


【 liuxuequn.com - 奖学金 】

  曼彻斯特商学院(Manchester Business School)是英国一所著名的高等学院。学院在供应链管理方面也有着卓越的水平,本科和硕士的相关课程都得到英国皇家采购与供应学会(CIPS)的认证。除了提供优质的教育,学院在本科和研究生阶段也提供各种奖学金。具体都有哪些呢?和留学群来看看吧。

  Undergraduate Scholarships


  social responsibility scholarships

  We offer a range of social responsibility scholarships to new undergraduate students. Social responsibility describes the way we are making a difference to the social and environmental wellbeing of our communities. It is one of our three core strategic goals, alongside world-class research and an outstanding learning and student experience.



  Applying for a scholarship

  To be eligible for a social responsibility scholarship you must achieve AAA at A-level (or equivalent) and be able to demonstrate a significant contribution and commitment to social responsibility.

  We aim to award five undergraduate scholarships to UK students and one international (non-EU) scholarship in September 2017. The scholarships are worth £2,000 per annum across three years of study.

  Successful applicants will be identified via both academic performance and a written application (maximum one A4 page).

  Your written application should outline your previous involvement in, for example, community-based projects, volunteering opportunities and/or fundraising activities and how you hope to continue this at Alliance MBS. For example, previous scholars have volunteered a reading and maths mentors for school pupils, organised an auction for the Christian Aid Appeal and spent time as a Child Line counsellor.

  The deadline for applications is 31st August 2017 however you are free to apply as soon as you have received your final results. Applications should be made via email to [email protected].


  申请社会责任奖学金,A-level 成绩必须达到AAA或同等水平,并且能够证明做出过重大贡献和,忠实于履行社会责任。


  成功的申请人将通过学术优秀和书面申请来鉴定。书面申请不超过一页 A4 纸。



  There are a number of funding options for Masters courses and these will vary depending on whether you’re a student from the UK, EU or an international student from outside the EU.


  Postgraduate loan

  The UK Government has confirmed that Postgraduate Loans will be offered to students starting a masters course in the 2017/18 academic year. If you are eligible, non means-tested loans of up to £10,280 will be available for use towards course and living costs.


  英国政府已经同意为入学2017/18学年硕士课程的学生提供研究生贷款。研究生贷款属于免息贷款,如果符合资格,将可以贷款10,280 英镑。贷款用于支持课程费和生活费。

  Postgraduate loans (PGL) for taught and research master’s students

  If you’re coming to Manchester this year to begin postgraduate study, you could qualify for a loan from the UK government.

  The maximum loan available for 2017/18 has still to be confirmed by the government, but in 2016/17 the figure was £10,000.

  This postgraduate student loan is paid directly to you, and is non-means tested.



  2017/18 学年最大贷款数额有待确认,2016/17 学年最大贷款数额为10,000英镑。


  UK postgraduate students

  The loan is available to UK students who have been ordinarily resident in the UK for the three years prior to the first day of the first academic year of the course.

  Students must most recently have been resident in England.

  UK applicants from Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man who move to England solely for the purpose of attending the course will not be eligible.

  For UK students resident in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, we are aware that the devolved funding authorities are planning to provide their own postgraduate loan package for taught and research master’s students.

  EU postgraduate students

  The loan is available to non-UK EU students who have been ordinarily resident in the EEA/Switzerland for the past three years but do not meet the requirements to be assessed as English-domiciled students.

  Students must be attending a course in England or undertake a distance-learning course from a higher-education provider in England or attend a campus in England that is part of a higher-education provider in the UK.

  The loan may also be available to students who have residency status of refugee, humanitarian protection, EEA migrant worker, child of a Swiss national or child of a Turkish worker, aged 18 or over and have lived in the UK for at least 20 years or at least half their life.

  Additional criteria

  Students must be aged under 60 on the first day of the first academic year of the course.

  Applicants will not be eligible if they have outstanding arrears on any Higher Education / Further Education Loan balance.














  Course eligibility

  Eligible courses at Manchester include LLM, MA, MEd, MBA, MEnt, MPhil, MRes, MSc, MSc by research, MusM.

  Intercalating medical students taking a master’s course are eligible to apply. Medical students should note that if they plan to intercalate and take a master’s course between Years 2 and 3, they will not be eligible for UG tuition fee loans when they return to Year 3 of their medical degree. However, there will be no interruption to funding if they intercalate between Years 3 and 4.

  Ineligible courses include:

  postgraduate certificates/diplomas (eg PGCert, PGDip, PGCE);

  Integrated undergraduate master’s (eg MChem, MMath);

  Master of Architecture (MArch);

  doctoral degrees (eg PhD);

  those already funded via an NHS bursary, or a Social Work Bursary.







  Courses can be studied:

  full-time for one or two academic years.

  part-time and last for two to four academic years (up to twice as long as the equivalent full-time course).

  part-time for three years if it does not have a full-time equivalent.

  via distance learning.





  The UK repayment threshold will be £21,000 in tax year 2019/20. Repayment amounts will be 6% of income above the relevant threshold. Students also repaying undergraduate student loans will repay both concurrently (total of 15% deduction from salary).

  Interest will accrue at a rate of RPI +3%.

  Repayments for PGL balances will start from 6 April following the academic year that the course is completed.


  英国政府贷款的还款门槛为21,000 英镑(2019/20税务年度)。还款数额为高出相关门槛的部分的薪资乘以 6%。偿还本科生贷款的学生需要同时偿还研究生贷款,偿还总额为薪资减去薪资的15%。



Annual income before tax (£)21,00025,00030,00035,00040,000
Monthly income (£)1,7502,0832,5002,9163,333
Monthly income above the threshold (£)03337501,1661,583
Undergraduate loan repayment (£)03068105142
Postgraduate loan repayment (£)020457095
Total loan repayment (£)050133175237


税前年收入 (英镑)21,00025,00030,00035,00040,000
月收入 (英镑)1,7502,0832,5002,9163,333
研究生贷款还款 (英镑)020457095
还款总额 (英镑)050133175237

  Based on repayment thresholds and percentages for students who started an undergraduate degree on or after the first September 2012 (9% of income above £21,000 for undergraduate loans).

