International students follow essentially the same procedure and have the same application requirements as all other students.
For a list of these requirements and instructions visit Application Instructions & Components. Since some of these requirements may be unfamiliar to international students, additional information is provided here.
There are three ways to apply to Yale for freshman admission. Select the option that is right for you. Yale will accept any one of these applications, without preference for one over another. Students should submit one - and only one - application per admissions cycle. Click on the links below to learn more about each type of application.
All applicants for freshman admission must submit one of the following:
The Coalition Application with Yale-Specific Questions
The Common Application with Yale-Specific Questions
The QuestBridge National College Match Application
- 联盟申请表和耶鲁具体问卷;
- 通用申请以及耶鲁具体问卷;
- QuestBridge大学匹配计划申请。
Additional requirements for all freshman applicants:
$80 Application Fee or Fee Waiver
Applicants should pay the $80 application fee via the Common Application or Coalition Application website. The QuestBridge National College Match Application is free, but note that only students named QuestBridge Finalists may apply to Yale with the QuestBridge National College Match Application.
Applicants using the Common Application or Coalition Application may request that the application fee be waived. Qualifications for a fee waiver are as follows:
You have received or are eligible to receive an ACT or SAT testing fee waiver.
You are enrolled in or eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program (FRPL).
Your annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
You are enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., TRIO programs such as Upward Bound).
Your family receives public assistance.
You live in a federally subsidized public housing, a foster home or are homeless.
You are a ward of the state or an orphan.
You can provide a supporting statement from a school official, college access counselor, financial aid officer, or community leader.
If you feel that your college application and financial aid application fees present a severe hardship for your family, but you are not sure if you meet the qualifications as outlined above, please consider the final bullet point carefully. If there is an adult in your community who could attest to your family’s economic situation, please do not hesitate to request a fee waiver. You will not need to submit supporting documentation unless specifically asked to do so. More information about the guidelines Yale uses to determine eligibility for fee waivers is on the Fee Waiver page. The fee waiver qualification scale is based on family size and income in US dollars, but is applicable to all international students as well as US residents.
- 你已经获得或者具备获得ACT或者SAT考试费用豁免资格;
- 你已经参加或者具备参加联邦免费或降价午餐计划(FRPL);
- 你的年度家庭收入在美国农业部食品和营养服务设立的收入资格原则中;
- 你登记了援助低收入家庭学生的联邦、州或者当地计划(例如TRIO计划进修奖励);
- 你的家庭收到了公共援助;
- 你居住在联邦资助的公共住房中,或者寄养家庭里,或者你是一名无家可归的人;
- 是国家援助对象,或者一名孤儿;
- 你可以从学校官员、大学访问顾问、经济援助官员、或者是社区领导那里获得一份支持性声明。
Two Teacher Recommendations
Your application must include recommendations from two of your teachers. Your recommendations should come from recent teachers in academic subjects. As with all documents, if the teacher evaluations are not written in English, you must provide us with an official English translation.
Recommendations should be submitted electronically through the Common Application or Coalition Application website. For QuestBridge Finalists, recommendations and transcripts are automatically forwarded to Yale with the QuestBridge National College Match Application. If necessary, teachers may also submit their recommendations via mail or fax. Recommendations may be sent before or after you submit your application; materials that arrive before your application will be kept on file. The admissions office understands that it may not be possible in some cases for teachers and counselors to meet the application deadlines. We will make reasonable allowances for late school documents.
Counselor Recommendation and School Report (including transcript)
Your application must include a letter of recommendation from a counselor and a complete School Report with transcript. The School Report should include all grades you have received and predicted grades if applicable. If you do not have a counselor, you may ask a tutor, house master, principal, academic advisor, or other comparable school official to complete the recommendation and School Report. If you do not have a GPA or class rank, leave that space blank.
A counselor recommendation and complete secondary school transcript should be submitted electronically through the Common Application or Coalition Application website. For QuestBridge Finalists, recommendations and transcripts are automatically forwarded with the QuestBridge National College Match Application. If necessary, counselors and/or other school officials may submit recommendations and transcripts via mail or fax. Recommendations and transcripts may be sent before or after you submit your application; materials that arrive before your application will be kept on file. The admissions office understands that it may not be possible in some cases for teachers and counselors to meet the application deadlines. We will make reasonable allowances for late school documents.
