General eligilibility
The eligibility for studies in the Master's programmes is evaluated on the basis of your previous education. According to the Universities Act (558/2009), section 37, eligible for studies leading only to a higher university degree shall be a person
1.who has an applicable lower university degree;
2.who has an applicable polytechnic degree; or
3.who has an applicable education completed abroad which in the awarding country gives eligibility for corresponding higher education.
Required documents
The required application documents are the following:
-Printed and signed application form (created by the electronic application system)
-Degree certificate(s)
-Transcript(s) of record (An explanation of the grading system used is mandatory if it is not clearly stated in the transcript)
-Proof of language proficiency
-Letter of Motivation written in the online application form
-Photocopy of passport's information page / official ID card
-Curriculum Vitae (CV, Resume; please use the Europass CV form)
-One passport photo
You may also submit other documents supporting your application. These may include, for example, recommendation letters, work certificates, and diplomas of other studies. In addition to admission criteria, please also see the programme specific criteria requirements.
Students who have not graduated by the time the application period for the programme begins, are required to submit an officially certified copy of your latest transcript of records (according to possible country specific requirements). The anticipated graduation date should be evident on the application (for example document from the institution with the expected time of graduation). Completed degree needs to be presented on 31 July 2016 at 16.00 (GMT +2).