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2016-03-15 16:44


【 liuxuequn.com - 留学费用 】

学校名称: 德国魏玛大学 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar




  Financing your Studies

  During your studies, you will have to pay for your accommodation, meals, learning material and leisure activities. Ensuring that you have reliable financing is an important factor for attaining a successful education. Regardless of your financial situation, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar strives to provide every student the opportunity to take up study at our university. In the following, we have listed the expenses you can expect during your studies and various ways to cover them:

  Costs of Studying

  Tuition fee

  The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar does not charge tuition fees. However, students are required to pay a registration fee (semester contribution) at the beginning of each semester. This fee pays for a variety of cultural events and your public transportation ticket.

  Semester Contribution

  Students are required to pay a semester contribution to re-register every semester. The semester contribution for the summer semester 2016 is € 156.90.

  The semester contribution is comprised of the following fees:

  ◾58,00 Euro Studentenwerk fee

  ◾50,90 Euro Thuringia ticket of DB Regio

  ◾30,00 Euro Weimar public transport ticket

  ◾ 9,20 Euro Central Thuringian public transport ticket

  ◾ 8,80 Euro student government contribution

  ◾additional 20,00 Euro non-recurring fee for student ID card "thoska" (only for first-semester students and new enrolled students, NOT for students changing their academic programm within the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and not for exchanging and ERASMUS students)

  In special cases, you may be exempt from paying the semester contribution or eligible for reimbursement. Request forms for reimbursement of the semester contribution may only be submitted to the Studentenwerk Thüringen. Reimbursement after the semester begins is only possible in exceptional cases. Request forms must be personally handed in at the INFOtake in the foyer of the Mensa am Park.

  Overdue fee

  If you fail to pay your semester contribution or request a leave of absence (receipt of payment no later than 29 February 2016 for the winter semester 2015/16), your name will be removed from the university register. However, you may be allowed to re-register or request a leave of absence following the deadline if there is good reason. If your explanation is recognised, you will be charged an additional overdue fee of 20 euros.

  Long-term study fees

  Each degree programme must be completed within a certain period. If a student studies longer than four semesters over the standard period of study, he or she is required to pay a 500-euro long-term study fee per semester in addition to the semester contribution.

  Living Expenses

  Living expenses are relatively lower in Weimar than in other university towns and cities in Germany. According to recent statistics provided by the German Studentenwerk (2009), students in Germany pay an average of 762 euros per month to cover all their expenses. These include the cost of rent, food, transportation, recreation, insurance, medical treatment, clothing, phone, Internet access and learning materials. As mentioned above, the cost of living in Weimar is lower than the German average.

  Monthly costs in Weimar

  Books + Study utilities :40 Euro

  Accomodation:260 Euro

  Food :250 Euro

  Health Insurance:80 Euro

  Diverse:60 Euro

  Sum:690 Euro

  Costs for groceries

  1 bread :ca. 2 Euro

  1 kg apples :ca. 1,50 Euro

  1 kg bananas :ca. 1,50 Euro

  2 kg potatoes :ca. 1,50 Euro

  1 kg tomatoes:ca. 2,00 Euro

  1 liter milk:ca. 0,90 Euro

  1 bottle Water (0,75 liter) :ca. 0,50 Euro

  1 cup of coffee (at a Café):0,50 - 2,80 Euro

  1 beer (at a restaurant):1,50 - 4,50 Euro

  1 pizza (at a restaurant):5,00 - 10,00 Euro

  Working part-time Job during your Study

  A part-time job can be a good way to finance your studies. Many students seek employment as student assistants in their departments and in the central university facilities. Be sure to check the job openings which are regularly posted by the university.

  Please bear in mind, however, that excessive hours or long commutes to work may significantly prolong your studies or negatively influence your academic performance.

  Loans and Grants


  You can also secure financing through educational loans and grants. There is now a relatively large selection of grants and loans which offer students exceptionally favourable conditions. The requirements and conditions of eligibility vary to such an extent that we recommend personal consultation in advance.

  想了解更多留学费用网的资讯,请访问: 留学费用

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