Be sure to submit application materials on or before the following dates to ensure receipt and avoid processing delays. Please note that the deadlines apply to the content controlled by the student.
Freshmen Deadlines and Decision Dates
Early Decision
November 1 - application deadline: applications must be submitted online
Early December - decision will be emailed to students
Two Weeks from Receipt of Decision Letter - enrollment deadline: enrollment deposits must be submitted electronically or postmarked by this date
December 12 - CSS Profile priority deadline for receiving a financial aid estimate
March 1 - FAFSA priority deadline for financial aid
Regular Decision
January 1 - application deadline: applications must be submitted online
March 1 -- FAFSA and CSS Profile priority deadline for financial aid
Early April - decisions will be emailed to students
May 1 - enrollment deadline: enrollment deposits must be submitted electronically or postmarked by this date
Transfer Deadlines and Decision Dates
Fall Enrollment
March 1 - application, FAFSA and CSS deadline: applications must be submitted online
March 28 - mid-term grades due - Please use the Mid-term Report in the Additional Forms section under Assign Recommenders on the Common Application to submit your current grades
Early May - decisions will be emailed to students
May 15 - enrollment deadline: enrollment deposits must be submitted electronically or postmarked by this date
Spring Enrollment
November 1 - application deadline: applications must be submitted online, submit FAFSA and CSS Profile
November 22 - mid-term grades due - Please use the Mid-term Report in the Additional Forms section under Assign Recommenders on the Common Application to submit your current grades
Early December - decisions will be emailed to students
Two Weeks from Receipt of Decision Letter - enrollment deadline: enrollment deposits must be submitted electronically or postmarked by this date
Summer Sessions
If you're interested in taking courses during the summer sessions please contact the Office of the University Registrar at 757-221-2800.