If you are interested in changing your subject, you must submit an Application for Change of Enrollment to the Registrar's Office.
Acceptable Reasons for Change of Enrollment:
Subject change
Degree program change
Change of subject combination
Addition of a second or third course of study
Removal of a course of study or subject
You must have submitted an application within the application deadline if you are changing restricted courses of study or subjects.
Particulars of Master Courses of Study
Please note that in order to enroll or transfer into a Master course of study you must have submitted a request for the open admission Master courses of study or an application for restricted admission Master courses of study by July 15 for the winter semester and January 15 for the summer semester.
1.When do I need to submit an application for a change of enrollment?
During the re-enrollment period
Exception 1: Necessary Subject Change Due to Loss of Your Right to Examination
If you want to change your subject, because you lost your right to examination, you are allowed to change after the start of the lecture period. You have until the last day of the month, in which the current lecture period started. October 31st is the latest possible deadline for the winter semester, and April 30th for the summer semester .
Note: If you want to start a new subject through this method, you need to get a certificate of good standing. This confirms from the subject side of the matter, there are no objections to you starting a new subject and that you have a right to examination in your new subject. You can get a certificate of good standing (Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung) from the examination board of the subject, into which you are switching. There is no official form for the certificate. You can work with the Registrar's office to create one for your individual case. Additionally, the Registrar's Office is responsible for signing the certificate.
Exception 2: Change from a Bachelor to a Master Course of Study
If you cannot prove within the re-enrollment period that you have successfully finished your Bachelor course of study, you can do so later on. For the summer semester, the latest possible deadline would be April 30, and Oktober 31, for the winter semester. That means you must have completed your Bachelor's in the previous semester, in order to enroll for a Master course of study in the following semester.
2.Can I receive credit in my new subject for the exams I took in my old subject?
Yes. Exams you have completed that are equally applicable for both the old and new subject are recognized when you change your subject.
Note: That does not mean that exams you did not pass in the old subject will be carried over as failed exams in the new subject. This is intended to prevent you from putting off an exam more than three times, and as a result, first realizing after you have switched subjects, that you have already lost your right to examination in the new subject.
3.When I change subjects, do I start my new studies in the first course semester?
No. If you have completed exams in your old subject, which can be applied to your new subject, you can enroll in a higher course semester, right as you change subjects. However, there is also the requirement that on application the respective examination board places you in a higher course semester. This typically occurs when you present your certificate of good standing. Please ask your departmental advisor to inform you of the exact process.
4.There is restricted admission for the higher course semesters of my new subject. What do I do?
You have to apply for a university placement in a higher course semester through the Registrar's Office. The application deadline for the summer semester is March 15th, and September 15th, for the winter semester. Whether or not you receive the placement in a higher course semester depends on whether there are free spots available in that course of study's respective course semester. This means that someone from your targeted course semester has to disenroll, thus freeing up a spot for you.
Note: It would behoove of you to simulatenously apply for a spot in the first semester. If there is no open spot in the semester you are aiming for, you still have the chance to enter your desired course of study in the first semester. After you are enrolled as a first semester student, you can be bumped up to your desired semester if there are enough spaces available in the higher core semesters after the allocation process has taken place. Typically students will not be bumped up until the following semester due to limited capacities.
A change in your course of study should occur as early on as possible. However it should not be executed without reflection of current feelings of frustration or panic. You should absolutely clarify the following before changing your course of study:
From the school desk to the lecture hall: Are you dissatisfied because of the subject or because your new learning environment?
Difficulties in studies do not always result directly from the chosen course of study. First year students should particularly ask themselves if the difficulties that have arisen are primarily due to their start and adaption issues with the university learning environment. These are adjustment difficulties, that are conditional on the switch from school to university, such as problems with time and self managements, missing learning strategies when dealing with high amounts of material and content, and academic demands, personal difficulties with the new life situation, and more.
Ask the professionals: Departmental Advising and the Student Advice Centre
If you are doubting your aptitude for the chosen course of study and additionally have the feeling that you do not measure up to the performance demands in the chosen subject, you should not carry these uncertain feelings around with you. Check if your uncertainty rather than your own relief as soon as possible. Talk for example, with the departmental advisors from the respective course of study or contact the Student Advice Centre.
Failing the First Exam: Seek Advising Rather Than Changing Your Subject
As a first year student you should consider the following: Do not evaluate it as a personal weakness, if you do not pass the first exam in your course of study. Such an interpretation is premature and requires more careful review.
University or University of Applied Sciences?
A series of courses of study, above all in the technical field, can also be studied at a university of applied sciences. If, despite the arisen and grave difficulties, you are interested in the chosen course of study and the related career fields, you may want to consider transferring to a university of applied sciences. You should first speak with someone in the Student Advice Centre. Furthermore, you should visit lectures at the university of applied sciences and contact the departmental advising there. The examination board of the course of study in question at the university of applied sciences is responsible for recognizing any of your academic performance as valid for studies at a university of applied sciences.
A Question Motivation?
A question of motivation for the course of study in a central point students should very much consider, if they are having doubts. Why did you pick this course of study? What induced you to do so? How interested are you in the content and topics of subject? How strong is your desire to attain the originally planned career goal? The enthusiasm and interest for the subject as well as identification with the career goal are the most important driving factors, for accepting the difficulty of studies and overcoming the difficulties.
Consequences for Changing Your Subject
If you receive Bafög, you should definitely seek advising early on from the Bafög office before changing your course of study. You must have changed your course of study by the end of the third core semester. If you change your course of study later, the funding will be discontinued. You should avoid changing your course of study as an temporary solution or without detailed reflection.
Job Market
An early change in your course of study is understandable for many employers and personnel managers, since an incorrect decision is recognized and quickly fixed in theses cases.
Employers and personnel managers negatively regard
multiple changes to your course of study
a change in your course of study during your main studies or right before the end of your studies.