Knowing the costs involved in attending university is important for you to start planning financially for your education. The costs will vary based on the program you are interested in studying. Browse the tuition page to get an idea of the costs involved.
In addition to tuition costs, you also need to think about books and supplies, transportation and parking, as well as living expenses, such as residence. Your costs will vary based on whether you are moving away from home or staying close to home as well as your own individual spending habits.
Preparing a budget for the year can help you plan forward.
Here is an estimated breakdown of a typical Lakehead University student budget:
Thunder Bay
Tuition* | $6,100 | $6,100 |
Activity Fees** | $1,000 | $850 |
Books/Supplies/Field Trips | $1,000 | $1,000 |
Entertainment & Personal Expenses | $1,600 | $1,600 |
Transportation | $900 | $400 |
TOTAL Live Off Campus*** | $10,600 | $9,950 |
Residence Fees (Room & Board) | $9,450 | $10,850 |
TOTAL Live On Campus | $20,050 | $20,800 |
*2015/2016 tuition fees range from $6,085 to $7,393 for degree programs. Tuition fees for international students range from $19,313 to $20,750 for degree programs. International students are required to enrol in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). Contact Lakehead International for information on the cost of this health care protection plan.
**2015/2016 activity fees varied depending on program of choice.
***This total does not include the cost of off-campus housing rental as this amount varies greatly depending on the choice of housing.