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学校名称: 澳洲新南威尔士大学 The University of New South Wales






  Amounts are per unit of credit (UOC). Students are charged based on their student status (domestic or international) and the classification of the course (undergraduate, postgraduate or research), also known as the course career or study level of the course. Amounts are per unit of credit (UOC). To calculate the fee for a course refer to the course prefix (e.g. SAED) and the student classification (e.g. Postgraduate), then multiply by the UOC value of the course.
  Example: An international postgraduate student is enrolling in an Art & Design course, SAED9003, which has a value of 6 UOC and the course is classified as postgraduate. The fee for this course will be $635 x 6 = $3810.00.
  Art & Design
Course Details Course Classification
Prefix School Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate Res­earch
COFA Art & Design $635 $635 $630
ADAD Art & Design $635 $635 $630
GEND Art & Design $635 na na
SAED School of Art Education $635 $635 $630
SAHT School of Art History and Theory $635 $635 $630
SART School of Art $635 $635 $630
SDES School ofDesign Studies $635 $635 $630
SOMA School of Media Arts $635 $635 $630
  Arts & Social Sciences
Course Details Course Classification
Prefix School Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate Res­earch
ARTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
ASIA Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
AUST Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
CHIN School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
COMD School of Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
CRIM School of Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
CRTV School of the Arts and Media na na $595
DANC School of the Arts and Media $635 na na
EDST School of Education $635 $620 $595
ENGL School of the Arts and Media $635 $620 $595
ENVP School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
EURO Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
FREN School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
GENT Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 na na
GERS School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
GLST Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
GREK School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
HIST School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
HPSC School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
HUML School of Humanities & Languages na na $595
HUMN School of Humanities & Languages na na $595
HUMS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
INDO School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
INST Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $670 $620 $595
INTD Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
IRSH Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
ITAL School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
JAPN School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
JWST School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
KORE School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
LATN School of Humanities & Languages $635 na na
LING School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
MDCM School of the Arts and Media $635 $620 $595
MDIA School of the Arts and Media $635 $620 na
MEFT School of the Arts and Media $635 $620 $595
MODL School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
MUSC School of the Arts and Media $670 $620 $595
NCHR National Centre for HIV Social Research na na $595
PECO School of Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
PHIL School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
POLS School of Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
RUSS School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
SLSP School of Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
SOCA School of Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
SOCF School of Social Sciences na $620 na
SOCW School of Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
SOIS School of Social Sciences na na $595
SOSS School of Social Sciences na na $595
SPAN School of Humanities & Languages $635 $620 $595
SPRC Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences na na $595
SRAP Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 na
STAM School of the Arts and Media na na $595
WOMS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences $635 $620 $595
  Built Environment
Course Details Course Classification
School Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate Res­earch
ARCH Architecture $760 $755 $680
BEIL School of the Built Environment $710 $675 na
BENV School of the Built Environment $710 $675 $680
BLDG Building Construction Management $710 $675 $680
CODE Faculty of Built Environment $710 na na
CONS Building Construction Management na $675 na
GENR Faculty of Built Environment $710 na na
GSBE Faculty of Built Environment na na $680
IDES Industrial Design $710 $675 $680
INTA Interior Architecture $710 $675 $680
LAND Landscape Architecture $710 $675 $680
PLAN Planning and Urban Development $710 $675 $680
MUPS Urban Policy and Strategy na $675 na
REST Building Construction Management $710 $675 $680
SUSD Sustainable Development $710 $675 $680
UDES School of the Built Environment $710 $675 $680
  Business School
Course Details Course Classification
School Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate Res­earch
ACCT School of Accounting $780 $845 $655
ACTL School of Risk & Actuarial Studies $780 $845 $655
COMM UNSW Business School $780 $845 $655
ECON School of Economics $780 $845 $655
FINS School of Banking & Finance $780 $845 $655
GBAT Business & Technology Programs na $845 $655
GENC UNSW Business School $780 na na
INFS School of Information Systems, Technology & Management $780 $845 $655
MARK School of Marketing $780 $845 $655
MFIN School of Banking & Finance na $845 na
MGMT School of Management $780 $845 $655
RISK School of Risk & Actuarial Studies na $845 na
TABL School of Taxation and Business Law $780 $845 $655
AGSM@UNSW Business School MBA Programs
MNGT All MNGT6XXX courses $725 na
MNGT All MNGT7XXX courses $810
MNGT All MNGT5XXX courses except those above $810
MNGT All MNGT8XXX courses $585
MBAX All MBAX courses $725
Course Details Course Classification
Prefix School Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate Res­earch
AERO School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering $820 $810 $835
AVEN School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering $820 $810 $835
BINF School of Computer Science & Engineering $820 $810 $835
BIOM Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering $820 $810 $835
CEIC School of Chemical Engineering $820 $810 $835
CHEN School of Chemical Engineering $820 $810 $835
COMP School of Computer Science & Engineering $820 $810 $835
CVEN School of Civil & Environmental Engineering $820 $810 $835
ENGG Faculty of Engineering $820 $810 na
ELEC School of Electrical Engineering & Tele­communicat­ions $820 $810 $835
FUEL School of Chemical Engineering $820 $810 $835
FOOD School of Chemical Engineering $820 $810 $835
GENE Faculty of Engineering $820 na na
GMAT School of Surveying & Goespatial Engineering $820 $810 $835
GSOE Graduate School of Engineering $820 $810 $835
INDC School of Chemical Engineering $820 $810 $835
MANF School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering $820 $810 $835
MECH School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering $820 $810 $835
MINE School of Mining Engineering $820 $810 $835
MMAN School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering $820 $810 na
MNNG School of Mining Engineering na $810 na
MTRN School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering $820 $810 $835
NAVL School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering $820 $810 $835
PHTN School of Electrical Engineering & Tele­communicat­ions $820 $810 $835
POLY School of Chemical Engineering $820 $810 $835
PTRL School of Petroleum Engineering $820 $810 $835
SENG School of Computer Science & Engineering $820 $810 $835
SOLA School of Photovoltaic & Renewable Energy Engineering $820 $810 $835
TELE School of Electrical Engineering & Tele­communicat­ions $820 $810 $835
Course Details Course Classification
Prefix School Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate Res­earch
GENL Faculty of Law $775 na na
LAWS School of Law $775 $815 $750
JURD School of Law na $855 na
Course Details Course Classification
Prefix School Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate Res­earch
ANAT School of Medical Sciences $835 na $860
CHIL School of Women's & Children's Health na na na
GENM Faculty of Medicine $835 na na
HESC School of Medical Sciences $835 na na
MDCN Faculty of Medicine $1305 na $860
MEDM Faculty of Medicine $835 na na
MFAC Faculty of Medicine $1305 na $860
NEUR School of Medical Sciences $835 na na
OBST School of Women's & Children's Health na na $860
PAED School of Women's & Children's Health na na $860
PATH School of Medical Sciences $835 na $860
PHAR School of Medical Sciences $835 $860 $860
PHCM School of Public Health & Community Medicine $835 $860 na
PHCM School of Public Health & Community Medicine
9001, 9002, 9005, 9200, 9201, 9006, 9007, 9008
na na $670
PHCM School of Public Health & Community Medicine
9003, 9004, 9801
na na $860
PHPH School of Medical Sciences na na $860
PHSL School of Medical Sciences $835 na na
PSCY School of Psychiatry na $815 $860
SOMS School of Medical Sciences $835 na $860
SURG School of Surgery na na $860
SWCH School of Women's & Children's Health na $815 $860



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