In 2013/ 2014, admission fees were fixed at €183 for an undergraduate degree, €254 for a Master's degree, and €388 for a PhD degree. In France students need to pay healthcare taxes (€211/ year) and pay for a medical examination (€5.10), and library fees (€34).
The cost of living in the Paris area is around €1,000 per month.
Financial Assistance
International students pay the same registration fees as French students (i.e. a few hundred euros per academic year). International students who want to study at Paris-Sud University can apply for several scholarship programmes (Paris-Saclay, CRIF, Eiffel and Paris-Sud) to cover their living costs. These government-based scholarships are awarded to the best students. Thus, being “excellent” is essential for your application.
Obtaining a scholarship requires effort and perseverance. However, if you start applying early and if you follow the recommendations below, you can increase your chances. You can find out about other scholarships which are available by using the CampusBourses Grant search engine, for instance.
Choose your Master’s course wisely from the range of courses offered at Paris-Sud University. Apply for the Master’s course.
If you are accepted, ask the Course Director to put your application forward and to support it.
You can improve your chances by applying for several grants simultaneously.
You cannot apply on your own. Your application needs the support of the Course Director.
Make sure you observe the eligibility criteria. These often restrict eligibility to students who have never previously enrolled at a French educational institution.
Scholarship programmes for students accepted at Paris-Sud University
Paris-Saclay Master's Scholarship programme
Paris-Sud University is a member of Campus Paris-Saclay. Students wishing to study at our university can be nominated for a Paris-Saclay Master's Scholarship. Applications must be uploaded online by the Course Director of the programme to which you are applying.
More information on the Paris-Saclay Scholarship programme
« Île de France » Master Scholarship program
Every year the Conseil Régional of Île-de-France grants scholarships to international Master's students. Paris-Sud University can nominate a limited number of students for these scholarships.
Eiffel Scholarship Program
Every year France's Foreign Ministry grants a number of scholarships for excellence. Not all fields of study are eligible and it is a highly competitive programme. Applications are due by mid-December. The Course Director has to send the necessary documents to the International Relations Office at Paris-Sud University, so you need to contact the Course Director well before December.
Paris-Sud University's Top-Up
Paris-Sud University grants partial assistance to international students who receive financial assistance for their studies abroad from their home institution or government or a particular French Embassy.