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2015-09-24 14:45


【 liuxuequn.com - 留学申请条件 】

学校名称: 日本东京艺术大学 東京芸術大学


学费:535800 人民币



  International students are admitted to Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku under the following three categories:

  1. Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarship students;

  2. Private students;

  3. Short-term students exchange.

  General Information

  1. In Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku, the language of instruction is Japanese only; therefore, we require students to attain a working command of the Japanese language.

  2. It must be noted that those who enter Japan on a tourist visa or any other short-stay category can never be admitted. No exceptions will be made.

  3. The academic year begins on April 1 and ends on March 31 of the following year.

  4. Students from overseas should make inquiries to the Student Office, International Student Center, Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku (Tokyo University of the Arts) at the address below:

  Student Office, International Student Center

  Tokyo University of the Arts

  12-8 Ueno Park, Taito-Ku, Tokyo 110-8714, Japan

  Fax. +81-3-5685-7763

  5. Information in order to study in Japan is published in the homepage of JASSO, so please refer to it.

  Private students

  Privately financed international students must pass the university entrance examination. (Some departments may conduct practical, written or oral examinations.) Please refer to the application form in detail.

  International students are able to apply to the following courses:

  (1) Undergraduate Course (Gakubu)

  Applicants at the undergraduate level (a four-year course) must have completed 12 years of school education or passed an examination of an equivalent standard. The application period is generally in early February, and the entrance examination is given in February – March. In addition, applicants are required to submit the results of the Nippon Ryugaku Shiken (the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students [EJU]) given by the Japan Student Service Organization.

  About the Nippon Ryugaku Shiken [EJU]

  All applicants should be aware of the followings:

  1) The examination is available in Japanese or English, and at the time of application applicants may specify the examination language they wish to take (the Japanese as a Foreign Language examination is administered in Japanese only).

  2) Admission to the university is not given before entering Japan. (Entrance examination for the university is not given in foreign countries.)

  3) Applicants may take the examination in either June or November.

  Applicants for the Department of Architecture and the Department of Inter Media Art of the Faculty of Fine Arts

  1) Applicants are required to take examinations in the following three subjects: Japanese as a Foreign Language, Mathematics, and either Science or Japan and the World.

  2) In the Mathematics area, applicants have to select either Course 1 or Course 2.

  3) Applicants who take Science have to select two subjects from among physics, chemistry and biology.

  Applicants for the Faculty of Music and the Faculty of Fine Arts, excluding the above two departments

  1) Applicants are required to take examinations in Japanese as a Foreign Language and Japan and the World.

  (2) Master Course (Daigakuin Shushi Katei)

  Applicants for the MA degree (a two-year course) must have received a BA or an equivalent qualification. The application period and selection method are different for each major. Please refer to the application form in detail.

  The Graduate School of Fine Arts (Daigakuin Bijutsu Kenkyuka)

  Overseas applicants may take a general examination for Japanese applicants.

  (a) Application Period: August; Examination Period: September

  >Department of Architecture

  >Department of Conservation: Conservation Course (buildings and districts) or Conservation Science Course

  (b) Application Period: December; Examination Period: January – February

  >The Graduate School of Fine Arts, excluding the above departments

  Special selective examination for overseas applicants is given.

  (b) Application Period: December; Examination Period: January – February

  >Department of Conservation: Conservation Course (buildings and districts) or Conservation Science Course

  The Graduate School of Music (Daigakuin Ongaku Kenkyuka)

  Overseas applicants may take a general examination for Japanese applicants.

  (a) Application Period: August; Examination Period: September

  Special selective examination for overseas applicants is given.

  (b) Application Period: January (Application by mail will not be accepted.); Examination Period:February

  The Graduate School of Film and New Media (Daigakuin Eizo Kenkyuka)

  Overseas applicants should take a general examination for Japanese applicants. Special selective examination for overseas applicants is not given.

  (a) Application Period: December; Examination Period: January – February

  To Request an Application Form (Japanese only):

  Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope along with an International Reply Coupon (IRC) to the address below. An application form will be provided by the university free of charge; however, all postal charges are the responsibility of the applicant.

  Send to

  ① Course level and ② name of the department and faculty/graduate school to which you are applying

  Tokyo University of the Arts

  12-8 Ueno Park, Taito-Ku, Tokyo 110-8714, Japan

  (Application forms vary among faculties/graduate schools. Address your request to the appropriate course and department.)

  想了解更多留学申请条件网的资讯,请访问: 留学申请条件
