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学校名称: 英国伦敦大学亚非学院



  伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS, University of London)是英国伦敦大学旗下的一个重要学院。学院成立于20世纪初,成立之初名为东方学院。经过100余年发展,亚非学院目前已分出三个学院。各学院均有专业课程和奖学金。下面是留学群为大家整理并翻译伦敦大学亚非学院研究生奖学金介绍,仅供参考。

  Scholarships available on SOAS Research Degree Programmes (MPhil/PhD)

AHRC Research Training Support Grantnot applicablefor current AHRC Studentship award holders at SOAS (Current students only)OPEN
Alphawood ScholarshipsNormally be resident in one of the following countries: Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, Singapore, Thailand or VietnamThe scholarships are open to full-time MPhil/PhD applicants whose research topic focuses on ancient to pre-modern Buddhist and Hindu art and/or architecture of Southeast Asia (New admissions only).

For applicants who are considering applying for an MPhil/PhD degree we strongly recommend taking an MA first to adjust to the UK system and develop a strong research proposal that may form the basis of the MPhil/PhD application the following year. 

The Alphawood Scholarships programme is part of the Southeast Asian Art Academic Programme. The programme aims to make a significant and positive impact on the understanding and preservation of ancient to pre-modern Buddhist and Hindu art and architecture in the Southeast Asia region.
Award for FieldworkAnyfor students currently enrolled in an MPhil/PhD degree programme at SOAS (Current students only). Round 2:  for students leaving for fieldwork from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017 inclusive.Deadline: THURSDAY 13 April 2017,17.00 UK timeCLOSED
Bishwa Bangla ScholarshipWest Bengal IndiaOne PhD scholarship for any eligible full-time MPhil/PhD degree programme (New admissions).CLOSED
Bloomsbury Colleges PhD StudentshipsCheck each individual project

The Bloomsbury Colleges is a consortium of six University of London colleges. Three Mphil/PhD studentships of 3 year's duration (New admissions only) for 2017-18 are available for the following projects:

1. Mediating Public Health messaging during the Ebola Crisis in Sierra Leone - NOW CLOSED

Principal supervisor: Professor Paul Basu (SOAS)Co-supervisor: Professor Melissa Parker (LSHTM)

2. Elephant diplomacy: mitigating human elephant conflict (HEC) - NOW CLOSED

Principal Supervisor: Dr J. Simon Rofe (SOAS)Co-supervisor: Dr Ayona Silva-Fletcher (RVC)

3. Mining, Land and Water Law: Ensuring Sustainable and Equitable Outcomes

Principle Supervisor: Professor Philippe Cullet (SOAS)Co-Supervisor: Professor Karen Hudson Edwards (Bbk)

Brough Sanskrit AwardsAny5 awards of £1000 for SOAS postgraduate research and master's students who use Sanskrit in the work and will use the funds for fieldwork, conference or workshop attendanceCLOSED
CJSR Postgraduate Student BursaryAnyfor full-time or part-time MPhil/PhD in Japanese Religions in the Department of Religions and Philosophies (New admissions only)OPEN
CKS (Centre of Korean Studies) bursariesAnyin Korean Studies (Current students and New admissions)CLOSED
Elisabeth Croll Scholarship for fieldwork in ChinaAnyfor students currently enrolled in an MPhil/PhD degree programme at SOAS planning to undertake fieldwork in China, including mainland China and Taiwan (Current students only)CLOSED
Economics and Social Research Council (ESRC) StudentshipsUK/EU.  Overseas students are also eligible in any clusteras long as they are using Advanced Quantiative Methods.

