Usnews排名,是由美国新闻与世界报道(U.S. NEWS & World Report)发布的一项大学排名。Usnews的排名有三种,分为美国大学本科排名、美国大学研究生院排名和世界大学排名,本科称为Best Colleges,研究生院称为Best Graduate Schools,世界大学排名称为Best Global Universities。
Kuwait University is the first public research university in the State of Kuwait and was established in 1966, under Act N. 29/1966. Its vision is to provide world-class education, and committed to advancing, preserving, and disseminating knowledge, in addition to preparing educated, enlightened and qualified human resources in order to realize the society developmental needs.
The institutional mission is to keep, develop, and disseminate human knowledge, in addition to developing national human resources in order to create leaders who are aware of national heritage and future needs in collaboration with other academic institutions of similar mission, through:Strengthening national, Arabic, and Islamic values and principles.Disseminating knowledge.Developing and investing human resourcesAchieving excellence and distinction in education, scientific research, and community services.
Utilizing modern technology.Kuwait University is one of the Kuwaiti government institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Education, which operates under the supervision of the University Council headed by the Minister of Higher Education and Minister Education.Academic Faculty Staff Members reached about 1565 internationally renowned and culturally diverse community of professors and academicians, providing the highest level of teaching, research and scholarship.The number of students at KU has reached 38648 as they undergo intensive learning process, seeking advanced knowledge and personal fulfillment through enormous choices and opportunities for improvement and self-development.
Kuwait University 科威特大学