Standardized Testing Requirements: SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, Duolingo English Test
All applicants for freshman admission should submit either the SAT or the ACT with Writing. For SATs taken in March 2016 or later, the additional essay is required. Applicants to the Yale Classes of 2021 and 2022 may submit either the old or the new SAT. More information on Yale’s test policies, including Score-Choice and recommended tests, is available on the Standardized Testing page. Standardized tests are just one component of a student’s application and are viewed within the context of the student’s entire file. There is no minimum score required for admission, nor is there a score that will guarantee admission. The middle 50% of test scores (the 25th to the 75th percentiles) for enrolled freshman are as follows:
SAT-Verbal: 720-800 (Old SAT)
SAT-Math: 710-800 (Old SAT)
SAT-Writing: 710-790 (Old SAT)
ACT Composite: 32-35
Only students whose home country of schooling (for example, mainland China) do not have an SAT or ACT testing center are exempt from these testing requirements, but must take either the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE instead. No other substitutions are acceptable.
SAT Subject Tests are not required for admission but are recommended.
It is important to register for tests with the same name and same format that you use on your application. The Admissions Office will not link your record to your test scores if the names do not match. Note that testing done in November (for Single-Choice Early Action) and January (for Regular Decision) may not arrive in time for the committee’s consideration. When reporting scores to Yale, please use Yale’s CEEB code: 3987 for College Board tests (SAT and SAT Subject Tests) or Yale’s ACT code: 0618.
For more information on taking the tests and finding testing centers, please consult the appropriate websites for the College Board(link is external) (SAT) and ACT(link is external).
Testing for Non-Native English Speakers:
Students at Yale must be able to express themselves fluently in spoken and written English. If you are not a native English-speaker and you have not taken at least two years of secondary education where English is the medium of instruction, Yale strongly recommends that you take any one of the proficiency tests listed below.
• TOEFL(link is external)The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), is offered in several formats and requires pre-registration for available testing dates. Yale’s most competitive applicants will have TOEFL scores of at least the following:
100 on the internet-based TOEFL
600 on the paper-based TOEFL
250 on the computer-based TOEFL
Please note that results from the November test (for Single-Choice Early Action) or the January test (for Regular Decision) may not arrive in time for the committee’s consideration. Be sure to include Yale’s CEEB code (3987) on all test registrations.
• IELTS(link is external) and Pearson Test of English(link is external)The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Pearson Test of English (PTE) offer proficiency tests in locations around the world. Pre-registration is required. Yale’s most competitive applicants will have IELTS scores of 7 or higher and Pearson Test scores of 70 or higher.
• Duolingo English Test(link is external)Applicants may also submit the Duolingo English Test, which combines an English proficiency test with a brief video interview. Duolingo’s technology and format allows applicants to complete the test at any time or place, as long as they have Web access. The interview portion of this test is not scored, but Yale’s most competitive applicants will have scores above 75 in the multiple-choice answer portion of the test.
所有的大学新生录取申请者应该递交SAT考试、或者ACT with Writing考试。对于在2016年3月份或者之后参加的SAT考试,要求进行额外的文章考试。申请耶鲁大学2021和2022级的申请者可以递交旧版或者新版的SAT考试。更多有关耶鲁大学考试政策、包括分数选择以及推荐考试信息,可以在标准化考试页面找到。标准化考试只是学生入学申请的一部分,并且将会在学生整个的文件中进行审核参考。耶鲁大学没有最低的入学成绩要求,也不能保证获得多少分就一定可以获得入学资格。成功进入耶鲁大学的新生中,中间50%的考试成绩(25%-75%)处于以下范围:
- SAT-Verbal: 720-800 (旧版SAT考试)
- SAT-Math: 710-800 (旧版SAT考试)
- SAT-Writing: 710-790 (旧版SAT考试)
- ACT Composite: 32-35
特别重要的一点是,在登记考试的时候,使用的姓名和形式一定要与入学申请表上面的一致。如果姓名不匹配的话,招生办公室不会将你的记录与你的考试成绩链接在一起。请注意在11月份(对于单一选择提前申请)以及1月份(对于常规申请而言)参加的考试可能不会准时达到招生委员会。在报告成绩给耶鲁大学的时候,请使用耶鲁大学 CEEB代码:3987(大学委员会考试,SAT和SAT学科考试)或者是耶鲁大学ACT代码:0618。
- 托福考试(英语作为一门外语的考试):有多种考试形式,需要在相应的考试时间进行预先注册。耶鲁大学最具竞争力的申请者的托福考试成绩至少处于下面水平:
- 雅思考试和皮尔森学术英语考试:国际英语语言考试系统(雅思考试)以及皮尔森学术英语考试在世界上各个地方提供英语语言能力测试。同样需要进行预先注册。耶鲁大学的大部分具有竞争力的申请者雅思考试成绩达到7分,皮尔森学术英语考试成绩达到70分或者更高水平。
- Duolingo英语考试:申请者也可以递交Duolingo英语考试成绩,这是一个英语语言能力考试和简短视频面试的结合。Duolingo的技术和形式允许申请者可以在任何时候任何地方完成考试,只要有网络连接。这个考试的面试部分是不计分的,但是耶鲁大学最具竞争性的申请者在该考试的多选答案部分的考试成绩达到75分以上。
Mid-Year Report
Yale only requires applicants to submit the Mid-Year Report if they receive new grades in the middle of the school year (by February 1). If you do not receive new grades by February 1, or if you have completed secondary school by February 1, you do not need to submit the Mid-Year Report. Many international students do not need to send this form.
Final Report
Only admitted students are required to submit the Final Report, which provides final secondary school grades and examination marks. Admitted students submit the Final Report in the summer before fall matriculation.
Application Acknowledgment, Yale Admissions Status Portal, Checklist, and Admissions Decisions
Beginning in mid-October, a student who has submitted an application will receive a confirmation email that includes a PIN and instructions for activating a Yale Admissions Status Portal account. If you do not receive a confirmation email within two weeks after submitting your application, please check your junk mail folder in case the email has been filtered by mistake. To prevent this add [email protected](link sends e-mail) to your address book or contact list.
Applicants should use the Yale Admissions Status Portal throughout the admissions cycle to check for the receipt of required application materials.
Applicants will use the Yale Admissions Status Portal to view an admissions decision online when it becomes available.
Applicants should use one email address throughout the application cycle. If your email address changes, use the Yale Admissions Status Portal to notify the Admissions Office of changes.
Yale encourages applicants to have a conversation with a Yale interviewer if possible, but an interview is not a required part of the application process. Interviews are conducted by volunteer members of the Yale Alumni Schools Committees (ASC), which are based in many locations throughout the world.
Where possible, applicants will be contacted by a volunteer after submitting an application. The Alumni Schools Committee member will ordinarily arrange to meet the applicant at a mutually convenient location, such as your school, a library, or a coffee shop. In some instances, where meeting in person is not convenient, an applicant may be invited to have an online “virtual” interview.
There are some regions without available alumni volunteers or have fewer volunteers than can accommodate all of the applicants. If it is not possible to arrange an interview there will be no negative effect on your chances of admission. In such cases, you may wish to take advantage of technologies that provide opportunities for you to “speak” to the admissions committee through Web-based programs, such as InitialView(link is external).
InitialView(link is external) provides live, unscripted video interviews that applicants may submit to colleges for consideration along with other application materials. Interview times must be reserved in advance. InitialView interviews are not scored. The Duolingo English Test(link is external)(detailed in the Standardized Testing section above), includes a brief spoken component, but is designed to gauge English language proficiency.
You may read more about interviews, including information about on-campus conversations with Yale undergraduate students, at Interviews for Freshman Applicants.
Financial Aid for International Students
Yale offers need-blind admissions and need-based financial aid to all applicants, international and domestic. Yale admits undergraduate students without regard to their ability to pay, and provides need-based financial aid awards to all admitted students on the basis of individual needs assessments. Financial aid awards for international students are created using a needs analysis that takes into account the relative differences between the US economy and the economy of students’ home countries.
Special Note to International Students Intending to Study Medicine
It is extremely difficult for international applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States to gain admission to U.S. medical schools. State-supported medical schools rarely consider international applicants for admission, and those private schools that do accept applications generally require that international students place in escrow an amount ranging from one to four years’ tuition and fees (USD 40,000–200,000). There are very few scholarships available for medical schools in the U.S., and to qualify for U.S. government-sponsored loans, the applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident. International applicants who are considering a career as a medical doctor and hope to receive their education at an American medical school should think carefully before applying for admission to an undergraduate program in the United States.
对于不是美国公民或者美国永久居民的国际申请者而言,想要获得美国医学院的录取资格是相当不容易的。州立医学院很少会考虑招收国际学生,一些私立学校接收国际学生,但是要求国际学生将第1年到第4年的学费和杂费(USD 40,000–200,000)全部托管于第三方。在美国大学,只有很少的奖学金提供给医学院学生,并且为了具备申请美国政府赞助贷款,申请者必须成为美国公民或者美国永久居民。未来想要成为一名医生并且希望在一所美国医学院接受教育的国际学生,应该在申请美国本科专业之前仔细考虑。