Master’s Program
Category |
Application Period |
Exam Date |
Announcement of Results |
Schedule A |
Sep. 7 through 11, 2015 |
Oct. 3, 2015 |
Oct. 9, 2015 |
Schedule B |
Jan. 18 through 22, 2016 |
Feb. 12, 2016 |
Feb. 19, 2016 |
1.Exam Subjects
●Graduate School of Applied Linguistics
Foreign language (Japanese, English, or Chinese; excluding the applicant’s native language), specialized subject (short essay related to applied linguistics and one of the specialized topics related to Japanese, English, and Chinese), and an interview
●Graduate School of Economics
Short essays (one on current events of economics and one from a set of questions on the following topics: economics, management accounting, and taxation laws) and an interview
●Graduate School of Real Estate Sciences
Short essays (one on a current issue of real estate and one from a set of questions on the following topics: law, economics, and architecture and cities) and an interview
2.Application Requirements
●Individuals who have graduated or expect to graduate from a university in Japan by March 2016
Note: Those who have acquired or expect to acquire a bachelor’s degree at a four-year university are eligible.
●Individuals who have completed or expect to complete 16 years of school education in a foreign country by March 2016
Note: Those who have acquired or expect to acquire a bachelor’s degree at a four-year university are eligible.
●Individuals who are recognized by the graduate school through individual screening as having academic ability equivalent of (or higher than) that of university graduates, and will reach the age of 22 at the time of admission
Note: Those to whom this requirement applies are mainly graduates from junior colleges, specialized vocational high schools, vocational schools, other miscellaneous schools, etc.