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学校名称: 日本同志社大学 同志社大学


学费:535800 人民币




  1.School of Theology


  Since its foundation in 1875 the School of Theology has established itself as a pioneer in the field of Christian theology in Japan where the number of institutions that offer opportunities to study religions academically is limited. A thorough study of religions leads to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of human beings and their society, culture, and history.


  Since 2003 the School of Theology has been vigorously promoting interdisciplinary studies of the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Followers in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam together make up 55 percent of the total population in the world. In order to understand the current situation of the world, it is essential to gain a clear knowledge of these Abrahamic religions. The School of Theology aims to play a role as "mediator" in achieving peace and mutual understanding between the world's regions and civilizations.


  At the School of Theology the number of compulsory courses is reduced to a minimum so that the students can freely assemble their own curriculum depending on their concerns. The students can also improve their linguistic ability needed to study the three Abrahamic religions such as Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic.

  The School of Theology has fostered numerous "specialists in Christianity," including ministers, teachers, social workers and counselors working at hospitals and welfare facilities.



  Doshisha School of Theology is one of the largest theological institutions in the world and is widely recognized for its high standard of education. The department offers an innovative educational program where students can learn in depth about three monotheistic religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. It also gives students access to the latest IT technologies, preparing them to become active players in a global society.


  2.Faculty of Letters


  Society is ever-changing, but human nature isn’t. With the reasonable understanding of human nature, one can live confidently even if society changes unexpectedly. The Faculty of Letters appreciate language, literature, philosophy, history, art, and culture in order to explore the essence of human activities in variable situations.


  The Faculty of Letters consists of five departments: English, Philosophy, Aesthetics and Art Theory, Cultural History, and Japanese Literature. All the departments share the one educational purpose: to encourage students to seek the meaning and values of humanities by themselves. Each of the five departments, with its own well-established academic discipline, seeks the answers both in theory and practice to one common fundamental question—“What does it mean to be human now?”


  The philosophy of Joseph Hardy Neesima, who said that every single person should be equally respected, is still alive in interactive classes at the Faculty of Letters. Small-sized seminars, which usually consist of ten to twenty students, generously offer opportunites to exchange ideas and opinions actively and promote mutual understandings among students and teachers.


  In addition to their major courses, students can attend classes of different departments by registering in the Minor Degree Program. The program is available to all the students of the Faculty of Letters who hope to expand their academic interests by opening the door to a new intellectual field that is to be cultivated by their own fresh discoveries.


  Department of English

  With a proud tradition dating back to the foundation of Doshisha English Academy in 1875, this department aims to produce highly professional graduates with excellent English skills and high academic expertise.



  Department of Philosophy

  This department encourages students to think profoundly about fundamental and essential facets of human beings, such as the human spirit and mind, and also to help them acquire ‘wisdom’ that can be applied in real-world settings.



  Department of Aesthetics and Art Theory

  This is one of the few departments in the nation which provides students with an integrated study of aesthetics, art theory and art history. The purpose of the department is to explore the underlying nature and principles of beauty and art.



  Department of Cultural History

  This department introduces students to the history of diversity and richness of the human spirit that can be seen through the medium of culture. The department consists of two courses: Japanese Cultural History and Western Cultural History. Both courses offer a highly intensive learning environment in small-sized classes, which will help students achieve a high level of academic performance.



  Department of Japanese Literature

  This department aims to develop students’ international awareness and perspective through the study of Japanese literature and language. To achieve this, the department employs an orthodox empirical method of study, in which information is read through languages written in ancient through contemporary times, while using electronics technology.



  3.Faculty of Social Studies


  Social Studies is concerned with how our everyday life is affected by our environment and the ties we create with it. The Faculty of Social Studies encourages students to pursue issues related to contemporary society and to foster an understanding of the processes that shape social networks, communities and institutions in an increasingly globalized world. Social Studies cover the whole range of human behaviour ranging from regional conflicts, labour alienation and unemployment to changing notions of the family, the aging society and the welfare state. The Faculty is broad-based and offers majors in five areas: Sociology, Social Welfare, Media, Journalism and Communications, Industrial Relations, Education and Culture. A course in Social Studies will enable students to use a broad range of analytical tools and to think critically about contemporary social problems in a stimulating setting. We place emphasis on instruction in small groups and personal guidance by both Faculty members and student tutors. Both theoretical training and practical experience are creatively combined to create a holistic learning experience. Whether in fieldwork, social surveys or quantitative analysis, our graduates will acquire the skills to conduct successful inquiries into the nature of society from a humanistic point of view.