Research Degree (MPhil/PhD): in Anthropology & Sociology

Research Degree (MPhil/PhD): in International Development (Department of Development Studies)

Research Degree (MPhil/PhD): in Development Economics (Department of Economics)

Research Degree (MPhil/PhD): in Law

Research Degree (MPhil/PhD): in Gender Studies

Research Degree (MPhil/PhD): in Politics and International Studies

Research Degrees (MPhil/PhD): Linguistics

ERC PhD studentship: Edition of a section of the Avestan YasnaAnyFor research degree (MPhil/PhD) Religions and Philosophies at SOAS. This PhD Studentship - Edition of a section of the Avestan Yasna is offered under the ERC-funded project "The Multimedia Yasna" led by Professor Almut HintzeCLOSED
ERC PhD studentship: literature in the Horn of AfricaAnyFor research degree (MPhil/PhD) Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies at SOAS for the project: literature in the Horn of Africa
Felix scholarshipsIndiafor any full-time MPhil/PhD degree programme (New admissions only)CLOSED
Jit Kaur Babak & Chanchal Singh Babak Nottingham Research AwardAnyin Punjabi/Sikh Studies or Punjabi/Urdu Literature, for students currently enrolled in an MPhil/PhD at SOAS (Current students only)OPEN - deadline 31 May 2017
Jordan Travel GrantAnyfor currently enrolled research students in the Department of Religions and Philosophies at SOAS to help with travel expenses (Current students only)CLOSED - deadline 1 March 2017.
Kamran Djam ScholarshipsAnyfor full-time MPhil/PhD (New admissions only) in any of the following subject areas: Persian Language, Persian Literature and Iranian HistoryCLOSED
Mo Ibrahim Foundation - GDAI - PhD ScholarshipsAfricafor full-time Mph/PhD in the field of Governance for Development in Africa for African nationals from an African country (New admissions only)CLOSED - deadline: 30 April 2017
Meiji Jingu Japanese Studies Research ScholarshipsAnyin Japanese studies - Two scholarships are offered annually, either for existing PhD students at SOAS, or newly enrolling full-time MPhil students.  Students may be registered in any department, and be of any nationality, but must be working on some aspect of Japanese Studies (Current students and New admissions)CLOSED
Ouseley Memorial ScholarshipAnycurrently enrolled research students at SOAS whose research requires the use of any Middle Eastern or Asian language (Current students only)CLOSED
Santander Mobility AwardsAnyfor students currently enrolled in an MPhil/PhD degree programme at SOAS. Available for overseas fieldwork (Current students only)CLOSED
Saraswati Dalmia ScholarshipAnyFor full-time or part-time Mphil/PhD which involves undertaking research in the field of Indian art from 1500 up to the present day. Preference will be given to those who undertake research in the field of modern and contemporary Indian art (Current first-year students and New admissions)OPEN (deadline extended)
Sasakawa Postgraduate StudentshipsAnyfor any full-time research programme which focuses on any aspect of Japan (Current students and New admissions)CLOSED
SOAS Research StudentshipsAnyfor any eligible full-time MPhil/PhD degree programme (New admissions)CLOSED
Sochon Foundation ScholarshipAnyin Korean Studies (Current students and New admissions)CLOSED
Tibawi Trust AwardsPalestinianfor Palestinian postgraduate students currently enrolled on a programme at SOAS. Available for fieldwork and conferences (Current students only)OPEN


Alphawood 奖学金一般为以下国家公民:文莱、柬埔寨、东帝汶、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、新加坡、泰国、越南奖学金向全日制研究型硕士和博士申请人开放,要求申请人的研究课题为古代到前现代佛教、印度教艺术或东南亚建筑(只针对新入学的学生)。对于正考虑申请研究型硕士学位或博士学位的学生,我们强烈建议先学习文科硕士,以便适应英国制度,为下一学年的研究型硕士或博士申请写出有力的研究计划 。Alphawood 奖学金是东南亚艺术专业课程的一部分。课程的目的是为了对古代到前现代佛教、印度教和东南亚地区建筑的理解和保存产生深刻而积极的影响。关闭
Bishwa Bangla奖学金西孟加拉邦一个博士奖学金名额,适用于任何符合奖学金要求的全日制研究型硕士或博士学位课程(新入学)关闭
Bloomsbury 学院博士奖学金核对单个项目

