哥大的市场营销研究生,开设在商学院下面,是一年的课程项目,一般是三个semester完成学习,秋季,春季,夏季。86留学网介绍中明确指出:The Master of Science in Marketing program focuses on marketing analytics. The program trains marketing researchers to work in industry, consulting firms, nonprofits, government, and other organizations where marketing analytics adds value. 可见,哥大的市场营销是为各行各业培养营销分析型人才。
哥大的MS in Marketing需要学生本科有概率论和统计学背景,想要拿到学位,要做哪些学习呢?学生需要完成至少10门研究生课程(30学分)。当然,这30学分不是随随便便修够就能交差的,还需要符合以下一些特殊的要求:
1. 四门核心课:
Mathematical Methods 数学方法
Introduction to Econometrics and Statistical Inference 计量经济学与统计推论
Marketing Research 营销研究
Strategic Consumer Insights 战略消费者洞察
这里需要注意的是:Mathematical Methods需要在正课开课前就开始学习,一般时间在8月中旬左右就入读了。
2. 两门MBA选修课:
MBA CoursesCourse Credit
Marketing Plans Workshop (B8699-009)营销策划工作室Full
High Technology Entrepreneurship (B9677-007)高科技创业Full
Marketing for Organic Revenue Growth (B7601-061)有机收入增长营销Full
Strategic Marketing in the Modern Corporation (B8610-001)现代公司的战略营销Full
New Product Development (B8604-001)新产品开发Full
Pricing Strategies (B9601-037)定价策略Full
Media Metrics, Analytics and Economics (B8699-011)媒体指标,分析与经济学Full
Marketing Metrics (B9601-072)营销指标Half
Systematic Creativity in Business(B8699-020)商业系统创新Half
Full courses count for 3 credits each. Half courses count for 1.5 credits.
3. Other Electives 其他选修课,需要从PHD项目或者其他学院选择四门选修课,下面是PHD项目下的课程List,可作参考:
Courses offered by the Ph.D. ProgramCourse Credit
Consumer Behavior I or II (B9610-025 or B9610-015)*消费者习惯I or IIFull
Bayesian Modeling and Computation (B9610-024)贝叶斯建模与计算Full
Bridging Behavioral Decision Research and Marketing Science (B9610-023)搭桥行为决策研究与市场营销学Full
Marketing, Decisions & Methods (B9610-018)<营销,决策和方法Full
Experimental Design and Analysis for Behavioral Research (B9610-014)行为研究的实验设计与分析Full
Foundations of Optimization优化基础Ful
Foundations of Stochastic Modeling随机模型基础Full
Analytical Models/ Empirical Industrial Organization (B9699-001)分析模型/实证产业组织Full
Computational Bayesian Methods (B9311-023)*计算贝叶斯方法Full
Introduction to Econometrics (B9311)*计量学入门Full
Micro Economic Analysis I and II (B8207 and B8209)*微观经济学分析I和IIFull
*These courses are offered yearly. All the other courses are offered bi-annually.
4. Master Thesis 研究生论文
5. Internship 实习
Applications Received收到申请数252
Applications Accepted录取数16
Acceptance Rate录取率5%
Entering Class Size班级规模13
Average Age平均年龄23
Male to Female Ratio男女比例3:10
Average GMAT Quantitative %平均GMAT数学百分比95%
Average GMAT Verbal %平均GMAT语文百分比80%
Average GMAT Total 平均GMAT成绩720
Average GRE Quantitative %平均GRE数学百分比82%
Average GRE Verbal %平均GRE语文百分比90%
Average TOEFL Total 平均托福成绩111
Average GPA平均GPA 3.7