The academic work of the Institute is organized into six divisions: Biology and Biological Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Engineering and Applied Science, Geological and Planetary Sciences, Humanities and the Social Sciences, and Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy.
Graduate study at the Institute is divided further into several graduate options, which are supervised by those professors whose interests and research are closely related to the area of the option. Entering graduate students are admitted into one of the following options working towards a specific degree. Almost all options offer the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and a few options will admit students to a terminal Master's (MS) and the Engineer's (ENG) degree. In all other options, the Master's degree is awarded under special circumstances only. Please check the departmental websites and/or the Institute Catalog for a list of the degrees offered.
Interdisciplinary options are indicated by (I).
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics (I)
Bioengineering (I)
Computation and Neural Systems (I)
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics (I)
Bioengineering (I)
Chemical Engineering
Environmental Science and Engineering (I)
Division of Engineering and Applied Science
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Applied Mechanics
Applied Physics
Bioengineering (I)
Civil Engineering
Computation and Neural Systems (I)
Computer Science
Control and Dynamical Systems
Electrical Engineering
Environmental Science and Engineering (I)
Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Engineering
Space Engineering
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences
Environmental Science and Engineering (I)
Planetary Science
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Behavioral and Social Neuroscience (I)
Computation and Neural Systems (I)
Social Science
Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy