Eligibility of Applicants
Ⅰ. General Eligibility of Applicants
1. Foreign Nationals whose parents are both citizens of countries other than Korea, and who finished high school in and outside of Korea.
2. Foreign Nationals : Those who have received primary, secondary and university education outside of Korea.
Ⅱ. Criteria for Language Ability: Fulfills use of the following requirements
Korean Proficiency Test (TOPIK) Applicants with Level 3 or higher
Applicants who have passed the Korean Proficiency Test conducted by CBNU
(TOPIK Level 3 considered)
English Proficiency Test (TOEFL PBT 550, TOEFL CBT 210, TOEFL iBT 80,
TEPS 550, TOEIC 675) and higher
※ Tests for certifying the above language ability should be taken after September 1, 2010.
※ Documents for certifying the above language ability should be submitted by June 14, 2012.
III. Applicants’ Eligibility Details
Those who do not have Korean citizenship
Following applicants’ parents’ citizenship is not considered; Those who have received primary, secondary and university education outside of Korea.
Dual citizenship is not acceptable
If an applicant’s one parent passed away or divorced, passed away or divorced parent’s citizenship will not be considered.
※ The information may be changed according to the conditions of departments or colleges.