Welfare Programs
Campus Stores/Cafeterias
Consumer cooperatives and other on campus stores provide books, stationery supplies, photography, hairdressing, daily necessities and other products and servers at reasonable prices. Bank ATM corners are also available at all campuses.
Each campus has a student cafeteria, as well as snack bars and tea shops. The menu varies for each campus but the price per meal is approximately 220-500 yen.
Health Clinics
Each campus has its own health clinic which carries out periodic health exams once per year. The clinics also regularly carry out health consultations and guidance, as well as illness prevention, early detection and treatment activities.
Student Counseling Office
There is a student counseling office at each campus which is available to help students with worries and problems about school, the future, interpersonal relationships and daily life. All visits are handled by specialist psychological counselors and psychiatrists. Confidentiality is, of course, strictly maintained.
Harassment Counseling Office
A harassment counseling office is available at the Ichigaya campus to ensure that all students can enjoy a comfortable university life and environment free of harassment. Specialist advisors are provided for consultation on harassment. Students should feel free to go for consultation whenever necessary. All possible precautions are taken to protect privacy.
Ichigaya 校区有烦恼咨询办公室,用以确保所有学生拥有舒适的大学生活,拥有免除烦恼的环境。专业顾问提供烦恼相关咨询。必要的时候,学生可以随时前去咨询。办公室采取一切措施保护隐私。
International Student Study Support System
The following programs are available at Hosei University to ensure that international students do not face any problems with study at the university.
International Student Advisor (For Undergraduates)
The university offers an international student advisor program to provide international students with advice and assistance for their studies and daily life. Professors from each undergraduate faculty serve as international student advisors whom international students should feel free to consult with.
Instruction by Tutors for International Students
A tutor system is provided to promote and assist with international student studies and reform of research environments. This system is carried for students who staff or international student advisors determine to be in need of a tutor, and the tutors can aid with graduation and master's thesis instruction.
When a large-scale earthquake is expected to occur
When a large-scale earthquake is expected to occur in the Tokai region, the Prediction Council for the Area under Intensified Measures against Earthquake Disaster, over which the Meteorological Agency holds jurisdiction, is convened, and an official warning of an impending earthquake is issued according to the situation.
When a large-scale earthquake is predicted to occur, Hosei University takes the following measures as soon as the said Prediction Council is convened (excluding regular meetings during ordinary times).
As soon as the university confirms via television, radio and other means that the Prediction Council for the Area under Intensified Measures against Earthquake Disaster is convened, all lectures at the university will be cancelled.
These measures are taken with the aim of reducing damage as much as possible when an earthquake occurs. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.