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  澳大利亚巴拉瑞特大学(The University of Ballarat)是澳大利亚的一所历史悠久的大学,创校于1870年,是英联邦大学联合会成员,也是澳大利亚三所最古老的教学机构之一。该大学位于澳大利亚维多利亚州巴拉瑞特市,距墨尔本110公里,是一所历史悠久和风景优美同时学费与生活费用相对于其他名校都十分低廉的大学。

  大学共有6所校园区,其中主校园为占地110公顷的海伦山校园(Mt. Helen Campus),在校学生近2.5万人,海外学生1500 人。大学提供从专科、学士、硕士及博士学位的课程。巴拉瑞特大学所有学位均得到国际承认。巴拉瑞特大学共有9个学院(商学院、艺术学院、人文与社会科学学院、计算机与信息技术学院、应用科学学院、教育学院、体育科学学院、护理与健康学院、科学与工程学院)、70余个专业、100多种专科、学士、硕士及博士学位和文凭课程。下面请看留学群www.liuxuequn.com为大家整理的2016巴拉瑞特大学学费详情。


  2016 Schedule of Overseas Student Fees - Victorian Register

Federation Business School
School / Program Name
Program Code
2016 Annual Fee ($AUD)
Program Duration
Federation Business School
Advanced Diploma of Business BB2 075377B
Mt Helen
$24,000 1.5 years
Advanced Diploma of Commerce BC2 072732A
Mt Helen
$24,000 1.5 years
Advanced Diploma of Management BM2 075378A
Mt Helen
$24,000 1.5 years
Bachelor of Business BB5 039579B
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Honours) BB8 070499K
Mt Helen
$24,000 1 year
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) BB5 039582G
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Tourism) BB5 039583F
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Management) BB5 088132E
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) BB5 088133D
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Management and Marketing) BB5 088670A
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Management and Human Resource Management) BB5 088671M
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Management and Tourism) BB5 088669E
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Markerting and Human Resource Management) BB5 088668F
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management and Tourism) BB5 088672K
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce BC5 055557G
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) BC5 044114D
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Law) BC5 088134C
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Economics and Finance) BC5 088135B
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Law) BC5 088666G
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Economics & Finance) BC5 088667G
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Law and Economics & Finance) BC5 088665J
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) BC8 070500M
Mt Helen
$24,000 1 year
Graduate Certificate of Commerce (exit point only) BF4 055170E
Mt Helen
$13,400 (per cert) 6 months
Graduate Certificate of Management MA4 085207D
Mt Helen
$26,800 1 year
Graduate Certificate of Management (exit point only) BQ4 031617K
Mt Helen
$13,400 (per cert) 6 months
Graduate Certificate of Professional Accounting BI4 085206E
Mt Helen
$26,800 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Commerce (exit point only) BG4 055171D
Mt Helen
$26,800 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Management MB4 085208C
Mt Helen
$26,800 1.5 years
Graduate Diploma of Management (exit point only) BP4 055560B
Mt Helen
$26,800 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting BO4 085209B
Mt Helen
$26,800 1.5 years
Master of Business Administration BP9 043591E
Mt Helen
$26,800 1.5 years
Master of Business Administration MM9 085210J
Mt Helen
$26,800 2 years
Master of Business Administration (Health Services Management) MM9 085623K
Mt Helen
$26,800 2 years
Master of Business Administration (International Management) (Health Services Management) BS9 080162G
Mt Helen
$26,800 2 years
Master of Business Management BA9 012888M
Mt Helen
$26,800 1.5 years
Master of Professional Accounting BX9 085211G
Mt Helen
$26,800 2 years
Master of Professional Studies (Business) BC9 077886J
Mt Helen
$31,000 1.5 years
Doctor of Business Administration DB0 070503G
Mt Helen
$31,000 3 years
Master of Business (By Research) MU9 023221G
Mt Helen
$31,000 1.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Business) (By Research) BU0 033922G
Mt Helen
$31,000 3.5 years
Advanced Diploma of Business BB2 075377B
AAPY Melbourne
$24,000 1.5 years
Advanced Diploma of Commerce BC2 072732A
AAPY Melbourne
$24,000 1.5 years
Advanced Diploma of Management BM2 075378A
AAPY Melbourne
$24,000 1.5 years
Bachelor of Business BB5 039579B
AAPY Melbourne
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) BB5 039582G
AAPY Melbourne
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce BC5 055557G
AAPY Melbourne
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) BC5 044114D
AAPY Melbourne
$24,000 3 years
Graduate Certificate of Commerce BF4 055170E
AAPY Melbourne
$13,400 (per cert) 6 months
Graduate Certificate of Management BQ4 031617K
