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2015-09-09 11:34


【 liuxuequn.com - 日记&经验 】

  Now that you are only three months away from applying, here are some suggestions for a few final details to check off your list as you prepare.

  1. Review application deadlines

  Now is the time to verify deadlines for each school to which you'll be applying. Identify whether your schools of interest prefer part or all of the application via regular mail, or whether online applications are acceptable. If a school requires an application in hard copy, order it now.

  2. Verify admission requirements

  It's important to be sure you are on track to finish and/or collect all of the required admission materials for each program. Since each program is different, you may need to provide additional materials for some programs and not others.

  3. Establish contact with recommenders

  Reach out to your professors, mentors and/or supervisors to request letters of recommendation. Be sure to provide them with your resume and reasons for wanting to enroll in your program, and give them a deadline for when you need the letters to be finished. It's a good idea to select more people than letters needed in case one or more people are unable to finish your letter for reasons unforeseen. Lastly, don't forget a thank-you note when the process is done.

  4. Organize your files

  Since you are starting to collect a lot of your admissions materials, now is a great time to store all of the above information in a central location, particularly if you're applying to multiple schools. Write the names of each of your options alphabetically and keep a list of the materials that you need for each program and what you already have and what you still need to complete. Here is an example of items you may want to keep a list of and your status and comments about each:

  Application deadlines

  Online application or regular mail?

  Date your application was sent

  Interview requirements

  Location and date of interview

  Once conducted, your opinion of the interview questions, and of your interviewer

  Were you notified that your application had been received? If so, how long after you sent it in?

  Your rating of the contact with the admissions staff between the time you applied and the time a decision was communicated to you

  If admitted, how was the follow-up afterward?

  Enrollment deposit amount and deadline, if admitted

  Information needed for financial aid purposes, if admitted

  Is there a campus visit program for newly admitted students?

  If yes, and you attended, what did you think? Is this a place at which you would feel comfortable?

  Were you "pursued" after admission? Do you really feel wanted?

  If wait listed, how were you treated?

  If denied, how were you treated?

  Is deny or re-application feedback available?

  If you chose to appeal your denial, was the admissions staff friendly and caring?



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