Financing your studies in Germany
Students registered in our Bachelor's or Master's degree courses have to pay the student sevices contribution, the administative fee, and the fee for the Student Parliament totaling around 155.45 € for each semester. Further information can be found here.
At each university, semester fees must be paid, but the amount can differ depending on the university. At the University of Hohenheim, the semester fee is made up of the following fees:
Administrative fee (including the Student Ticket for public transportation): €60.00
Student Services fee: €91.70
Student Parliament fee: €10.00
For the summerer semester 2016 in total :€161.70
Living expenses
In addition, students have to finance their living expenses, which are relatively high in Germany. You should calculate at least € 660 per month for housing, food, health insurance, public transport, books, excursion fees, etc. The University of Hohenheim is not in a position to offer any financial assistance to students. All students have to finance their studies themselves. Please note that you will not be able to finance yourselves completely by working. Students from non-EU countries are only allowed to work 120 days per year, or 240 days when working half-time. Working as an academic assistant at the university or for a research institute is seen as a supportive part of the studies, and therefore it is allowed to work more than 120 days or 240 half days. This must be registered in the student's passport by the Ausländerbehörde (Immigration Agency).
If you are not able to raise the funds for your studies on your own and depend on a scholarship, you should get the relevant information in good time. It is not easy to get a overview of the various organizations, and putting together all the necessary documents for the application can be a time-consuming process. Scholarships are usually only granted to advanced students or graduates for a limited period of time - usually up to one year with the possibility of extension for one more year.
In addition to the DAAD, there are various political and religious organizations in Germany which fund students. Please read the information material very carefully before you submit an application, as all foundations require different prerequisites and, generally speaking, the chances to be granted a scholarship for studies in Germany are very limited. Many years of experience have shown that the success rate is below 10 %. Only if your profile strictly meets the requirements will you have a chance of receiving a scholarship.
All students must have health and long-term care insurance: If you have not turned 25, you can remain insured with your parents’ family insurance.
If you have a part-time job or earn money e.g. in an internship, you should take note of the income restrictions, as this could otherwise mean that you can no longer be included with your parents’ family insurance.
If you are not insured through your parents, then until you turn 30 or until the completion of the 14th subject-related semester you can get a reduced rate for the statutory student health and long-term care insurance.