  上表数据基于还款门槛和在2012年9月及以上入学本科学位的学生比例。本科生贷款还款数额为收入减去21,000 英镑乘以9%。

  How to apply

  Applications are expected to open in June 2017. You can apply online on the UK government’s website. We encourage you to apply as early as possible so that you receive your loan for the start of your course.

  Please be aware that as part of the application process, you’ll be asked to submit information about your intended course of study and university. If you’re unable to see your chosen course at Manchester when applying online, please contact [email protected] or call the funding team on 0161 275 5000 to discuss whether your course is eligible for a loan.




  Manchester Master’s Bursary

  The University of Manchester is offering 100 bursaries for master’s students, each worth £3,000 in funding, to UK and EU students who will be starting taught or research master’s courses in September 2017.

  The bursaries are aimed at widening access to master’s courses by removing barriers to postgraduate education for students from underrepresented groups, so you will need to meet a number of criteria to be eligible for the award. Please note that we expect there to be more eligible applications than places, so meeting the criteria is no guarantee of an award.


  曼彻斯特大学为硕士生提供100项奖学金,每项金额为3,000 英镑,提供给在2017年9月开始学习授课型或研究型硕士课程的英国学生和欧盟成员国学生。



  The deadline is Wednesday, 31 May 2017. You can apply for the Manchester Master’s Bursary before you have an offer to study provided you have applied for a place on a master’s course at The University of Manchester. However, please note, if you do not have an offer by 31 May 2017 your application will not be considered.




  You must meet all of the criteria below:

  Eligible courses include LLM, MA, MEd, MBA, MEnt, MPhil, MRes, MSc, MSc by Research, MusM.

  Courses can be studied full-time for one or two academic years or part-time for a maximum of two academic years.

  You must be a home student paying home level tuition fees, and have been resident in the UK for at least three years prior to starting their undergraduate course for a purpose other than study.

  You must not hold a master’s qualification or higher.

  You must have commenced your undergraduate course since September 2012.

  Intercalating medical students taking a master’s course are eligible to apply. Medical students should note that if they plan to intercalate and take a master’s course between Years 2 and 3, they will not be eligible for UG loans in Year 3. However, there will be no interruption to funding if they intercalate between Years 3 and 4, and they will be eligible for the postgraduate loan.

  Ineligible courses include:

  postgraduate certificates/diplomas (eg PGCert, PGDip, PGCE);

  Integrated undergraduate master’s (eg MChem, MMath);

  Master of Architecture (MArch);

  doctoral degrees (eg PhD).

  In addition:

  If you are studying a distance learning course, you are not eligible.

  If you are applying for deferred entry, you are not eligible.

  You must not be receiving funding for your course from an employer, public funding body or be covered by an undergraduate loan (eg NHS, PGCE, integrated master’s).

  You would not normally be in receipt of any other University of Manchester funding at postgraduate level, with the exception of a loyalty scholarship/bursary.
















  Widening participation criteria

  You must meet at least one of the criteria below to be considered for the bursary:

  You have been in public care for a minimum of three months since the age of 11.

  You are from a low-income background evidenced by receipt of maintenance grant during undergraduate studies. Consideration will be given to the number of years that a maintenance grant was received and the amount awarded.

  You come from one of the most deprived areas of the UK as indicated by ACORN and LPN data. This is based on home postcode before attending university.

  You are/were in receipt of a Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) as part of their undergraduate studies or is receiving/received support from their undergraduate university’s disability office.

  While not part of the bursary criteria, we encourage application from BAME students.

  If you have faced challenging personal circumstances during your undergraduate studies or prior to entry, we encourage you to include this information in the relevant section of the application form.









  How to apply

  All applications should be submitted using the online application form by the deadline of Wednesday, 31 May.

  Depending on which criteria you meet, you may be asked to submit additional documents as supporting evidence. These must be submitted by Monday, 5 June, and could include:

  if you have been in Local Authority care for at least 13 weeks, a letter from the Local Authority confirming this;

  if you received a government maintenance grant during undergraduate study, a Student Finance notification of award letter confirming this;

  if your home postcode on entry to undergraduate study met the relevant geo-demographic indicator, a Student Loan Company letter showing postcode on entry to undergraduate study;

  if you received the Disabled Students’ Allowance, a Student Finance notification of award letter, and/or if you received from your undergraduate university’s disability office a letter confirming what support you received.

  Please note that you cannot save and return to your application once started. If you close or refresh your browser the information you have entered will be lost. We advise that you gather all your supporting evidence before beginning to complete the online application form.









  Additional notes

  This is a competitive bursary scheme, and eligibility does not guarantee an award.

  Awards will be provided in cash, paid in three instalments (December, February and April). Students undertaking a part-time course over two years will receive 50% of the award in the first year and 50% in their second year.

  If the student is also eligible for a School or Faculty award or discount, then the higher value award will be offered. The only exemption to this will be any University loyalty bursary for which a student is eligible, which will be awarded in addition.

  Bursary awards cannot be deferred to a future academic year.

  Students who amend their registration from a master’s level degree to postgraduate diploma or certificate will no longer be eligible for a bursary and the University will discontinue payments.

  Students who discontinue their studies will no longer be eligible for a scholarship and the University will discontinue maintenance payments.









  想了解更多奖学金网的资讯,请访问: 奖学金
