塔斯马尼亚大学(University of Tasmania )创办于1890年,是澳大利亚创办最早的大学之一。学校目前有六个学院,分别是艺术学院、商学院、法学院、教育学院、理工学院、健康科学院。商学院是其主打学院,学院内的不少专业在澳洲都排名前十。除了优质的专业学习,塔斯马尼亚大学在预科、本科和研究生三个阶段均提供国际奖学金,供留学生申请。下面请看留学群为大家全面介绍的塔斯马尼亚大学国际奖学金相关信息。
Tasmanian International Scholarship
The Tasmanian International Scholarship (TIS) provides commencing international students with a 25% reduction in registered tuition fees for the duration of their course (provided satisfactory grades are maintained).
All international students who submit an application to study in a Foundation Studies, undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree at the University of Tasmania will be automatically assessed for the TIS Scholarship by our Admissions Team. If you are successful, this will be outlined in your UTAS Offer.
Applicants are automatically assessed for this scholarship at the time of submitting their International Student Online Application. Applicants can be awarded a TIS for all semester intakes and selection for this scholarship will be based on high achievement in studies at secondary, diploma and degree level courses.
Applicants will be notified in their Offer if they have been successful in being awarded a scholarship provided final results have been submitted. Successful TIS recipients will find inside their Offer details of the Scholarship terms and conditions. Students should read their scholarship offer carefully. Please note that this scholarship is only available to commencing students. International Scholarships will not reassess current students based on their academic progress at UTAS.
Available to all commencing international students who submit an application to study one of the eligible programs offered.
Generally, applicants will require the equivalent of an overall B+ average or higher, depending upon the course and scholarship eligibility requirements (with the exception of the Foundation Studies Program and Health courses as shown below). As qualifications and grading scales can vary significantly from country to country, your eligibility will be assessed by an Admissions Officer.
Faculty of Health Courses
As a limited number of scholarships are available for eligible health programs, selection for these scholarships is very competitive and will be based on exceptional achievement in studies at secondary, diploma and degree level programs.
To be considered for a Faculty of Health TIS, applicants will require the equivalent of a minimum 'A' average (80%) or higher in their previous studies, depending upon the course and scholarship eligibility requirements. Successful applicants must return their acceptance with payment by the date specified on their offer letter to retain the award. Applicants will be notified in their Offer if they have been successful in being awarded a scholarship, provided final results have been submitted. Successful TIS recipients will find inside their Offer details of their Scholarship terms and conditions. Students should read their scholarship offer carefully. Please note that this scholarship is only available to commencing students. International Scholarships will not reassess current students based on their academic progress at UTAS.
Successful applicants must return their acceptance with payment by the date specified on their offer letter to retain the award. Applicants will be notified in their Offer if they have been successful in being awarded a scholarship, provided final results have been submitted. Successful TIS recipients will find inside their Offer details of their Scholarship terms and conditions. Students should read their scholarship offer carefully. Please note that this scholarship is only available to commencing students. International Scholarships will not reassess current students based on their academic progress at UTAS.
为了被健康学院塔斯马尼亚国际奖学金考虑,申请人先前学习的平均成绩至少要达到A(80%),具体分数取决于课程和奖学金资格要求。申请成功的学生必须在录取通知书规定的截止日期之前,返还接受支付函( acceptance with payment ),才能保留奖学金。申请人如果成功获得奖学金,并已提交最终成绩,则将在录取通知书中接到通知。成功获得塔斯马尼亚国际奖学金的学生将可以在录取通知书中看到奖学金条款和条件详情。学生需要仔细阅读奖学金录取函。请注意,塔斯马尼亚大学国际奖学金只提供给新生。国际奖学金不会根据学业进展,对在校生重新进行评估。
申请成功的学生必须在录取通知书规定的截止日期之前,返还接受支付函( acceptance with payment ),才能保留奖学金。申请人如果成功获得奖学金,并已提交最终成绩,则将在录取通知书中接到通知。成功获得塔斯马尼亚国际奖学金的学生将可以在录取通知书中看到奖学金条款和条件详情。学生需要仔细阅读奖学金录取函。请注意,塔斯马尼亚大学国际奖学金只提供给新生。国际奖学金不会根据学业进展,对在校生重新进行评估。
Ongoing Eligibility
To retain this award, recipients are required to maintain satisfactory progress for the duration of the course they have been awarded the scholarship. A minimum of a Pass result in every unit is required to maintain satisfactory academic progress. Examination results are reviewed each semester by the Scholarships Selection Committee to determine ongoing eligibility. Recipients who do not meet ongoing eligibility will be notified by email.