  Department of Sociology

  In this department, students learn diverse perspectives on human relationships through substantial fieldwork, which will empower them to ‘make changes’. The ultimate purpose of this department is to nurture individuals who can offer innovative solutions to the challenging issues facing today’s society.



  Department of Social Welfare

  This long-established department was among the first in Japan to start social welfare education. Taking advantage of diversified education provided by a comprehensive university, the department aims to create all-round professionals in the field of social welfare.



  Department of Media, Journalism and Communications

  This department allows students to study the current status of various media industries, including newspapers, broadcasting, publishing and the Internet, and to examine the challenges facing them. The department also teaches students to understand the social roles of the various types of media, as well as how to read information effectively.



  Department of Industrial Relations

  The role of this department is to encourage students to consider ‘a social structure where people are satisfied with their work’. Students will have many opportunities to engage in hands-on learning experiences with people from the business world as well as government. Class sizes are small to allow for personalized instruction when required.



  Department of Education and Culture

  This department aims to produce world-class education specialists. To facilitate this, the department has built up a new curriculum based on Doshisha’s ‘internationalism’, with the consideration that language education is a vital tool for the study of education.



  4.Faculty of Law


  The goal of the Faculty of Law is to equip students with the ability to identify problems in various social spheres and provide adequate solutions based on the concept of the “legal mind” essential to solving problems with sound judgment and a sense of fairness. The Faculty’s education provides students with a broad-ranging and highly relevant qualification that will prove invaluable for professional careers in many different fields.


  The Faculty consists of the Department of Law and the Department of Political Science. The main characteristic of the curriculum of the Department of Law is the “step-up system,” in which students take introductory subjects, basic subjects, and advanced subjects, step by step. The advanced subjects cluster offers a choice of four models, enabling students to acquire specialized knowledge according to their individual interests and career options.


  The curriculum of the Department of Political Science is also based on the “step-up system.” Students have a choice of three core-course advanced subject areas: International Relations, Modern Political Science, History and Thought. By choosing one of the three subject areas, students can assimilate advanced specialist knowledge in step with their own personal interests and with their future careers in mind.


  Department of Law

  The Department of Law has developed a new curriculum focused on providing specialized knowledge directly related to students’ future careers, as well as cultivating students’ legal minds. The department also offers substantial practical preparation courses for national examinations.



  Department of Political Science

  In this department, students can choose from among three courses, including international relations, contemporary politics, and history and thoughts, tailored to their interests and future career goals. These courses provide astute insight into today’s tumultuous political situations. A series of guest lecturers from the business world are offered to help students explore career options and paths.



  5.Faculty of Economics


  Department of Economics envisions a learning community dedicated to empowering its students to improving economic competitiveness, advancing social justice, reducing poverty, celebrating creativity and artistic expression. These envisions are realized through the education which is facilitated to acquaint students with the economic aspects of modern society, to familiarize them with techniques for the analysis of contemporary economic problems and to develop in them an ability to exercise judgment in evaluating public policy.


  Strengths in the department include macroeconomics, micro-economics theory, econometrics, environmental economics, public economics, cultural economics, institutional economics, economic history, development economics, game theory, industrial organization, international trade and finance, labor economics. Main body of our research is the application of frontier theoretical and quantitative tools to the analysis of important practical issues.


  The main educational vehicle which improves the logical and analytical ability of student is “Project oriented seminar”. In this subject, students collect materials, analyze data, build theoretical model, and discuss the issues in a small size group. Through the intensive education in a small size class, the interactive learning between the professors and students are stimulated effectively, and students are trained to achieve the purpose of the project. In addition, advanced level of IT skill can be mastered through the sophisticated IT curriculums.


