Tuition fees academic year 2016-2017
The following rate applies to the tuition fee for bachelor and master programmes (except masters with increased tuition fees - see below), teacher training programmes and preparatory and bridging programmes (diplomacontract):
230 euro + 11 euro/credit.
Some master programmes have an increased tuition fee for student with a nationality which does not belong to one of the member states of the European Economic Area (EEA)*:
-Master of Biomedical Sciences: 230 euro + 43,3 euro/credit**
-Master of Applied Economic Sciences: Business Economics: 230 euro + 43,3 euro/credit**
-Master of Applied Economic Sciences: Economic Policy: 230 euro + 43,3 euro/credit**
-Master of Biology: 230 euro + 43,3 euro/credit**
-Master of Computer Science: 230 euro + 43,3 euro/credit**
-Master of Physics: 230 euro + 43,3 euro/credit**
-Master of Law: 230 euro + 43,3 euro/credit**
The following master programme always has an increased tuition fee:
European Master in Comparative Morphology (Erasmus Mundus; details about the payment can be found on
-nationality of an EEA-member state*: 3000 euro***
-other nationalities: 6000 euro***
*European Economic Area (EEA): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithowenia, Luxemburg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
** reduction to 25,6 euro/credit is possible if all the following conditions apply: new students belong to the top 20% of their class which gives access to the programme (existing students should get excellent results in their first year of enrolment), students belong to a Least Developed Country (LDC) or Other Low Income Countries (OLIC) country of the DAC list, students have not yet obtained a master's degree, students do not have a scholarship and the request for reduction, submited before the enrolment, has been approved by the faculty
***collection of payment by the organizer (amount for 60 credits; please contact the organizer for the details of payment and tuition fee calculation)