The University of Minnesota offers undergraduate scholarships to international students based on merit and financial need:
Global Excellence Scholarships (merit-based awards)
All international freshmen and transfer students who complete their applications for admission by the priority deadlines are considered for a Global Excellence Scholarship. These scholarships cover either the full difference or half the difference between resident and non-resident tuition rates. For the 2017-18 academic year, the freshmen scholarships are $4,800 (Maroon Award) or $9,600 (Gold Award) per year for up to four years. Transfer students may receive Maroon awards of up to three years when entering the University in the Fall semester (transfer students entering in Spring semester will be considered for scholarship on a funds-available basis). Awards are competitive, based on academic merit—students selected for awards are among the best in their high school class and show a record of very strong academic preparation. There is no separate scholarship application required; students are considered based on an overall assessment of their on-time admission application.
International Student and Scholar Services Scholarships (need-based awards)
Various scholarships are available for new students based on criteria such as financial need, academic merit, and educational goals. Awards currently range from $1,000 to $5,000 per year. Students are required to complete an online application and essay for consideration. Applications for need-based scholarships must be completed no later than March 1, 2017 for 2017-18 awards. To be eligible for consideration for the need-based scholarships, students must also complete their application for admission by the regular deadline (December 15, 2016, for freshman applicants; transfer admission deadlines vary). Recipients of awards are notified via email by April 15 of the year they plan to enter the University. These ISSS Scholarships are for new students only.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Scholarship (UROS)
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Scholarship (UROS) is awarded to high-achieving students with an interest in research. Recipients work on a research project with a faculty mentor and receive a stipend of approximately $1,400.
Financial support and documentation
Students who will be studying at the University on a temporary student visa are required to submit a Financial Certification Statement. Students are issued an I-20 document after they have confirmed their enrollment and demonstrated in their Financial Certification Statement that they have the funds necessary to cover their cost of attendance for the first year of study.
持有临时学生签证、即将在明尼苏达大学学习的学生需要提交存款证明。在学生确定注册,出具存款证明证实有第一学年需要的费用之后,就给学生签发I-20 文件。
After students are admitted, they will be invited to submit a Financial Certification Statement and a copy of their passport. The Financial Certification Statement may be submitted online, or a paper copy of the form is available. (Residents of Manitoba, Canada should submit the online form or a Manitoba-specific paper form.) A copy of the passport can be submitted online.
A visa is required for international students to enter the United States. Most international students enter the U.S. on an F-1 student visa, which is a nonimmigrant visa that is granted to applicants who want to enroll full-time at a U.S. college or university.
国际学生需要签证才能入境美国。大部分国际学生持有F-1学生签证入境美国。 F-1签证属于非移民签证,向申请美国全日制=学院或大学的学生发放。
International students are responsible for all educational and personal expenses for the duration of their F-1 status at the University of Minnesota. In order to issue an I-20, which is needed to obtain an F-1 student visa, the University of Minnesota is required by the United States government to maintain records that demonstrate that students have the funds necessary to cover their cost of attendance for the first year of study. Students demonstrate that they have sufficient funds by submitting a Financial Certification Statement. Students who anticipate not being able to meet the cost of their education and living expenses are advised to request a postponement of enrollment until they have secured adequate funding.
在明尼苏达大学学习的国际学生需要为支付F-1 签证有效期内的所有教育和个人开销费用。