AAPY Melbourne
$13,400 (per cert) 6 months
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting BO4 085209B
AAPY Melbourne
$26,800 1.5 years
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting BO4 085209B
ATMC Geelong
$26,800 1.5 years
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting BO4 085209B
ATMC Melbourne
$26,800 1.5 years
Graduate Certificate of Management BQ4 031617K
MIT - Melb
$13,400 (per cert) 6 months
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting BO4 085209B
MIT - Melb
$26,800 1.5 years
Federation Business School, Gippsland
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business GAB5 080354M
$24,000 4 years
Bachelor of Business BB5 039579B
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) BB5 039582G
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Management) BB5 088132E
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) BB5 088133D
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce BC5 055557G
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) BC5 044114D
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Law) BC5 088134C
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Commerce (Economics and Finance) BC5 088135B
$24,000 3 years
Graduate Certificate of Management MA4 085207D
$26,800 1 year
Graduate Certificate of Professional Accounting BI4 085206E
$26,800 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Management MB4 085208C
$26,800 1.5 years
Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting BO4 085209B
$26,800 1.5 years
Master of Business Administration MM9 085210J
$26,800 2 years
Master of Professional Accounting BX9 085211G
$26,800 2 years
Master of Business (By Research) MU9 023221G
$31,000 1.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Business) (By Research) BU0 033922G
$31,000 3.5 years
Faculty of Education and Arts
School / Program Name
Program Code
2016 Annual Fee ($AUD)
Program Duration
School of Education
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education TO5 069143D
Mt Helen
$22,600 4 years
Bachelor of Education (Primary F - 6) TZ5 089465J
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$22,600 4 years
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences/Bachelor of Education TL5 069145B
Mt Helen
$22,600 4 years
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education TA5 069147M
Mt Helen
$22,600 4 years
Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education TF5 069149J
Mt Helen
$22,600 4 years
Master of Special Education TS9 072822K
Mt Helen
$24,300 2 years
Master of Teaching (Primary) GTP9 080391F
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$24,300 2 years
Master of Teaching (Secondary) TD9 088663M
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$24,300 2 years
Postgraduate Diploma of Education Studies (Early Childhood) TD4 072819E
Mt Helen
$24,300 1 year
Master of Education (By Research) TE9 001502C
Mt Helen
$27,900 1.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) (By Research) TU0 016654G
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,900 3.5 years
School of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Bachelor of Arts GAR5 080326D
$22,600 3 years
Bachelor of Arts (Acting) AF5 052611J
Camp St.
$25,700 3 years
Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice) GCJ5 080352B
$22,600 3 years
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) HS8 009084G
Mt Helen
$22,600 1 year
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) GAR8 080353A
$22,600 1 year
Bachelor of Arts (Humanities & Social Sciences) HS5 001491A
Mt Helen
$22,600 3 years
Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) HX5 049563E
Mt Helen
$22,600 3 years
Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre) AH5 052612G
Camp St.
$25,700 3 years
Bachelor of Arts (Rural Social Welfare) HW5 031811G
Mt Helen
$22,600 3 years
Bachelor of Arts HM5 085611C
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$22,600 3 years
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Primary Education GAP5 080357G
$22,600 4 years
Bachelor of Communication Design AT5 085610D
Camp St, Gippsland
$25,700 3 years
Bachelor of Community & Human Services HC5 085212G
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$22,600 3 years
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) AC8 072815J
Camp St.
$25,700 1 year
Bachelor of Visual Arts (Fine Arts) AA5 031809B
Camp St, Gippsland
$21,400 3 years
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) HW9 085213F
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$24,300 2 years
Master of Visual Arts GVA9 080393D
$24,300 1.5 years
Master of Arts (By Research) AU9 044995K
Camp St.
