Costs and financing
The following information shall give you a broad idea of the expenses of living and studying in Paderborn.
The regular costs of living (per month) for students range approximately within the following frame:
200 Euro - 280 Euro
Health insurance
ca. 80 Euro
ca. 200 Euro
min. 80 Euro
Study Fees
ca. 250 Euro each semester
50 Euro - 100 Euro
800 - 900 Euro
When you first arrive in Paderborn, please make sure that you have enough cash to avoid any financial problems. During the first week, you will have to pay a deposit (normally about € 175), the first month’s rent (€ 175 - € 225), the semester ticket for public transport (~ € 250) and possibly the contribution to the health insurance. DSH course students will also have to pay the course fees of 450 Euro before the course starts.
Opening a bank account in Germany
We strongly recommend to open a bank account at a local bank. This will help you to handle all your financial issues as the most important payments like rent, health insurance or phone costs are carried out via bank transfer.
The “Sparkasse Paderborn” offers a cash machine as well as printer for statements of account in the Mensa building of the university. This enables you to carry out your money transactions on campus.
Financial support
Information about scholarships and grants can be obtained at the German Embassies, branches of the Goethe Institute and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The DAAD offers a variety of scholarship programs for international students, academics and scientists from all countries; however, there are no scholarship programs for the basic studies (Bachelor programs).
If your application for a scholarship requires an informal confirmation by the International Office that you fulfill the requirements for the Master degree course of your choice, please submit your inquiry in time: Processing takes ca. 4 weeks. To process your inquiry, we need a copy of your previous degree and a complete transcript of records of all study years.
After your arrival, the first point of reference should be the International Office. As you need some time to find accomodation and because of orientation programs für new students which take place before the regular semester start, you should arrive in Paderborn at least one week before the beginning of the semester.
All of the necessary documents for the enrollment are listed in your Notice of Admission, please read it carefully and, if possible, hand it in completely as this saves a lot of time. For the enrollment please at least bring along the following:
1. Your passport with a valid residence permit for academic studies
2. Proof of payment of the semester fee (about 270 € incl. semester ticket for NRW)
3. Health insurance certificate
4. One passport photo
5. Your filled out matriculation application form