


【 liuxuequn.com - 留学申请条件 】

学校名称: 韩国东洋大学 東洋大学


学费:535800 人民币



  Admissions Requirements for Undergraduate Students

  1. The applicant has graduated from high school or a junior high school.

  2. The applicant has complete 3 years of high school at a school for special needs education or specialized high school.

  3. The applicant has completed a 12-year curriculum in a foreign country’s education system, and will be at least 18 years old on March 31 2016 (if the applicant has not completed 12 years of schooling, they will need to complete a designated preparatory education curriculum, training facility courses or other requirements)

  4. The applicant has passed an academic abilities test/examination equivalent to the completion of a 12-year curriculum in a foreign country’s education system, and will be at least 18 years old on March 31st 2016 (if the applicant has not completed 12 years of schooling, they will need to complete a designated preparatory education curriculum, training facility courses or other requirements)

  5. The applicant has completed the full course of a foreign national school in Japan designated as being equivalent to a foreign high school aborad, and will be at least 18 years old on March 31st 2016(if the applicant has not completed 12 years of schooling, they will need to complete a designated preparatory education curriculum, training facility courses or other requirements)

  6. The applicant has completed the full course of an educational institution abroad recognized as being equivalent to a Japanese high school.

  7. The applicant has completed upper secondary courses in a specialized training college.

  8. The applicant has completed courses under an old education system.

  9. The applicant possesses foreign university admissions qualifications such as the International Baccalaureate Abitur, Baccalaureate, and will be at least 18 years old on March 31st 2016.

  10. The applicant has completed a 12-year curriculum at a foreign national school in Japan accredited by the international accreditation body (WASC, CIS, ACSI), and will be at least 18 years old on March 31st 2016.

  Applicants who have completed a 12-year curriculum at a foreign national school that has been accredited by ECIS, the former name of CIS, shall also have eligibility.

  11. The applicant has passed the Japanese High School Equivalency Examination or University Entrance Qualification Examination.

  12. The applicant has been recognized as eligible on the basis of the university’s individual entrance eligibility screening process, and will be at least 18 years old on March 31st 2016.

  Tuition Exemption

  University tuition fees are partially reduced for international students to encourage learning and reduce financial burdens for everyday living. Those who receive this tuition exemption should strive for the pursuit of knowledge. Also, these students must submit a report of the scholastic performance in January of the final academic year. After graduating, keep connections with Toyo University and support us in creating an international network.


  If for any reason a student receiving a partial exemption in tuition fees loses his/her eligibility, the amount which was exempted must be repaid. For details, please refer to the Student Support Section.

Exemption 30% of total tuition fees
Procedures New Student
Admitted Student
Returning Student
○Full Payment
Pay the full tuition amount. Exemptions will be deposited back into your designated bank account in two payments: one in the spring term (August) and one in the autumn term (January).
○Split Payments
Pay the full tuition amount for the first term. Tuition exemptions will be refunded. From the second term and on, pay the tuition after subtracting exemptions.
Existing Student The student pays the tuition after subtracting any exemptions.

      1. Must be in school with the status of residence "College Student" on May 1 of the spring semester or October 31 of autumn semester.
      2. The student who has difficulty with study for an economic reason.
      3. The student who submitted a tuition reduction of taxes application.
      4. Documents such as Resident Card (the one on which the resident information is written down) and International Student Card (University printed) must be submitted by the designated deadline.
      5. Must not have poor academic performance (see scholastic performance standard), cheated during exams, nor have received disciplinary measures according to school regulations.

Period Exemption periods shall be limited to the designated length of the course of study.

  想了解更多留学申请条件网的资讯,请访问: 留学申请条件