$27,900 1.5 years
Master of Arts (By Research) HB9 041559K
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,900 1.5 years
Master of Fine Art (by research) GFA9 080388A
$27,900 2 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Arts) (By Research) AU0 023233D
Camp St, Gippsland
$27,900 3.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Humanities and Social Science) (By Research) HU0 023232E
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,900 3.5 years
Faculty of Health
School / Program Name
Program Code
2016 Annual Fee ($AUD)
Program Duration
School of Health Sciences and Psychology
Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) PS5 001490B
Mt Helen
$24,600 4 years
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science PX5 063657D
Mt Helen
$29,200 3 years
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) PX8 077882B
Mt Helen
$29,200 1 year
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education PH5 080394C
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$24,600 4 years
Bachelor of Health Sciences SH5 077887G
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$29,200 3 years
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) SH8 077881C
Mt Helen
$29,200 1 year
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Leading and Managing Health Services) SH5 088147J
Mt Helen
$29,200 3 years
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology) SH5 088145M
Mt Helen
$29,200 3 years
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Sport and Exercise Science) SH5 088146K
Mt Helen
$29,200 3 years
Bachelor of Outdoor and Environmental Education OE5 085612B
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$26,200 3 years
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education/Bachelor of Outdoor and Environmental Education OP5 088664K
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$26,200 4.5 years
Bachelor of Psychological Science HY5 055553A
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$24,600 3 years
Bachelor of Sport Management PM5 056082G
Mt Helen
$24,600 3 years
Bachelor of Sport Management (Honours) PM8 077866B
Mt Helen
$24,600 1 year
Bachelor of Sport Management/Bachelor of Business PZ5 065657K
Mt Helen
$29,200 4.5 years
Graduate Certificate In Occupational Hazard Management EC4 No registration required if studying on a Visitor (Tourist) Visa
Mt Helen
$14,600 (per cert) 0.5 years
Graduate Diploma In Occupational Hazard Management ED4 No registration required if studying on a Visitor (Tourist) Visa
Mt Helen
$29,200 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Clinical Exercise Physiology PJ4 083031F
Mt Helen
$29,200 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Outdoor and Environmental Education PK4 046970C
Mt Helen
$26,200 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Psychology YD4 079152J
Mt Helen
$33,100 1 year
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology PJ9 083032E
Mt Helen
$29,200 1.5 years
Master of Applied Science (Biological Science) (By Research) PL9 001501D
Mt Helen
$29,200 1.5 years
Master of Applied Science (Psychology) (by research) YS9 014682J
Mt Helen
$29,200 1.5 years
Master of Applied Science (Social Science) (By Research) PN9 001501D
Mt Helen
$29,200 1.5 years
Master of Human Movement (Biological Science) (By Research) PO9 041560F
Mt Helen
$29,200 1.5 years
Master of Human Movement (Social Science) (By Research) PM9 041560F
Mt Helen
$29,200 1.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Social Science) (By Research) HU0 026139M
Mt Helen
$29,200 3.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Movement & Sport Sciences) (Biological Science) (By Research) MU0 026139M
Mt Helen
$29,200 3.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) (By Research) HH0 081098C
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$29,200 3.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Viosh) VU0 044127K
Mt Helen
$30,600 3.5 years
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare
Bachelor of Nursing HN5 088144A
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$28,400 3 years
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) NH8 028644M
Mt Helen
$28,400 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine NN4 077885K
Mt Helen
$26,200 1 year
Faculty of Science and Technology
School / Program Name
Program Code
2016 Annual Fee ($AUD)
Program Duration
School of Applied and Biomedical Sciences
Diploma of Sustainable Practice ST1 085621A
Mt Helen
$27,000 1 year
Bachelor of Environmental and Conservation Science SE5 088140E
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 3 years
Bachelor of Geoscience SG5 088139J
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 3 years
Bachelor of Biomedical Science SB5 062139A
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 3 years
Bachelor of Food and Nutritional Sciences SF5 075384C
Mt Helen
$27,000 3 years
Bachelor of Food and Nutritional Science SN5 088136A
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 3 years
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences CD5 061343E
Mt Helen
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Mathematical Science SY5 088143B
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$24,000 3 years
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) CM8 052876F
Mt Helen
$24,000 1 year
Bachelor of Science SC5 062141G
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 3 years
Bachelor of Biotechnology ST5 088142C
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 3 years