Foundation Studies Program
Ongoing Eligibility
Examination results are at the end of the first semester by the Scholarships Selection Committee to determine ongoing eligibility. Recipients who do not meet ongoing eligibility will be notified by email. Recipients must achieve a minimum overall Distinction level in the first semester of FSP to be eligible to receive the scholarship in their second semester.
TIS recipients will be reassessed for ongoing eligibility into their chosen degree based on their cumulative end of year FSP results. Students that have achieved the required CGPA (culmulative grade point average) will be offered a TIS by the faculty with which they have an Offer of Enrolment and will be notified by email of their eligibility.
Recipients who are not successful in being awarded a TIS for their degree studies, will still be entitled to the FSP to degree 10% discount.
考试成绩在第一学期期末由奖学金筛选委员会审核,以决定是否符合继续获奖资格。未满足继续获奖资格的获奖人,将不会接到邮件通知。获奖人第一学期预科课程总成绩至少要达到优秀( Distinction ),才有资格在第二学期获得奖学金。
As students are assessed automatically for the TIS upon submission of their International Student Online Application, there is no need to apply separately, nor do recipients need to apply for ongoing eligibility.
Provisional TIS
SPM students who have been awarded provisional TIS based on ‘Forecast’ results must provide their ‘Final’ certified SPM results to the Scholarships Office, no later than Census date for the first semester of study (refer University Key Dates) of the FSP program.
Students should read the conditions of their scholarship carefully. Please note that this scholarship is only available to commencing students. Current students will not be reassessed on the basis on their academic progress at UTAS.
Faculty of Health Courses
All students enrolled in health courses must achieve a 'Credit' result in all individual units studied each semester for the duration of their UTAS program to remain eligible to retain the TIS award.
Examination results will be reviewed each semester by the Scholarships Selection Committee to determine ongoing eligibility. Recipients who do not meet ongoing eligibility will be notified by email.
25% reduction in registered tuition fees for the duration of the course.
As students are assessed automatically for the TIS upon submission of their International Student Online Application, there is no need to apply separately, nor do recipients need to apply for ongoing eligibility.
More about TIS
How do I apply for a TIS scholarship?
To be assessed for TIS scholarship eligibility you first need to apply to study at the University of Tasmania. A separate scholarship application is not required for the Foundation Studies Program, bachelor or coursework master degree programs.
When can I apply for the TIS Scholarship?
There is no opening or closing dates for the majority of our programs (with the exception of the Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice and Master of Psychology (Clinical)).
Where do I submit an application so I can get assessed for a TIS scholarship?
Applications must be submitted using the International Student Online Application
Submitting an early application ensures that you will receive early notification of your application eligibility and successful applicants will not experience any unnecessary delays with their Student Visa application.
How can I be sure my application has been submitted?
The Online application system will not allow you to submit your application unless you have filled in all the required fields. Once you have completed your application, a submit button will appear.
Once you click on the submit button you and/or your agent representative will receive a system generated email advising your application has successfully been submitted. Please keep a copy of this email for your records.
Can I submit my application via post?
We recommend that you use the online application system. If you do not have reliable internet access and are unable to apply online, a University of Tasmania representative agent may be able to help you or you can request a hardcopy application form by sending an email stating the reason you are unable to apply online. Applicants must have received approval to use a hard copy form otherwise unsolicited or hard copy applications will not be accepted.
