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学校名称: 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

所在位置:美国,210 Burrus Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061

学费:27444 美金



  Tuition and Fees for Fall and Spring Semesters, 2016 - 2017

  Payment Deadlines

  Fall 2016 - August 10, 2016

  Spring 2017 - January 10, 2017

  Notice to students enrolled on or after August 1, 2006

  In compliance with Virginia state law, students classified as in-state undergraduate students who enroll at a state educational institution August 1, 2006 or later will be assessed a tuition surcharge for each semester after 125% of the degree requirements for their program has been completed. The amount of the surcharge, established by the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia, is equal to 100% of the Average Cost of Education for the institution less tuition and mandatory Educational and General fees for in state undergraduates. Please refer to the Office of the University Registrarfor additional information and exemptions to the surcharge.


  Per Hour 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or more
Tuition - Virginia Resident 692.50 2,077.50 2,770.00 3,462.50 4,155.00 4,847.50 5,540.00 6,233.50
Tuition - Non-Virginia Resident 1,394.25 4,182.75 5,577.00 6,971.25 8,365.50 9,759.75 11,154.00 12,547.50
Technology Fee   18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 37.00 37.00 37.00
Library Fee   20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
Commonwealth Facility & Equipment Fee (Non-VA Resident only)   151.00 151.00 151.00 151.00 302.00 302.00 302.00
Comprehensive Fees  
Student Activity Fee   80.50 80.50 80.50 80.50 161.00 161.00 161.00
Student Cultural Activities Fee   45.25 45.25 45.25 45.25 90.50 90.50 90.50
Health Fee   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205.00
Athletic Fee   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 146.50
Transportation Services Fee   31.75 31.75 31.75 31.75 63.50 63.50 63.50
Recreational Sports Fee   80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 160.50 160.50 160.50
Student Services Fee   64.25 64.25 64.25 64.25 128.50 128.50 128.50
Total Tuition & Fees - VA Resident   2,418.00 3,110.50 3,803.00 4,495.50 5,528.50 6,221.00 7,266.00
Total Tuition & Fees - Non-VA Resident   4,674.25 6,068.50 7,462.75 8,857.00 10,742.75 12,137.00 13,882.00

  Important: In addition to the tuition and fees described above, various course and lab fees may be assessed depending on the course(s) in which the student is enrolled. These fees are used to support extraordinary course-specific costs (e.g., extraordinary laboratory materials or equipment, course materials retained by the student, etc.). These fees are subject to the university's existing refund policies and procedures. Students should review their account upon adding or dropping courses.

  Undergraduate Co-Op Fee: $75

  Undergraduate Engineering Supplemental Fee for courses in the College of Engineering: $43.25 per credit hour

  Pamplin College of Business Fee for all 1000-, 2000-, 3000- and 4000-level courses in the College of Business: $25 per credit hour

  Architecture and Design Fee for Students in Architecture, Industrial Design, Interior Design and Landscape Architecture:

  -(7 or more credit hours): $474.50 per semester

  -(1-6 credit hours): $237.50 per semester


  Per Hour 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or more
Tuition - Virginia Resident 692.50 2,077.50 2,770.00 3,462.50 4,155.00 4,847.50 5,540.00 6,233.50
Tuition - Non-Virginia Resident 1,394.25 4,182.75 5,577.00 6,971.25 8,365.50 9,759.75 11,154.00 12,547.50
Technology Fee   18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 37.00 37.00 37.00
Library Fee   20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
Commonwealth Facility & Equipment Fee (Non-VA Resident only)   151.00 151.00 151.00 151.00 302.00 302.00 302.00
Comprehensive Fees  
Student Activity Fee   80.50 80.50 80.50 80.50 161.00 161.00 161.00
Student Cultural Activities Fee   45.25 45.25 45.25 45.25 90.50 90.50 90.50
Health Fee   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205.00
Athletic Fee   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 146.50
Transportation Services Fee   31.75 31.75 31.75 31.75 63.50 63.50 63.50
Recreational Sports Fee   80.25 80.25 80.25 80.25 160.50 160.50 160.50
Student Services Fee   64.25 64.25 64.25 64.25 128.50 128.50 128.50
Total Tuition & Fees - VA Resident   2,418.00 3,110.50 3,803.00 4,495.50 5,528.50 6,221.00 7,266.00
Total Tuition & Fees - Non-VA Resident   4,674.25 6,068.50 7,462.75 8,857.00 10,742.75 12,137.00 13,882.00