Bachelor of Science (Honours) SZ8 088661B
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 1 year
Bachelor of Veterinary and Wildlife Science SV5 088138K
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 3 years
Master of Applied Science (By Research) EJ9 001495G
Mt Helen
$31,000 1.5 years
Master of Applied Science (By Research) SA9 001495G
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$31,000 1.5 years
Master of Engineering Science (By Research) EI9 015134G
Mt Helen
$31,000 1.5 years
Master of Mathematical Sciences (By Research) CM9 052605G
Mt Helen
$24,000 1.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Science) (By Research) SU0 044127K
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$31,000 3.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Physical Sciences) (By Research) SU0 016653J
Mt Helen
$31,000 3.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Sciences) (By Research) CM0 023229M
Mt Helen
$27,000 3.5 years
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Advanced Diploma of Computing CC2 075379M
Mt Helen
$23,000 1.5 years
Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Honours) GCE5 080364J
$28,000 4 years
Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering/ bachelor of Business GEB5 080365G
$28,000 5.25 years
Bachelor of Computing (Honours) CC8 033920J
Mt Helen
$23,000 1 year
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) EG8 085617G
Mt Helen
$28,000 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) EG8 085618G
Mt Helen
$28,000 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) (Honours) EG8 085619F
Mt Helen
$28,000 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Mechanical Engineering) EX5 077585M
Mt Helen
$28,000 3 years
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) EX5 077586K
Mt Helen
$28,000 3 years
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Mining Engineering) EX5 077584A
Mt Helen
$28,000 3 years
Bachelor of Information Technology CT5 074009A
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$23,000 3 years
Bachelor of Information Technology (Business Systems) CT5 065125E
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$23,000 3 years
Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer Games and Digital Media) CT5 065124F
Mt Helen
$23,000 3 years
Bachelor of Information Technology (Mobile Application Development and Security) CT5 085615K
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$23,000 3 years
Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Engineering) CT5 071882F
Mt Helen
$23,000 3 years
Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice) CI5 049564D
Mt Helen
$23,000 4 years
Bachelor of Mechatronic Systems Engineering (Honours) GM8 085620B
$28,000 4 years
Graduate Certificate of Brewing SU4 No Reg Req
Online Delivery
$14,000 (per cert) 0.5 years
Graduate Diploma of Advanced Computing CA4 061326F
Mt Helen
$24,800 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Brewing SV4 No Reg Req
Online Delivery
$28,000 1 year
Graduate Diploma of Mining EQ4 085622M
Mt Helen
$21,000 2 years
Graduate Diploma of Technology (Enterprise Systems) CG4 080503C
Mt Helen
$24,800 1.5 years
Graduate Diploma of Technology (Software Engineering) CG4 080506M
Mt Helen
$24,800 1.5 years
Master of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) EY9 079924C
Mt Helen
$28,000 2 years
Master of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) EX9 044134M
Mt Helen
$28,000 1.5 years
Master of Engineering Technology (Mechanical Engineering) EX9 044136J
Mt Helen
$28,000 1.5 years
Master of Engineering Technology (Mechanical Engineering) EY9 079927M
Mt Helen
$28,000 2 years
Master of Engineering Technology (Mining Engineering) EX9 044137G
Mt Helen
$28,000 1.5 years
Master of Engineering Technology (Mining Engineering) EY9 079928K
Mt Helen
$28,000 2 years
Master of Mining Engineering EM9 058663D
Mt Helen
$28,000 1.5 years
Master of Technology (Enterprise Systems) CG9 080493M
Mt Helen
$24,800 2 years
Master of Technology (Software Engineering) CG9 080497G
Mt Helen
$24,800 2 years
Master of Technology (Research) CG9 088662A
Mt Helen
$24,800 2 years
Master of Technology (Research) CG9 088662A
$24,800 2 years
Master of Computing (By Research) CV9 052879C
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$24,800 1.5 years
Master of Engineering Science (By Research) EI9 015134G
$31,000 1.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) (By Research) GU0 023234C
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$31,000 3.5 years
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology) (By Research) CU0 023229M
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$27,000 3.5 years
Higher Education Non Award Programs
School / Program Name
Program Code
2016 Annual Fee ($AUD)
Program Duration
English and Academic Preparation (5 Weeks) XA4 050429A
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$2,270 5 weeks
English and Academic Preparation (10 Weeks) XA2 050429A
Mt Helen
$4,530 10 weeks
English and Academic Preparation (15 Weeks) XA3 058664C
Mt Helen
$6,800 15 weeks
English and Academic Preparation (20 Weeks) XA1 050427C
Mt Helen
$9,060 20 weeks
Exchange Program (half year) XO1 037206C
Mt Helen, Gippsland
N/A 6 months
Exchange Program (full year) XO1 037207B
Mt Helen, Gippsland
N/A 1 year
Study Abroad Program (half year) XH1 023235B
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$12,300 (per cert) 6 months
Study Abroad Program (full year) XH1 037208A
Mt Helen, Gippsland
$24,600 1 year






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