Bloomsbury 学院是伦敦大学六个学院的联盟。 2017-18 学年有三个研究型硕士或博士奖学金名额,奖学金期限为三年,适用于以下项目:1. 埃博拉病毒危机期间的公共卫生协调(目前关闭);2. 大象外交:协调人与大象的冲突(目前关闭)。3. 采矿、土地和水法:可持续与平等成果保障

Brough Sanskrit 奖任何国家五个名额;每个名额金额为1000英镑;提供给伦敦大学亚非学院在工作工用到梵文的研究型研究生和硕士生;奖学金用于野外工作、会议或研讨会出席费关闭
CJSR 研究生奖学金任何国家针对宗教与哲学系日本宗教全日制或在职研究型硕士和博士(只针对新入学的学生)开放
韩国研究中心奖学金任何国家适用于学习韩国研究 的学生(在校生和新生)关闭
Elisabeth Croll 中国野外工作奖学金任何国家提供给注册伦敦大学亚非学院研究型硕士或博士学位课程且有意在中国(包括大陆和台湾)从事野外工作的在校生关闭
经济与社会研究委员会奖学金英国和欧盟。  任何集群的海外学生也可以申请,只要他们使用高级定量方法

研究型学位 (研究型硕士或博士):人类学与社会学;

研究型学位(研究型硕士或博士):国际发展(发展研究系);研究型学位 (研究型硕士或博士):发展经济学 (经济系);

研究型学位(研究型硕士或博士):法律;研究型学位 (研究型硕士或博士):性别研究;研究型学位 (研究型硕士或博士):政治学与国际研究;研究型学位 (研究型硕士或博士): 语言学

ERC 博士奖学金任何国家适用于伦敦大学宗教与哲学研究型学位 (研究型硕士或博士) 。 关闭
ERC 博士奖学金:非洲文学任何国家适用于伦敦大学文化、文学和后殖民研究研究型学位 (研究型硕士或博士) :非洲文学关闭
Jit Kaur Babak & Chanchal Singh Babak 诺丁汉研究奖任何国家适用于旁遮普人/锡克教教徒研究,或旁遮普语/乌尔都语文学;提供给注册伦敦大学亚非学院研究型硕士或博士的在校生(只这对在校生)开放- 截止日期2017年5月31日
约旦旅游补助金任何国家针对当前注册的伦敦大学亚非学院宗教与哲学系f学生;用于支持旅行开销(只针对在校生)关闭 - 截止日期2017年3月1日
Kamran Djam 奖学金任何国家适用于以下任意学科领域的全日制研究型硕士或博士(只针对新生):波斯语、波斯文学恶化伊朗历史关闭
Mo Ibrahim 基金会博士奖学金非洲适用于非洲发展治理全日制研究型硕士和博士;提供给非洲国家学生(只针对新生)关闭 - 截止日期 2017
Meiji Jingu 日语研究奖学金任何国家日本研究——每年两个名额,提供给伦敦大学亚非学院在校博士生或新注册全日制研究型硕士的学生。学生可以注册任何院系,可以来自任何国家,但是必须从事日本相关研究(在校生和新生均可)关闭
Ouseley 纪念奖学金任何国家当前注册伦敦大学亚非学院并且研究要求使用中东或亚洲语言的研究型学生(只针对在校生)关闭
Saraswati Dalmia 奖学金任何国家适用于涉及公元1500年至今印度艺术研究的全日制或在职研究型硕士或博士。优先考虑从事现当代印度艺术研究的学生9第一学学生和新生均可)开放(截止日期推迟)
Sasakawa 研究生奖学金任何国家适用于任何主题与日本有关的全日制研究型课程(在校生和新生均可)关闭
伦敦大学亚非学院 研究奖学金任何国家适用于任何符合要求的全日制研究型硕士或博士学位课程(针对新生)关闭
Sochon 基金会奖学金任何国家适用于韩国研究课程(在校生和新生均可)关闭
Tibawi 信托奖巴勒斯坦提供给当前注册伦敦大学课程的巴勒斯坦研究生。涵盖野外工作和会议(只针对在校生)开放







  想了解更多奖学金网的资讯,请访问: 奖学金