  Important: In addition to the tuition and fees described above, various course and lab fees may be assessed depending on the course(s) in which the student is enrolled. These fees are used to support extraordinary course-specific costs (e.g., extraordinary laboratory materials or equipment, course materials retained by the student, etc.). These fees are subject to the university's existing refund policies and procedures. Students should review their account upon adding or dropping courses.

  Graduate Engineering Supplemental Fee for Graduate Students in the College of Engineering:

  -(7 or more credit hours) $524.50 per semester

  - (1-6 credit hours) $262.50 per semester

  Pamplin College of Business Fee for all 1000-, 2000-, 3000- and 4000-level courses in the College of Business: $25 per credit hour

  Architecture and Design Fee for Students in Architecture, Industrial Design, Interior Design and Landscape Architecture:

  - (7 or more credit hours): $474.50 per semester

  - (1-6 credit hours): $237.50 per semester

  Start of Semester Defense Exception:

  Includes Tuition, Technology Fee, Library Fee and Commonwealth Facility & Equipment Fee (Non-VA resident only) at the 1 credit hour VA Resident rate

  Blacksburg Campus: $731.00 VA Resident, $882.00 Non-VA Resident

  Extended Campus: $805.25 VA Resident, $956.25 Non-VA Resident

  Extended Campus or Virtual Campus Graduate

  Per Hour 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or more
Tuition--Virginia Resident 766.75 2,300.25 3,067.00 3,833.75 4,600.50 5,367.25 6,134.00 6,900.50
Tuition - Non-Virginia Resident 1,494.25 4,482.75 5,977.00 7,471.25 8,965.50 10,459.75 11,954.00 13,448.50
Technology Fee   18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 37.00 37.00 37.00
Library Fee   20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
Commonwealth Facility & Equipment Fee (Non-VA Resident only)   151.00 151.00 151.00 151.00 302.00 302.00 302.00
Total - Virginia Resident   2,338.75 3,105.50 3,872.25 4,639.00 5,444.25 6,211.00 6,977.50
Total - Non-Virginia Resident   4,672.25 6,166.50 7,660.75 9,155.00 10,838.75 12,333.00 13,827.50
Northern Virginia Center Student Services Fee   30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 61.00 61.00 61.00
Total Tuition & Fees - VA Resident - Northern Virginia Center   2,369.25 3,136.00 3,902.75 4,669.50 5,505.25 6,272.00 7,038.50
Total Tuition & Fees - Non-VA Resident - Northern Virginia Center   4,702.75 6,197.00 7,691.25 9,185.50 10,899.75 12,394.00 13,888.50

  Important: In addition to the tuition and fees described above, various course and lab fees may be assessed depending on the course(s) in which the student is enrolled. These fees are used to support extraordinary course-specific costs (e.g., extraordinary laboratory materials or equipment, course materials retained by the student, etc.). These fees are subject to the university's existing refund policies and procedures. Students should review their account upon adding or dropping courses.