  Department of Economics

  While emphasizing the acquisition of basic academic knowledge, this department aims to prepare individuals to become active and contributing members of a global information society by providing, for example, IT education, a varied range of seminars, unique foreign language programs, and credit transfer systems with other universities.



  6.Faculty of Commerce


  The Faculty of Commerce aims to produce graduates who have acquired: basic knowledge of industrial and economic issues and activities; the ability to analyze issues associated with enterprise and industry; and effective problem solving and decision-making skills. We seek to achieve these aims by providing systematic educational policy on our areas of expertise including commerce, finance, business administration, accounting, and economics. Students are to take foundational classes in basic subjects in their first year and advanced classes in core subjects starting in their second year. In the spring term of their third year, students can select two core-subject clusters from a choice of five, depending on their individual educational goals. From that point forward, they strive to improve their specialist knowledge through the organized study of a broad variety of subjects (including subjects outside their chosen clusters) albeit with emphasis on their chosen clusters. In addition, new subjects with fresh content are introduced from time to time in response to changing trends and expectations. Special features of the faculty are: classes offering firsthand experience on the forefronts of the business scene; an emphasis on the ‘first-year experience’ that stimulates the desire to learn; support for students seeking careers as business professionals.


  Department of Commerce

  The Department of Commerce has employed a flexible curriculum system which allows students to create a personalized program according to their purposes and lifestyles. Both day and night courses are available. The department also offers hands-on learning classes with invited guests from the forefront of international business, including tax accountants and certified public accountants.



  7.Faculty of Policy Studies


  The Faculty of Policy Studies seeks to foster resourceful and ambitious students who are capable of resolving local as well as global issues. Such talents with diverse perspectives are in high demand throughout all domains of our society.


  Inter-Disciplinary Studies in Social Science and Problem-Solving Exercises

  Our program provides theoretical backbone and analytical practice through a wide range of lectures and classes, which consolidate economics, law, organizational theory, and politics and public administration. The students are expected to broaden their perspectives starting from introductory courses to further specialized subjects. Our small-scale classes, starting in the first year, provide opportunity to practice debates and problem-solving exercises, thereby focusing on some social issues.



  To Be an Intelligent Decision-Maker in Private and Public Sectors

  It is the skills they can develop throughout our program – providing solutions to problems with balanced points of view – that help students play a leading role in such areas as business, journalism, NPO/NGOs, politics and public administration. The Faculty of Policy Studies will be the perfect choice for those who are willing to expand their fields of interests, acquire practical skills in analyzing social issues, and contribute to solving various problems in our society.



  Department of Policy Studies

  This newly created department has a specific and direct focus on the learning of policy. The curriculum is designed to systematically provide necessary knowledge and skills regarding public policy, with actual policy making at the core. From the first year on, students are intensively trained in small-sized classes to acquire problem-solving abilities.



  8.Faculty of Culture and Information Science


  The Faculty of Culture and Information Science, which was set up in 2005, attracts about 280 undergraduate students from all over the world every year. The Faculty aims at fostering the academic growth of specialists who can comprehend and analyze culture as a content using the methodology of data science. In addition to providing lectures on topics from different academic fields such as culture, linguistics, and human behaviors, we also provide opportunities for our students to acquire knowledge and skills in data science such as mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Once they acquire these skills and develop an interest in the various aspects of culture, our students can participate in the “Joint Research” program in their third academic year and practice their research methods and skills before moving on to the graduation researches that they will have to conduct in their final academic year. We are proud of generating highly skilled young scholars with a wide knowledge of var ious cultures, who will lead the global advancement of different spheres such as academics, media, business, and the IT industry in the years to come.


  Department of Culture and Information Science

  This is a new department which combines the humanities and science, and approaches many kinds of cultural phenomena using the ‘data science’ method. Students learn ways of mathematically analyzing and clarifying culture, language and information. The purpose of this department is to help equip students with the ability to interpret the meanings of culture, as well as a sense of logic.




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