What happens if my application is late?
The online application system will not allow you to work on your application after the closing date or semester commencement (whichever comes first). Incomplete and/or late applications will be assessed for the next scheduled course intake date.
What results do I need to be eligible for a TIS Scholarship?
Eligibility for the TIS Scholarship is dependent upon a number of criteria including course preference and academic merit.
Can work experience be assessed for the TIS Scholarship?
Work experience cannot be assessed for TIS eligibility.
Can I apply for more than one scholarship?
Applicants cannot retain two tuition fee scholarships, the scholarship with the highest value would be the recommended scholarship to accept.
Applicants who are not eligible for the 25% TIS Scholarship will be assessed for eligibility for an alternate 10% Tuition Fee Discount, if applicable. Please refer to International Scholarships for more information on scholarship requirements.
If I am offered a scholarship and a bursary am I entitled to keep both?
Applicants are recommended to review each scholarship and bursary eligibility criteria to confirm award conditions.
I applied for a TIS scholarship in a previous round. Can I re-use my application for the next intake?
Applications can only be used once. If you wish to apply for another semester entry date, you must start a new application.
Is there a limited TIS Scholarship quota?
Some degree programs may have a TIS quota. TIS Scholarships are listed by Faculty and course eligibility on the Scholarships web page.
Will successful and unsuccessful TIS applicants be notified of the outcome?
Your offer will advise you on whether a TIS has been awarded or not. Applicants who are awaiting their final semester results and/or completion evidence will be assessed for TIS eligibility upon provision of their certified final academic documentation.
If my TIS eligibility has been unsuccessful, can I have my application reviewed?
Due to the high volume of applications we receive, TIS eligibility will only be reviewed up until the university census date for the first semester of study.
Semester 1 census date is 23 March and Semester 2 census date is 10 August.
Can I be assessed for TIS eligibility if my diploma results are competency based?
If your TAFE or Diploma program only provides competency based results, your previous highest level studies will be reviewed for TIS eligibility. However your previous qualification must be no lower than Australian Year 11 (or equivalent).
If I defer entry into my degree program can I defer the TIS Scholarship?
Some degree programs may allow you to defer, however if you have been offered a course with a quota limit, deferral of the TIS cannot be guaranteed.
I have been awarded a TIS Scholarship based on my ‘Forecast’ results, why do I have to send in my ‘Final’ transcript?
As you have been issued with an offer based on your ‘Forecast’ results it is important that you or your agent representative sends certified copies of your ‘Final’ results to the Scholarships and Prizes office, no later than census date for your first semester of study.
Students who do not provide ‘Final’ results by census date of their first semester of study will have their TIS Scholarship revoked and full tuition fees will have to be paid for the duration of their degree program.
My master degree results were not very good, but I completed my bachelor degree with a high distinction, am I still eligible to be awarded the TIS Scholarship?
TIS eligibility is assessed on an applicant’s highest level qualification prior to commencing their intended study program (minimum one year duration).
What results do I have to achieve each semester to maintain my TIS?
Students are recommended to refer to their conditions of acceptance in their offer letter to confirm results required to maintain their scholarship. In instances where a student has failed one or more units and is required to repeat any unit(s), he/she may be required to pay the full tuition fee for each semester thereafter.
If I improve my grades after losing my TIS because I did not maintain the required results each semester, or failed units, can I have the TIS reinstated?
If your TIS scholarship is cancelled it cannot be reinstated for any subsequent enrolment in your study program.
What if I change my study program, will my TIS eligibility be reassessed?
TIS scholarship eligibility will be reviewed for all eligible courses. Eligibility will be based upon the cumulative grade point average for the entire study period of your most recent program at the University of Tasmania (no less than one full year of study).
I am a sponsored student, am I still eligible to be awarded a TIS Scholarship?
Sponsored students and those in receipt of a scholarship from their home country or country of residence will be assessed for TIS eligibility, with the exception of sponsored students eligible for AMC tuition fee bursaries or Australian government scholarship recipients.