Paying your tuition fees
Your tuition fees should be paid in full before or at enrolment at the start of each academic year. All you need is your 6-digit student ID number and your method of payment.
Choose to pay in these ways:
Online by debit or credit card
International online bank transfer
Bank transfer
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Cheque and banker's draft
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If you are sponsored, funded or have a tuition fee loan
Tuition Fees 2015/16 Postgraduate
Band 5: International Studies and Diplomacy; Globalisation and Multinational Corporations; Global Energy and Climate Policy
Full-time | Part-time 2 Years | Part-time 3 Years | |||
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
14,800 | 17,500 | 7,400 | 8,750 | 4,935 | 5,835 |
Band 4: LLM; Law (including Dispute and Conflict Resolution; Environmental Law and Sustainable Development; Law, Development and Globalisation; International and Comparative Legal studies)
Full-time | Part-time 2 Years | Part-time 3 Years | LLM only 4 Years | ||||
UK/EU Students | Overseas Students | UK/EU Students | Overseas Students | UK/EU Students | Overseas Students | UK/EU Students | Overseas Students |
12,600 | 17,500 | 6,300 | 8,750 | 4,200 | 5,835 | 3,150 | 4,375 |
Band 3: Development Studies (including Central Asia; Violence, Conflict and Development; Migration, Mobility and Development; Globalisation and Development; Research for International Development; Labour, Social Movements and Development)
Economics (including Finance and Development; Development Economics; Political Economy of Development)
International Management; Finance and Financial Law
Politics (including State Society and Development); MRes Politics with Language (2 years full-time)
Full-time | Part-time 2 Years | Part-time 3 Years | |||
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
9,880 | 16,880 | 4.940 | 8,440 | 3,293 | 5,627 |
Band 2: Anthropology (including Social Anthropology of Development; Migration and Diaspora; Anthropology of Media)
Global Cinemas/Media (including Films and History in Media; Media in Development; Media and the Middle East)
MA Theory and Practice of Translation
Full-time | Part-time 2 Years | Part-time 3 Years | |||
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
UK/EU Students | Overseas Students |
7,900 | 16,500 | 3,950 | 8,250 | 2,634 | 5,500 |
Band 1: All Other MAs, MMus, and subject areas not listed above (including Music and Development; Global Creative and Cultural Industries; Postcolonial Studies; 2 Year full-time Programmes with Intensive Language; Anthropological Research Methods and Nepali (2 Year full-time)
Full-time | Part-time 2 Years | Part-time 3 Years | |||
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
UK/EU Students |
Overseas Students |
7,260 | 16,090 | 3,630 | 8,045 | 2,420 | 5,364 |