  Graduate Engineering Supplemental Fee for Graduate Students in the College of Engineering:

  - (7 or more credit hours) $524.50 per semester

  - (1-6 credit hours) $262.50 per semester

  Pamplin College of Business Fee for all 1000-, 2000-, 3000- and 4000-level courses in the College of Business: $25 per credit hour

  Architecture and Design Fee for Students in Architecture, Industrial Design, Interior Design and Landscape Architecture:

  - (7 or more credit hours): $474.50 per semester

  - (1-6 credit hours): $237.50 per semester

  Start of Semester Defense Exception:

  Includes Tuition, Technology Fee, Library Fee and Commonwealth Facility & Equipment Fee (Non-VA resident only) at the 1 credit hour VA Resident rate

  Blacksburg Campus: $731.00 VA Resident, $882.00 Non-VA Resident

  Extended Campus: $805.25 VA Resident, $956.25 Non-VA Resident

  Veterinary Medicine (VA/MD Residents)

  Tuition (VA/MD Res) Semester Technology Fee Library Fee Vet Med Facility Fee Commonwealth Facility & Equipment Fee Comp Fees Total
1st - 3rd Year
10,151.00 Fall 37.00 40.00 625.00 0.00 955.50 11,808.50
10,151.00 Spring 37.00 40.00 625.00 0.00 955.50 11,808.50
Per Year: 23,617.00
4th Year
3,309.25 Summer I
18.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 464.25 3,806.50
3,309.25 Summer II
18.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 464.25 3,806.50
6,841.75 Fall 37.00 40.00 625.00 0.00 955.50 8,499.25
6,841.75 Spring 37.00 40.00 625.00 0.00 955.50 8,499.25
Per Year: 24,611.50

  Veterinary Medicine (Non-VA/MD Residents)

  Tuition (Non VA/MD Res) Semester Technology Fee Library Fee Vet Med Facility Fee Commonwealth Facility & Equipment Fee Comp Fees Total
1st - 3rd Year
23,417.00 Fall 37.00 40.00 625.00 302.00 955.50 25,376.50
23,417.00 Spring 37.00 40.00 625.00 302.00 955.50 25,376.50
Per Year: 50,753.00
4th Year
7,633.75 Summer I
18.00 15.00 0.00 151.00 464.25 8,282.00
7,633.75 Summer II
18.00 15.00 0.00 151.00 464.25 8,282.00
15,783.25 Fall 37.00 40.00 625.00 302.00 955.50 17,742.75
15,783.25 Spring 37.00 40.00 625.00 302.00 955.50 17,742.75
Per Year: 52,049.50

  Board Rates Per Semester

On or Off Campus:
Premium Flex Plan 1,919.00
Mega Flex Plan 1,794.00
Major Flex Plan 1,674.00
Off Campus Only:
Minor Flex Plan TBA
Commuter Cash Plan 275.00

  Room Rates Per Semester

Residence Room Fee
Upper Quad (Thomas, Monteith, Brodie, Rasche) 2,196.00
Pearson Hall (Upper Quad) 3,205.00
Lower/Prairie Quad (Eggleston, East Campbell, Vawter, Barringer, *Pritchard, O'Shaugnessy, Slusher, Miles) 2,341.00
*Lee Hall inVenTs Living & Learning 2,341.00
Cochrane 2,914.00
Payne Park (*Payne, Harper, New Residence East, Peddrew-Yates):
Traditional-Double 2,576.00
Traditional-Single 3,521.00
Suite-Double 3,104.00
Suite-Single 4,282.00
Large Suite-Double 3,179.00
Special Purpose Housing 2,922.00
*Residential Colleges at Ambler Johnston:
Traditional-Double 2,996.00
Private Bath-Double 3,437.00
Efficiency-Double 3,481.00
Main Campbell:
Double 2,639.00
Single 3,585.00
Hillcrest (Honors Program):
Double 2,837.00
Single 3,858.00
Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown:
Double 3,252.00
Single 4,431.00
New Hall West:
Double 3,252.00
Single 4,431.00
Oak Lane IV 3,488.00

  Masters of Business Administration Supplemental Fee

  $162.50 Per Credit Hour

  Masters of Science in Business Administration with a Concentration in Business Analytics Supplemental Fee (MSBA-BA)

  $162.50 Per Credit Hour

  Masters of Public Health (MPH) Supplemental Fee

  Masters of Public Health (MPH) Fee:

  -(7 or more credit hours) $262.50 per semester


  -(1-6 credit hours) $131.50 per semester

  想了解更多留学费用网的资讯,请访问: 留学费用

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