学研究生就读,作为东欧和南欧的研究员提供的奖学金。
在马克斯-普朗克研究所超快成像和结构动力学国际博士奖学金 — —在汉堡大学就读物理或化学领域博士学位的国际学生奖学金。
天主教学术交流中心发展中国家奖学金 — — 为来自发展中国家 (非洲、 亚洲、 中东和拉丁美洲)的在德国大学攻读硕士或博士学位的国际学生提供的奖学金。候选人必须具备德语语言技能以及信仰公教基督教。
基尔大学博士职位和奖学金 — — 在基尔大学景观人类发展研究生院的研究生资助机会。
发展中国家学生科菲·安南MBA奖学金 — — 为来自发展中国家的在柏林欧洲管理和技术学院全日制学习一年MBA课程的学生提供的奖学金。
不来梅国际社会科学研究生院 — — 在德国不来梅大学进行研究的博士预科,博士和博士后学生。
乌尔姆大学国际学生奖学金 — — 乌尔姆大学临近毕业的国际学生基于需要的奖学金,只提供一个学期。
柏林自由大学博士奖学金 — — 柏林自由大学的化学、 生物学、 材料科学、 物理学和数学领域进行研究的任何国籍的博士生奖学金。